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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I am sorry. I know how frustrating and scary this is.
  2. She ate her zukes this morning. She was definitely better but still "something" going on back there. We gave her 100mg of tramadol and will give another 50 mg of deramaxx this evening. Wondering if it's LS and if so, wondering if the shot will help her. Asking Teddy and Beau's acupunturist about her later tonight as well.
  3. Pain meds are a wonderful thing. She hadnt gone out to pee since 3:30 so at 10:15, we said, let's go pee pee and she got up by herself and went down the stairs by herself (with us close behind) went out and pee'd. Came in and ate like she hadn't eaten since last night which she hadn't! She put away her usual 1.5 cups of evo/ a large grilled chicken breast, 1 milkbone, 1 nutro biscuit and 2 zukes. Now, she is resting. Now, Mommy has to tend to Beau since he is about ready to eat... and so it goes... Thank you for the prayers. GTer prayers are the very best prayers there are.
  4. Believe it or not, I have become superstitious. I am so afraid when things are going well; Polli is a nut case, Beau is eating like a pig and gaining, that if I say something... I will give it a kinnahora- yiddish word for jinxing it. Scary that that is what has happened to me!!!
  5. We are true believers in acupunture. Both Teddy and Beau go and it has help tremendously. Polli, my tripod has rear end weakness and I would love to give her acupunture, but because of the osteo, we were told not to. I am wondering if now that the chemo is finished, we can... hummm.
  6. Several people have been asking me about Polli. We are 4.5 months post amp today. For the most part, Polli is back to being Polli. Unforuntately, today is not a good day. She seemed a bit off and that usually translates to quiet. Polli is normally not very quiet at all. DH told me that she wanted him to pick her up rather than go up the ramp in the backyard. She has never not used the ramp. She turned down dinner, which is a first in a looooooooong time. All of a sudden, her body started trembling. I immediately gave her 50mg of deramaxx. I called her vet. She said the trembling is pain. I told her that about 10 days ago, Polli over did it running at the ball field and was having a bad reaction to it that night; trembling, panting, etc. She said I could give her 100mg of tramadol as well so we did. If there is no improvement, I will take her in tomorrow. We are all praying that it's just a sprain from something she did. She has rear end weakness, neurological issues going on in her spine (does anyone remember the video where she looked like a cat?) and 3 legs. Not a combo. I'm scared. To see her just laying there is frighening. Please add Polli to your prayer list.
  7. Yes, Polli id a happy, crazy, funny demanding sweet loving girl. I adore her. There are just no words. When Poll is quiet (like now) I worry. The picture of Polli that Billie did is in my living room!
  8. Sorry I missed this while I was at work today but happy to know she is home!
  9. Yes, 2 weeks today. We are up to 1202 calories for today and the night is still young. PArt of the reason the calorie count was so high was that we were home Fri, Sat and Sunday to feed him every 2-3 hours. My son comes home from school @ 12:30 to let him out and give him food.
  10. I completely understand about having a sick dog that won't eat. Keep in mind, he is very in tune to you and if you freak out, he really won't eat. Been there, done that. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. thanks for thinking about us. We had an outrageous weekend with Beau. We aim to get 1500 calories in him and this weekend we were doing: Friday: 1778, Sat: 2138, Sunday: 1895!!! And that is mostly kibble and some wet food, all z/d. We make the tilapia treats for him with the dehydrator. today hasn't been as good, but he is doing OK. How do you compare to that? Polli is OK, she has been a bit quiet. I feel I keep both she and Beau under a microscope.
  12. Sedning lots of prayers for your very beautiful boy.
  13. I was going to suggest the deramax instead of rimydal and I was also going to suggest tripe. You can buy it at www.sitstay.com We always make sure we have a case in the garage, just in case. I do sympathize about the not eating. I really do. Hope things start improving with Buddy soon.
  14. Denise- sending mega prayers for Flippy and thinking about you.
  15. When Polli was on clavomox after her dental, she had a terrible upset tummy. Hugs to Loca from Polli!
  16. I believe it's 50mg once a day. Polli is taking it in the Artemix formula.
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