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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Wonderful news, hope things continue to move in a positive direction.
  2. Please make sure you have the orginal lab work too to compare it too. Do not panic. Elevated could be as simple as the thyroid which is very easy to treat. Remember it's just as easy as thinking positive as it is negative and there is nothing to panic at right now. Here's a thought-- call your regualr vet, explain that you HAD TO BRING HER IN AS AN EMERGENCY since you could not be seen for several days, ask HIM/HER to get the current labs on her NOW. Good thoughts your way.
  3. Teddy is 3.5 years old and just over 80 pounds and WILL NOT JUMP. Guess how he gets in and out of the car? we lift him. We are thinking about getting a ramp because we can't allow Polli to jump and Teddy won't so it could come in handy and we might save our backs!
  4. Both Polli and Beau chatter a lot. With Polli, I can hear her teeth chatter. These are the same people who in horror say, OMG they are so skinney at which time I usaully say, well, food is expensive and I have four of them, but don't worry it's his/her turn to eat today. That usually shuts them up!
  5. Souls mom, IF he si mellow and quiet they will be able to get x-rays of the leg without anethesia as we did with Polli. When that comes back clear, you can sit and wait for another week. IF at that time there is no improvement, you should then bring him in for a series of pictures of his shoulder, neck etc that he would need to be under general for. They are not out for long for this and bounce back relatively quickly. We are going through the limp thing with you right now. Get the x-rays done to start ruling things out. Knowing what you are dealing with makes it a bit easier. Although, we STILL don't know why Polli is limping so we are treating it as soft tissue injury. Chloe had a limp for 3 weeks and she is only just 3. She is fine now. Polli is a lot older so I will give it more time before the next step.
  6. I know how you feel. When I brought Polli in for x-rays last Friday, she had been limping for a week, however when I brought her in, she had stopped. We opted to bring her in anyway to have it checked out fully. When we brought her home, she was totally lame in her right leg. I realized that they had to manipulate her in order to get the correct pictures but she WAS walking when I brought her in and was totally crippled when I got her back. NOW, she is JUST starting to walk a bit better. Hoping that Wally is on his way back!
  7. They will do vitals and take blood with us there, but anything else, we are not in the room (which I think is better for the dog )not associating it with US DOING IT TO THEM, but rather be there waiting with open arms, kisses and cookies when they come out and it's not good for me because I get worked up, which is not good for them!
  8. I don't think they can be used together either but days apart might be OK, check first. BUT DERAMAXX and Tramadol CAN be used at the same time.
  9. RobinM

    Jordans Ride

    I just can not believe this, I have been following this thinking for sure, she was going to turn around. I am so sorry.
  10. Truthfully, my vet (who owns greys and does all the medical on 2 local groups) prefers Deramaxx over Rimadyl. It causes less problems. BUT THAT'S LONG TERM. IF it comes to be that Soul needs to be on it for any extended amount of time, you can switch, no problem. Give him the Rimadyl. He'll be fine. Tramadol is for pain only (the other is anti inflamatory). It is a very benign pain killer, no worries. GET BETTER SOUL.
  11. The waiting part stinks but it is a good idea to run a full panel. If she had her dental in May, they did pre-surgical testing before anethesia. Try to get those results faxed to you so that you have something to compare the labs to. Her labs for her pre-op were fine and within range (otherwise you would have been notified) so it's a good baseline to compare. Loving thoughts for Carly. These broodies sure worry the you know what out of us...
  12. It could be anything. Please don't get crazy, I know how hard it is not to, believe me. It could be a soft tissue injury, sprain, disk... so please don't panic. Do you have any deramaxx? Polli has been limping for the better part of 2 weeks but I am keeping the faith. We went through the x-rays, etc. Nothing is showing. Prayers for your baby.
  13. Patti- you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. It's been 2 weeks today that Polli has been limping. Last Friday, after not limping too bad upon awakening, I asked you all if I should keep her appointment for x-rays under anethesia. Everyone said YES--- so I did. Pictures were clear but vet sent them off to Cornell for a written report after they look at them. After all the manipulation in order to take the pictures, Polli was walking worse than ever. They twisted her into a pretzel in order to get the pictures they needed. I emailedDr. Couto who said without examing her, it's hard to diagnose but it could be a prolapsed disk. She would need an MRI/CT or mylogram to determine that. I asked him if it could be a soft tissue injury to which he replied, if it is, it should clear up in 2-4 days. GREAT. Well, today she is dramatically improved. I am shocked. Just like that. Poof. Please keep Ms. Polli girl in your thoughts as I have plans for this lady. We have a lifetime to catch up!
  15. It really does sound like a tooth or teeth, she may just really get into the bone and forget about the discomfort for a moment or two when chewing on it OR she could get some comfort by the chewing. Did you bring her in for a full dental when you 1st got her? Had she had one prior to her arrival? Polli, also 8.5 lost 17 teeth when I got her home. update after appointment. Prayers for Carly.
  16. I'm sorry. They are sweet.
  17. There just are no words. I am so sorry.
  18. No words, I am so sorry.
  19. Unlikely with a large dog. Nugget used to take grapes from our vine - the bunches were high but she used to wait underneath for birds to drop them - and she must have got more than 7 on many occasions. She never showed any ill effects but I'd never deliberately give them to her. You are lucky, I believe the article I read said it was just a few and it killed a 70 pound lab who went into renal failure. Very sad story.
  20. That is EXACTLY what I bought last night!
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