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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. He couldn't get comfortable and finally after hobbling from one bed to another and back to the first and starting over again while whimpering, he roached and looked a lot more comfortable. Taking all the pressure off helped, I'm sure. I did notice that there was tremendous swelling on the inside of his right thigh area. My guess is he ripped something and he needs surgery. I hope to GD he dosen't but the fact it looks the way it is and he is whimpering a lot, I think there is something serious going on again. PLEASE PRAY FOR MY BEAU BEAU. I am sick over this again.
  2. Just 2 weeks ago, I brought Beau in to the vet because he was not using his back right leg, at all. This is the same leg that he had major surgery in a year before from being silly and crazy in our backyard. Vet felt no swelling but the tendons were very tight and he screamed. Felt it could be either trauma to a already suscepible leg in which case rest rest rest is in order OR possibly another rip which wouldn't show in any other way other than lameness or exploratory. Her feeling is that since the x-ray in May was clean, we should keep him rested, give him deramaxxfor the next 2 weeks and if nothing changes, we will have to sedate him to have the leg manipulated to see what's up. As she said, he should NOT be going through this every 3 months. He got better over the last 2 weeks and was himself again. It's hard to keep Beau quiet as he is just not that type of puppy. He jumps and goes crazy tearing down the steps when we go downstairs. There is no way to restrain this nutjob. Tonight out of the blue, once again he is tripoding. I went over to the bed where he was lying down and put my hand on the bad leg as if to lightly massage it and it's vibrating. I not sure if it's a spasm or what? I gave him a deramaxx & tramadol and there will be no walks tonight although he is started to stare at me and whine which is the prelude to the nightly dog walks. He is hoping from bed to bed, I think he is having trouble getting comfortable. I will call the vet in the morning. Yeesh, poor Beau. ________________________________________ UPDATE SATURDAY MORNING- I brought Beau in as an emergency visit early this morning instead of waiting for a 10:20 appointment, this way he was NPO. When she felt his leg she noticed that his knee cap was popping in and out??? WHAT THE HECK DID THIS INSANE BOY DO NOW??? Anyway, they will sedate him and do another set of x-rays to see what's up. If necessay e will need ortho surgery...again Monday. Please pray for my Beau...again. I just hope it's as easy as popping it back in and he's back to normal. My poor baby. he was FLIPPING when I left him. Heck, he was flipping when we pulled up at the vet.
  3. Does the vet seem to be overly concerned? I hope it sounds scarier than it is. Hope just a simple antibiotic will clear it all up. Prayers for you all.
  4. You were on my mind all day, actually Rickie was! Gald to hear all went well, YES! I do know that feeling. It will feel like forever until he is home, but he will be sleeping and dreaming of you anyway~ Try to have a nice weekend and we will all keep Rickie in our thoughts and prayers.
  5. RobinM


    Richard- I am so so so soory to hear about your sweet Peek-A-Boo. Your tribute to her was beautiful. I could really imagine what she was like. Run Free Pretty Girl.
  6. Oh Mary- I am so sorry. I will keep you and Rickie boy in my thoughts. I know how much this boy means to you. Please update when you can.
  7. RobinM

    My Buddy....

    I am so sorry.
  8. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  9. I am so sorry. Run Free Butch.
  10. This happens to Polli ALL the time. She is 9.5 and gets glucosomine every night. It does't seem to bother her though!
  11. I so glad he will be ok, they are resilant, he will bounce back soon. I know that in NY if a dog attacks another dog, you can report it but nothing will happen. IF it happens to a human, it's another story. Do you know what the laws are in your area? Hugs to you and Merlin.
  12. Take him. Something that lloks relatively small can be more serious than you think. There is a lot of bacteria in a dog bite. IF NOTHING else, he might need antibiotics. Please update. I am so sorry Kerry. Unreal.
  13. it's the only one we choose to use.
  14. What a beautful kitty, I am so sorry.
  15. I was just about to say, "oh those young boys!" Judy beat me to it!
  16. EmilyAnne- BUT if the glucose IS low and by eating "anything" it stops immediately, it probably is not the glucose. BTW- this particular episiode was about an hour after dinner so I highly doubt it was blood sugar. At least I have it on camera to show the vet now.
  17. Her thyroid was just checked in March. All OK. The thing with the cookie is that 1) it's dried chicken strip (no sugar) and 2) it stopped IMMEDIATELY, no time for it to hit her system. Mybe just the activity of eating or the brain sencing that she was about to eat ???
  18. I was hoping to hear from you Bevd. Yes, I had seen these a few years back but I wanted DH to see it. When Madison was diagnosed by the nuerologist, was it after seeing the episode "live" or by viewing a video? Just curious. Now, at least, I have something to show the vet. She had another one today while laying on the bed with me resting. I decided to give her a cookie. I asked her "do you want a cookie"? She looked up at me, I gave her a small piece and it stopped. Weird.
  19. I had just posted that my Teddy had a growth on the roof of his mouth that was removed when he had his dental. It was benign. From what I have read on GT, they do tend to be nothing but some sort of benign skin tab. Good thoughts your way!
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