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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Oh no, so sad, so young. I am so sorry.
  2. Mary- pm me- give me an update of what you've done and where you are.
  3. The sweet brood with the 'tude. This picture says it all!
  4. Actuall yes, Beau was getting them on his tummy- from the pred and imuran. I have gotten the pus out and they dry up. ML told me the same thing- keep an eye on and make sure he doesn't get too many.
  5. I spent the day with Polli's sister, Bobbi yesterday. Those 2 girls couldn't have looked or acted more different but oh the sweetness is overpouring. I always feel bittersweet when I take Bobbi into my arms and just hold her. I miss her nutty sister so much. I thank GOD for having her son, Beau- another nut case! He is very much like his mom. Loud and vocal. Playful and very, very sweet. There is not a mean bone in Beau's body.
  6. Teddy and Beau have both had acupunture. Teddy had it for about a year. Results were about after the 4th session. He has some disk issues. Beau has some hip issues and it helped him to after about 4 sessions as well. They both got worse before they got better, but you can't go wrong with it.
  7. As many of you know, 7 months ago, we didn't know if Beau would make it another week, much less months. With the help of our fabulous vet, the unbelievable support of you GTers, and a lot of prayer, we are at 6 months post diagnosis of severe IBD- which in itself almost killed him. IBD is truly a misreable desease, lifelong and kinda like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Beau's sturdy weight of 64 pounds (small male) dropped to 52.4 pounds. he as a walking skelton. He was absorbing nothing. When the going got tough, we got tougher and I for one, would not give up on him. Once we got him diagnosed through a horrendous open abdominal surgery to rule out cancer, (I don't know if i would have do that again) we were able to start him on pred and 3 weeks later imuran. The vet said that as long as he didn't lose anymore weight, that in itself was a small victory. Day in and day out round the clock, every 3 hours we fed him- the pred make him ravenous. He ate and ate and ate and little by little he starting gaining. He was on a whooping 50mg of pred and 50mg of imuran. In March, we started lowering the pred, a very little at a time. He is now being lowered to .5 mg and 25 mg of imuran a day. This was Beau @ 52.4 pounds. He doesn't look as bad in the picture as he did in real life. here he is today. The word "grateful" doesn't come close to expressing what it is I feel. I know it's a lifelong battle- but we are ready and armed to do this, one day at a time.
  8. The summer sun is fading As the year grows old And darker days are drawing near. The winter winds will be much colder Now you're not here. I watch the birds fly south across the autumn sky And one by one they disappear. I wish that I was flying with them Now you're not here. Like the sun through the trees you came to love me Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away. Through autumns golden gown we used to kick our way You always loved this time of year. Those fallen leaves lay undisturbed now Cause you're not here. Cause you're not here. Cause you're not here. Like the sun through the trees you came to love me. Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away. A gentle rain pours softly on my weary eyes. As if to hide a lonely tear. My life will be forever autumn Cause you're not here. Cause you're not here. Cause you're not here.
  9. RobinM

    Oshkosh Tessie

    So young. I am so sorry.
  10. Ahh, the food issues. When Polli was undergoing treatment for her osteo- she wouldn't touch kibble or ANYTHING that she normally enjoyed. What did work was: Nature valley granola bars- peanut butter Ritz crackers with peanut butter pop tarts. Boiled chicken breast shredded. I normally do not give my hounds any people food but all bets were off with a hound that didn't eat. I would give her anything (within reason) so she had some calories in her. Continued prayers for your sweet boy.
  11. Poor Arlie and poor you. Loads and loads of prayers your way.
  12. I'm very confused here me too, are you looking for help?
  13. What a heartbreak. So young, so unfair and I am so very sorry.
  14. Freddygirl's (nancy) Freddy was 3 when she developed a cloudy grey cast over her eyes. She had to go to a opthomologist and I forgot what it's called but it was a simple eye drop 2x a day and all is OK. I would DEFINITELY bring him in so that whatever it is can be treated. Maybe you will find it's nothing! Worth the trip, for sure! Best of luck and please update.
  15. Oh Jeez- I am hoping for a UTI that antibiotics fix up. Remember, with the pred- his kidneys are in overdrive, When Beau was on the higher dosage of pred, he would have to pee at LEAST every 3 hours. That is when we would get up in the middle of the night with an alarm clock and let him out and feed him. He would pee for 3 minuts straight. That is NO exaggeration. I would start making sure he goes out every 2 hours to see if that helps. It's the pred.
  16. I am so sorry for the update of osteo. We have been there, done that. Enjoy the time you do have together. Hugs and prayers.
  17. I rec'd the most heartwarming email from Elsie's old owners. They know what a spit fire she is, they were the ones who told me from the start- she does not know she is (at that time) almost 10, The woman, Jodi- said that she and her husband often compared Elsie to Bob's mother. She is 89- lives in a retirement community- goes dancing every weekend, plays cards 3 times a week and is as witty as the day is long- her words. It is so nice to stay in touch with such caring farm owners as Elsie had. Considering Elsie ran at JCKC for 115 races and then went back to them. All in all, I'd say Ms. Elsie is one lucky girl. She ishappy, upbeat and so appreciative. Brood moms are the best,
  18. I am so sorry. So young. So beautiful. So unfair.
  19. It is totally amazing to give such good news in H&M. WOW~ thank you to everyone who held this sweetie in their thoughts and prayers. I just emailed her old owners, they were so concerned. Cookies for everyone!
  20. It's been 143 days (but who's counting) We have mostly good days but there are times when I am totally shattered. it's a very difficult thing to go through. Her presence is missed emourmously.
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