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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. What a CUTIE! No wonder you are so in love! Welcome from Long Island! There are many people on this board from Boston!
  2. Welcome from LI. Your boys are beautiful. I am so sorry about the osteo. We went through that with our Polli- it does, at best, suck. We are all here for you.
  3. Poor baby. I too would try and find out how he coped and with what at the kennel.
  4. My vets and from the reading I have done, I prefer Deramaxx over Rimydal. BAsed on what I've read about Previcox, I personally would stay away from that.
  5. No vet here, but with slight weight loss and wanting the x-tra treats- I'd let him have them and see where it goes but his symtoms and numbers don't make me think hypothyroid. His numbers/weight could be changing due to his age. See where he stabizes at.
  6. No. It's not low. does he have any symtoms? My Chloe is .02 and shows many signs of hypothyroidism when not on meds. She tends to gain easily too.
  7. I put coats on below 50 if not sunny (Light coats such as fleese) and the heavy coats come out for any weather under 40.
  8. I am so sorry. Run free Lou.
  9. Only you can make this most painful decision. Once their quality of life is gone, it's time. As others have said, tail wagging, eating, etc. It is better to let them go a day early, rather than a day later... Keeping you both in my thoughts....
  10. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  11. We live on the south shore of long island and give for 6 months. Intercetor.
  12. Everytime I have said this I get blasted. I believe it to be true as does my own vet I still use it. I was inquiring to this doctor about Beau because of the IBD, I didn't know if I should or shouldn't. She said NO so we don't. My vets don't think there is anything wrong with using it (this comment was from the specialist at UPENN) and I do for Teddy, Chloe and Elsie.
  13. Oh we have been where you are. I am so sorry, hoping for a speedy, unevernful full recovery.
  14. I have my dogs on it and have since retirement, however this was the email I got from her when I asked if it were OK for Beau (IBD) to be on it She is the Associate Professor of Nutrition,Dept of Clinical Studies-Philadelphia,School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Does Beau have orthopedic issues? Glucosamine has no know preventative effects and only minimal evidence for beneficial effects for treating arthritis in dogs. Also there are major issues about source and processing re whether the patient absorbs it from the gut at all
  15. Sad to say...Our Dear Genie WAS INDEED diagnosed with cancer at the end. Several months before her passing, she had a growth on her nose that could not be contained. She acted and felt fine...but there was this thing that grew beyond what her skin could contain. She also had growths on her right leg. She was 20! We tried our best to do for her what we and the Vet Specialists thought best. In my heart...now that she's gone... given her age...we should have left her alone. In my heart...she was 20...and maybe the surgery cut her life shorter than necessary? We'll never know. I also have to say that the "VET SPECIALISTS" INFLICT GUILT that convinces you into doing more treatment than necessary. When you are at the WEAKEST...they suggest all kinds of tests and treatments. I MEAN... Genie was 20! Genie was acting FINE! Until we tried to help her. God Bless you, sweet baby! We were SO BLESSED TO HAVE YOU! But...for the record... yes, indeed... Cancer was involved with the demise of my precious baby girl, Genie. I don't know what's right. At her age...maybe we should have left her alone....but didn't...on advice of specialists. I don't know. We do at the time, what we believe is in the best interest of our pups. Don't feel guilty over something you chose to do. It WAS the right decision at the time. Hindsight, as you know.... If I had to redo giving Beau the open abdominal exploratory surgery last January, would I? I am not sure I would. RE Polli: I don't THINK I would amputate again. With Polli she fractured it so there was no way of doing pain management. Sorry if I started to hijack the tread.
  16. Greyt news. Glad it wasn't too serious.
  17. Agree with Batmom. I would take her in sooner rather than later... just in case.
  18. I followed your thread from the beginning and I so hoped for a different outcome. I am so sorry.
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