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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  2. No, see link. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/264977-what-the-heck-is-going-on-with-ollie/
  3. This is what we have done. We have stopped the melatonin abouit 4-5 days ago. Tag bag if off. We will make appt for skin scraping. Weird, isn't it?
  4. Answer to some questions- No skin scraping, Vet said not yet. That was almost 2 weeks ago. Cats- yes, the cats did have fleas along with everyone else. I am still combing throught everyone and I have not found anything, including flea dirt in about a week. We've had Ollie for over a year -not so new anymore. this is never how his coat or color have been. It was thinner on the neck before the melatonin but not with gaping holes and the "blond" color is in patches where it was once deep red. I stopped the melatonin about 5 days ago as a start to see how things go. I also added in some sea kelp which was recommended from the GH data forum. When I feed raw, in their "rolls" or chop meat or duck, it is added in bone, organ and veg. Ratios are not provided.
  5. I am going to recap as quickly as possible. As many of you may remember, Ollie started losing hair in little spots throughout his coat. He had a line around his neck where his tag bag lays with hair missing and a medallion sized one with NO hair where his tag bag rests in the center of his lower neck. The collar is not tight on him at all. THe loss of hair started right after he had a few fleas, was treated with advantage and capstar. One week after treatment we treated with pred for 10 days because he was still scratching. We went to see 2 vets. One treated with 10 days of clavomox to make sure it was not an under the skin infection. The 2nd vet (one of the big guns who is pretty much retired and comes in for very brief periods one or 2 days a week) He said just leave it, sometimes he gets worse before better. But unless we do a skin bx, there is no way of really knowing and he was not ready to do a skin bx just yet. We are now almost 2 months since this started. Ollie's coat has some peach fuzz growing in some of the spots BUT his thighs are now bald. Totally.That medallion shaped spot is totally bald. When I take a magnifying glass, there is no hair growth. In addition, now his deep red coat is turning BLOND? WTH is going on? I have noticed Teddy's hair also is getting weird. Common denominator? They both were on pred for 10 days. They both eat raw. They both started melatonin back in the early summer and had AMAZING, truly AMAZING results. I backed off because I did not want them looking like Borzis and I have been giving them the melatonin every other day. Could it be the melatonin? Lack of nutrients? Pred? (it was only 10 days and it was over a month ago) This is insane! This is from tonight.
  6. RobinM


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. I am so sorry. As far as why she seems to be in more pain now, sometimes the vet has to twist them into a pretzle in order to get the pictures they need on x-ray. Hope she is confortable. So sad.
  8. We have never had fleas, but we do this year and this time of year. I don;t get it either. I think (and I say that gingerly) we may be getting it under control!
  9. RobinM

    Elsie's boy

    From the album: RobinM

  10. Nancy (freddygirl) has 2 girls with Pannus. I don't recall her saying anything abouit the meds being $$$. Maybe she will see this and chime in or you can PM her?
  11. We have used it on Beau, Teddy and Elsie. Did it help? Dunno. It didn't hurt and I guess there seemed to be some relief. But, it does take 3-5 times before there is any difference and sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. It's so hard to tell if the acupuncture is helping or the passage of time.
  12. There was much sadness. Hoping that all the sadness is behind you for many, many years to come.
  13. Is this what you were looking for? http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/259341-greyhound-body-language-chart/page__p__4645034__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=4645034
  14. RobinM

    Bindi Bug

    So heartbreaking. I am so very sorry.
  15. Irene, I have been thinking about you and Fuzzy all day. Hoping for a vast turn around over night.
  16. hummm. What Chloe has is head tremors. The ONLY thing that stops it is if we give her a cookie. It's not her blood sugar. She responds too quickly. It's the action of taking and chewing the cookie that ends it. It's weird and definitely neurological. We just keep our eye on things. Hope whatever is going on for your pup is nothing serious.
  17. I am so sorry. 20 years together, how wonderful. I had a sweet siamese named Sasha. I am sure that Sasha was there to greet Rudy and show her the way. God Speed little one.
  18. Tom- I have her pics yo usent me and I look at them often and as I told you on FB, I have been thinking about "our girls" so much lately. We walked side by side and held each other up for so many ups and downs during their diagnosis and recovery period. It just wasn't long enough for either of us. I miss her too. Hugs, Robin
  19. Does it look like this? Chloe has been having head tremors since the age of 2 when we adopted her. She happens to be hypothryroid which may or may not be the common denominator.
  20. How lucky to have each other for so long. God Speed beautiful Angel. I am so sorry.
  21. Keeping you both i nmy thoughts and prayers.
  22. I just got the delivery! It was sent to my office. YAY
  23. Lovey_Hounds, - It's interesting that you used it too. The person from GH data was also from Canada! Maybe it's a Canada thing that is now going to be known in the US!
  24. I posted about Ollie's coat on Greyhound-Data health forum and someone suggest Norwegian Kelp. He felt I would be happy with the results. I bought it online yesterday. While I as on the site, I looked around and there is something for everyone. Has anyone used Norwegian Sea Kelp and if so, for how long and what was the outcome? http://www.doggoneglamorous.com/norwegian_kelp.html
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