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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. May those wonderful memories of your beloved Maggie warm your heart and soul forever.
  2. Happy Birthday, Riddick.
  3. I would schedule an appointment with your vet or a specialist recommended by your vet to have the diagnostic test done to see if LP is what you're dealing with. The symptoms you describe are consistent with what my boy, Keno, demonstrated. Also with summer approaching, dogs with LP are heat intolerant and cannot use their breathing to cool themselves and can overheat and quickly go into respiratory distress. If it is LP and he's healthy otherwise, he may be a candidate for surgery. LP is serious and attacks can be fatal. You can also search for Laryngeal Paralysis and/or LP under Health and Medical to review other threads about it. Let us know what you find out. Sending good thoughts to you and your boy.
  4. The MediMitt Bandage and cover looks perfect. I could so use them right now. Perhaps I missed it, but is there a place to order them on the site?
  5. galgrey

    Rip Lj

    Thank you for loving him and remembering him.
  6. I lost my first greyhound, Frostman, like this at 10. I was just numb with shock and disbelief & just thinking about it brings it all back. I regret not having a necrospy done to find out what happened, but I could even think at the time. I'm so very sorry it has happened to you. :grouphug
  7. None of my greyhounds have ever done it, but my weims, galgos, and mixed breeds have. I had a basset/collie mix that was obsessed with it. Ugh!
  8. galgrey


    I'm so sorry.
  9. Handsome boy! So glad he's adjusting and you've licked the SA thing. Good job! Hope to see lots more pictures.
  10. They really do! So glad they're enjoying each other.
  11. What a beautiful pair of matching hounds!
  12. Jack is a very handsome boy. Love his designer ears!
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