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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. I'll try to keep this short while still giving you all the details you need. I've had Grace for two years. My group does tick panel testing twice a year. I had Grace tested in October of 2006, as my group recommends having all the dogs tested "just in case". Grace was lethargic (a typical lazy greyhound) and also had a case of the on again off again runs when I first got her. The panel came back positive for Babesia with a titer of 1:160. I spoke with the vet at length and decided to treat her in February of 2007 with two Imizol shots 14 days apart. Other than the pain of the injection and the new-found hatred for the vet, the shots were not a problem. She bounced right back, her bowel movements got much better, and she became a bit more active. We did a CBC (complete blood workup) for her just before her Imizol treatment, everything was just fine. Did another titer for her in April 2007, came back again at 1:160. Decided to wait a year and titer one more time, knowing that if it stayed at 1:160 or dropped I would not need to continue with titers. So I got the results today....are you ready? She came back at 1:640! She is not acting sick, she is playful, runs around with Fenway, has great poo, and is otherwise a healthy dog. My first reaction (after "oh crud") was did the lab make an error?? The blood was sent to ProtaTek in AZ. She has not had any other blood work done lately. Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions? My first thoughts on course of action were to post on greytalk, post to the tick list, and then titer again in the fall at the groups clinic in October.
  2. The vet did it, let the vet fix it! I'd be back in there in a heartbeat with my dog if I were you. When Grace was attacked and had to be wrapped, they did you adhesive tape at the very edges of the bandage as it was otherwise slipping. So sometimes it is necessary, but I always let my vet handle it.
  3. Oh, I am so sorry. I have no advice to offer. It's just not fair.
  4. On time Fenway swallowd a raw chicken back whole. He barfed it up at 2am. I went to get a towel to clean it up with, by the time I got back he'd swallowed it whole...again. (not the brightest, huh?) Anyhow, the next day he was SCREAMING when he tried to poo, a nice big, solid poo at that. His tummy couldn't digest the ginormous chicked back and the ribs were poking him as it came out. Yowzers! That was the last time he got chicken backs....but he's fine now. They keep us on our toes, don't they?
  5. Little Fenny did this as a puppy, but after he was fixed. He's sniff his hound pal Ollie's wiener, and then do the air jive. It went away, mostly. After he turned one, he has only done this once more to Ollie and once to my human friend Laura....god I was embarassed!
  6. Like you need anything else to worry about right now! I'm sure Shanti will be fine....lord know my dogs where when they raided the trashcan at a party while I was in the bathroom.
  7. Poop pup, I hope things look up for him in the morning!
  8. I've never been in the room for anal gland expression. I'm in the room for the exam and sometimes the vaccinations. They take my dogs to the back for suture/staple removal, anal gland expression, shots, blood draw, bandage changes...those are just the recent things we've been in for. I've never thought twice about it. It's the norm at all three vets offices I've been to. (Grace's first vet has restrictive hours, the second vet was a specialist, and the third is our regular vet.) IMO, if I can't trust my vet taking my dog in the back, I shouldn't be going to that vet. Every time I've asked to be present for something, I've been allowed to do that as well. Maybe it's a regional thing.
  9. Hello neighbor! Welcome to greytalk.
  10. Both of mine have been tested. They both have tested positive for babesia. Grace's number was higher than Fenway's. Grace was treated with the imizol shots. Fenway's titer only showed an exposure to babesia, so I'll do another titer this month and see what the numbers are.
  11. Feel better Shanti, we'll be thinking of you and chanting!
  12. Can greyhounds limbs fall asleep? You know, the pins-and-needles gimpy limb feeling? A few times now Grace has gotten up from her bed in the corner where she was roaching and has limped on a back leg and screamed a bit. It almost seems as if she has a cramp or something. Tonight I tried to get her to walk it off so I went into the kitchen to get the really good treats, and she instinctively followed and tried to sit. Of course her leg came out from under her on the slick floor, so she went off screaming again. I placed my hand on her big old thigh and she screamed when I touched a very hard knot....at which point she went back to her bed. She approached me again and let me touch her leg, it felt like the muscle was twitching underneath. Immediately after she wanted to go outside, she did her business, and now she's back on the couch. This is maybe the third or fourth time it's happened. Any idea what it could be? She never limps otherwise and is in perfect health.
  13. IIRC, you stop the probiotics (the antibiotics will kill the probiotics too) and then resume when you are done with the course of antibiotics. This is what I do, at least. Don't know if it's one of those right/wrong things....or a matter of opinion....and I'm not saying I'm right either I hope Miss Sadie-bug is feeling good really soon.
  14. Did they give you a reason for waiting? Tell Roy to use a pie pan
  15. why do you need to wait? Last time I had Grace in for a urine draw we had "issues". I didn't let her out to pee at 6am like I usually do, so I figured she go outside the vet at 8:30am no problem. NOPE. Vet tried to do a urine draw (ie. big needle) but also had no success, c'on girl....your bladder must be huge by now! They finally did an ultrasound to get a urine sample....which was totally clean (no UTI). Anyhow....if I suspected a UTI I'd just start the meds now.
  16. Fenway has all of his scars on the same side of his body so when taking photos I tell him "show me your good side" Sweetpea, Fenway still thinks you are cute, scars and all!
  17. Ouch! Poor Sweetpea. I agree though, one in a year is pretty darn good. Fenway's on pace with one a month, I think. But he's also I just ordered EMT Gel from GEM and used if for the first time tonight....I love it already! I *think* Fenway's newest owie is going to heal up just fine....and I wish I would have purchased this stuff sooner. Get well soon, Sweetpea.
  18. Thanks! Wow, I just spent $50 on that site. That's some expensive EMT gel. (I got a calendar, some vet wrap and screaming monkeys too. The EMT gel was only $12.)
  19. Time to stock up on the medical kit. Boy I could use some EMT gel right now. No dealers near me in Seattle though, the closest one is about 45 minutes away. I need to place an order online and I wanted to see if anyone here had experiences with EMT gel vs. the spray. Which did you like better? Why? I'm inclined to go with the gel, I feel like I could cover the wound better. Thanks for any info you could share!
  20. According to what I understood from my mom on the phone at 2am (we were both a bit groggy)...it was a small bar of milk chocolate. I knew it wasn't enough to be toxic. Now I just have to deal with the runs. I gave him a bit of food and some pasta this AM. He's acting just fine now, running around per usual. He'll get his regular dinner tonight, mixed with some rice. Thanks for the responses....this is the first time any of my dogs have gotten chocolate. I knew the amount/type was not enough to be toxic, but didn't know what else to do! I appreciate it.
  21. My mom sent me a package for my birthday. It USED to have a chocolate bar in it. (I wish she would have told me there was food in there ) The chocolate bar is now in Fenway's tummy. He ate it around 9pm last night. He has the runs this AM and now his tummy is making loud angry noises. Should I feed him a small amount of food? I have no rice or bread in the house or I'd just go that route. Thoughts?
  22. A waddle! Reminds me of Ally McBeal. She's still got a butt you could bounce a quarter off of, and you can see her hipbones so she's not "fat". She's only 3 lbs above her racing weight. She just has a turkey neck. Oh well, I love her just the same!
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