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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I am just seeing this. I am so sorry to hear about Roo and hope that this will be a simple fix. You will both be in my prayers. Please update as soon as you can. Hugs to you both.
  2. No flamers here. Just concerned for you and Ms. Ember. Just keep her on 2 pills every six for 3 days, then do 1 pill every 4-6 for several days and then 1 pill 1x a day for several days. We did each segment for 4 days each. The weaning is important. She'll be fine and we are all here. You have my #- call if you need or want to.
  3. Many dogs are not "right" after coming home from the kennel even though nothing is really wrong. If he is eating/peeing and pooping OK, (even a little runny would be "normal"), I'd watch him for a day or 3 & see how he is. But at this point, I would not give him anything but love, hug, kisses and scritches! They are very senstive. Let us know how he is.
  4. I think she needs to still be on her pain meds. The more she does, especially now, the more she will feel. I still have Polli on 50 mg of deramaxx and one Tramadol a day. I am still weaning Polli off the meds as opiates are a nasty thing to be on and off but work wonders. Today was the last tramdol and tomorrow will be the last deramaxx but we will be on day 19. Try 50mg of tramadol every 4-6 hours for a day or 3 to see how it goes. FYI- Polli only eats one meal a day- total about 1 - 1 1/4 cup with shredded chicken breast (boiled) to maintain 60 pounds.
  5. sounds like wormys to me too. Been there done that. Not fun but very treatable.
  6. Let me preface this story with Polli prior to the leg amp used to jump on our 32 inch high bed. However, last year when I spoke to "Brad" at the farm where she used to live trying to get some info on the leg and if she had had any injury, he said that Polli NEVER jumped and for that reason, he had her on a bottom cage to accomodate her. HA. She had him. Which brings us to today. Today is the 1st day that DH and I are back to work full time since the amp. There was some major modicfication to the morning but I managed to get to work only 20 minutes late! DH always leaves after me. He put Polli outside for the last pee of the morning and then back in. He needed to put somethings upstairs without carrying her and then was coming back down to bring her up. The others ran up and left her all alone downstairs. DH turns around and who is standing in our bedroom. Yes, you guessed it. The one who doesn't jump and the one who doesn't do stairs anymore!!! I need to also add that Polli walked around the block this morning. We have been building up every day and we take our ques from her, but today she did what we call the short block even though it's a full block. We have so many reasons to celebrate.
  7. Greyt idea! Welcome from NY!
  8. I called the vet this morning and spoke to the tech. He said he was a little concerned but being that "regular" stitches come out @ 2 weeks and we are at 17 days, if the stitches seem to be bothering her we could bring her in tomorrow to have them removed. The whole idea of the desolvable was so we would not have to bring her in until her 2nd chemo on Nov. 3. The vet knows how much the greyhounds stress so they wanted to avoid another visit if possible. I have a tighter shirt on her (not tight, just not baggy) so hopefully this should do the trick and I will make my decision tomorrow after work whether or not to remove the stitches. Tomorrow Dh will be back to work the whole day, 1st time since pre amp.
  9. We are at day 16 post amputation and just yesterday for the 1st time, Polli starting licking the incision. She had had coverage on her for over a week so she couldn't get to it. At first the vet had a compression sweater ( for no bruising) and then I had a tee shirt on her. I put on another tee shirt this evening because she is licking and it is turning pink. It's not inflammed. Just pink from licking. I know it's normal for them to want to lick. How long should I get the shirt on or shouldn't I? She has desolvable stitches.
  10. She really, really is. Us? It's our pleasure taking care of Polli. We are the lucky ones. Thank you though!
  11. Well, we've moved back into the bedroom. We took our 15 inch mattress off it's boxsprings and the frame (which I absolutely adore!) apart, put it safely away and have the mattress on the floor. So we went from the den looking like this.... to the master bedroom looking like this.... Polls still doesn't do the stairs so I am getting a good upper body workout when I carry her up and down the steps 4-5 times a day. Last night she put her foot onthe first step on her own but wasn't ready. Her walking is greyt. Although, walking with a bounce, it is much smoother. We went to the corner and turned around (my idea not hers!) which is about 8 houses. We are taking baby steps but we are getting there. I am very proud of her and I make sure I tell her so about 100 x a day! Also- DH replaced the snap hook from the leash to the collar with a plastic one and she does not get clunked in the head with metal anymore!
  12. love the back leg cross! She is beautiful. Congrats!
  13. Molly and Bobbi have had their dentals, no extractions and nothing but arthritis in Bobbi's leg. just to be sure they are sending out the pictures but are confident all is OK. Thank you for your prayers.
  14. way to go Flashy! That will keep you away from that vet for awhile. I know what you mean about locking knees. My Beau, Polli and Teddy are like that. They absolutely panic into afrenzy. Chloe doesn't like it at all but somehow tolerates it.
  15. As many of you know, Polli's littermate sister (the ladies who missed the hauler a very long time ago) is owned by a very dear friend of mine, Nancy AKA Freddygirl. Bobbi has had a limp for a while. She was x-rayed and there was significant arthritis. She is due for a dental and the limp was getting progressivly worse so today Nancy brought Bobbi & her Molly in for dentals but Bobbi will have x-rays for her leg to make sure it is just arthirtis and not something far worse. Nancy is concerned based on what Bobbi's sister has been through. I wanted to post this for her and ask GTers for their love and prayers sent for pretty Bobbi (& Molly) during their procedures. Here is picture of Polli & Bobbi - the sisters one year ago.
  16. What a beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. RobinM


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  18. It has atremenisinin in it. My vet has been using this on the greyhounds with Osteo during chemo. We started. This is the email I rec'd by my vet. "As we discussed before, the artemisinin is the only neutraceutical that has been evaluated enough to know that it is safe in greyhounds. As far as its efficacy, no one really knows for sure, but many oncologists feel that it helps increase the disease free interval. There is a very wide dose range, although most people use 50 mg daily in large breed dogs. This is the dose that I used in my last greyhound with osteosarcoma. You can find many sources of this product online, but one that seems to be promising is called Artemix, produced by wellcare pharmaceuticals. You can find it at www. hepalin.com. This contains the correct dosage of artemisinin." Hope that helps Tom. Let me know if you need the website. It's not cheap.
  19. We decided against it as well. Polli is now on Artemix nightly.
  20. I think without the patch, the real deal is happening, Polli never had a patch so we kept her quiet and on tramdol every 6 hours whether or not shethought she needed it or not, we gave it to her. Yes, she prob is hurting. Give 2 tramadol every 6 hours for a few more days and be sure to wean her off slowly as it is an opiate and there will be withdrawl of some sort which also be part of what's going on since she is off the patch without having the tramadol on her regularly. Just my thoughts. I have been through opiate addiction myself.
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