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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Dima got skunked in the face and mouth in Oct. After my washing her with the soap mix that you used and two professional baths............I still get a whiff of skunk on her today. Good thing at that strength it doesn't bother me.
  2. Although I'm not a proponent of this, after my youngest brother died, all of us (my parents and sibblings) needed a little medical help. Why don't you go visit your doctor. He might be able to give you something to take the edge off. I'm not talking about getting high, stoned or drunk. Just a little help. There will stll be tons of tears, but the feeling of your heart just exploding out of your chest may disappear. Pease don't beat yourself up. It happened very fast. I had my Brindle at the vets that day she died from hemangio. They still waited to see if meds would work and tried a test and waited. Did something else and waited. So, the outcome for Otis probably would not have changed. But wherever he is now, he's probably fretting that you're so upset, when everything is fine where he is now.
  3. It's through a lot of tears that I post, that Miss Echo, aka Twit, owned by Rubytueday (aka Yvonne) has succombed to her osteo, March 1. When Yvonne is up to it, she'll post something in Remebrance. Rest in Peace Twit, your Auntie M misses you. Mary Pat
  4. Poor baby. That looks like it hurts!!! That's why I always carry pepper spray and a walking stick.
  5. Is Care Credit an international card? I used it to pay Diamond's 3000 dental bill. I had the whole year to pay without interest. (They get you after the 1 year though!!)
  6. C'mon Dee, don't scare all your GT Aunts and Uncles here. You tell your momma it's just an old age boo-boo.
  7. Oh he's such a handsome man. Good wishes coming in your direction. Were you ever able to try the BP monitor at home? Did it help? Pearl goes for a BP check in 2 weeks.
  8. My Diamond lost 23 teeth in one sitting. She's got a few left............not much. None of the big grinding teeth, one front tooth, the small side teeth and a couple of little ones way in the back. After the initial dental I soaked her kibble. When she healed I just mixed her dry kibble with very moist canned food (Wysong). She scarfs that up easily. It's actually easier to eat this than the soupy kibble. Has a little substance to it. Her cookies are all soaked to softness. If I found that I didn't have a softened cookie ready, PB sandwich cookies for people (I think it's Keebler) gets soggy within seconds under warm water. She loves them. They do quite well with those nasty teeth pulled.
  9. I'm another one voting for a specialist. Red Bank Vet Hospital is the largest private vet hospital in the States if you are anywhere near eastern NJ. Ohio State U has a plethura of greyhound docs most notably, the oncologist Dr. Couto. There is a terrific dentist in Brick, NJ. Good luck. By the way, I am way in favor of pulling teeth that are bad. Pearl had an abscessed tooth that affected her kidneys that gave her hypertension. All this on top of heart disease. By the way, did you check for hypertension? Pearl was feeling poorly when her BP was soaring.
  10. Oh poor baby!!! When I was a brandy new hound owner I didn't realize at the time that Brindle had her head out the window in the back of my SUV. I thought she had brought it in and I rolled it up. Then I heard all this thrashing in the back of the vehicle. Can you imagine my horror when I saw that I was choking my dear girl?!!! (it took only a fraction of a second.) Luckily, no harm done. Just a petrified mommy and scared dog. But, it never seemed to affect her as she continued to stick her head out the window in the future.
  11. You touched a lot of hearts here on GT. You'll be greatly missed.
  12. My beloved Topaz who I lost 8 yrs ago was half sister to Tom. Her dad was Trouper Zeke, as was Toms. So, he's got family at the Bridge.
  13. Farewell Master, yet not farewell. Where I go ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face, A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  14. You know, the worst thing in the world is for a parent to lose a child. To me.............this is an extremely close second. God speed little one.
  15. Arthritis. My little old lady Onyx limps off and on all the time from arthritis. She's 12.
  16. Good boy Bill. Now stop scaring your momma!
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