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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Bobbi a 9.5 year old brood momma (one of FreddyGirl's girls) has started peeing in the house. Nancy took her urine in to check for a UTI. It came back negative for UTI BUT her billirubin was .6 and her creatinine was 2.4. The vet (A NON GREYHOUND VET) said it was elevated and wantes more testing done. After all the tests get run, Nancy will have everything sent to her grey savvy vet and make some decsions. Are the numbers above out of whack for a greyhound?
  2. Just seeing this as well. Many prayers coming Train's and your way.
  3. No more than 20 mg. I give my 59lb Polli the extra strength and it's 20mg. The usual and customary is 10mg.
  4. She sure was a beauty... and so is your new baby.
  5. Our 4 have hookworms right now too.
  6. You know the 1st dental Polli had was at 8.5. She lost 17 teeth as was stoned out of her mind for HOURS after when I was finally able to bring her home. The next time she had a dental, 9 months later... (her teeth are very bad) I asked them to go a little lighter on the gas and they did and what a difference. Ask Wayne if he would go a bit lighter and she will bouce back quicker. BTW- Polli says 8.5 is YOUNG!!!!! Prayers and good thoughts for pretty Tessa. She will be just fine.
  7. Oh no. I've been following her journey, I am so sorry. Run free pretty girl.
  8. I've been avoiding this board while I had been awaiting my Beau's results from OSU. I just read this. Bev- I am so sorry. You and Wallace are in my thoughts. I am so sorry.
  9. I haven't spoken to my vet yet. I faxed her over this after I got it this afternoon. She was the one that said she did not think it was ca but there was a shadow on the bone and she wanted another set of eyes looking at it. He WILL need surgery eventually again. I need to speak to the ortho (who is at my vet's office) and find out what and when. They don't want to do anything right now BUT I'd rather have a scheduled surgery than an emergency surgery.
  10. Here is the email I JUST this second got. My hands are still shaking from opening up the email. Hi Robin Sorry for the delay. I am not sure if Dr. Vilar contacted you regarding Beau radiographs. He is out of the country and I thought better to be sure and email you. We review Beau's radiographs, with an orthopedic surgeon and one of the Radiologist. Basically, there is no evidence of any lytic or proliferative lesion neither on Beau’s hip or stifle joints of the right leg. Dr Dyce (orthopedic surgeon) also observed a possible increased soft tissue opacity of the right thigh, and right muscle atrophy. He recommended an orthopedic consult. Otherwise no abnormalities were found. Hope this helps Please keep us posted and don’t hesitate in contacting us if you have any question. _______________________________________________________ Thank GOD.
  11. Nope. BUT -- I should probably start a new thread for this... while we are waiting, my gang figured they should keep me busy thinking about something else so they ALL decided to get HOOKWORMS! YAY. Fun. $305.00 worth of meds and here we go... wasn't it Rosanna Rosanna Danna who said... it's always something. We are still waiting on Beau's leg, though.
  12. JUST got email from Dr. C even though he is out. (he IS amazing) and said he will get on it but in the meantime, he emailed 2 other docs so they can get started.
  13. Located the films- Dr. C. is out of office until WED. 7/30. He will see them when he gets back.
  14. There is something going around. My FOUR have had liquid poop for over a week. We are up to fasting now and continuing the 250mg Flagyl 2x a day. As of tonight, some of their poop is a little more formed. We are bringing in a poop sample in the morning of one of theirs. Whatever one has, they all have at this point. Their appetites are decreased as well.
  15. I will call and tell them.. But, Diane told me to call! Thanks for all!
  16. So what should I do? I don't want to seem ungrateful to him however, I don;t want to get lost in the shuffle, GOD forbid it is something serious and time is a factor. Suggestions please?
  17. I think I made the mistake of asking my vet to send the films of Beau to OSU instead of me picking them up and overnighting them myself. I KNOW they went out on Monday, overnight, which means they arrived sometime Tuesday. On FRIDAY, Dr. C still had not reviewed them but said he would look for them. On the off chance he found them and did a report and faxed over to my vet (wishful thinking), I called my vet a couple of minutes ago and was told by the receptionist that "Dr. Longo said that she expects them back in 10 days to 2 weeks". I asked if that was normal for OSU and she said "YES". Is this the norm?
  18. I have not heard a thing. I emailed Dr. C. early Thursday mornning saying that I expect the films arrived on Tuesday and received an email back yesterday from him saying he will look. So... my vet is in today (Sat) but I am sure he is not. This is going to wind up going into next week. Now, I am not sure what to do.
  19. How heartbreakingly young. I am so sorry.
  20. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.
  21. I am adding you and your pup to my prayer list.
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