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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. Great info, thanks for sharing. Glad to know that it's still working for you...better than ever!
  2. I am so sorry to hear this. My girl is 6 years old as well and every little bump or limp sends my heart into my throat. I really hope that the oncologist has some good, sound options and advice for you. I'm not sure I could (or would) do an amp with three flights of stairs unless most of the time could be spent on the first floor. Sounds like in your case you actually live on the third floor though and in Grace's case she would not do well with that. I hate that you have to make this decision, it's simply not fair. Hugs for you.
  3. SO GLAD you have some sort of answers, I hope Orion is feeling better VERY soon. Give big hugs to him from his brother Fenway, please! We still have our fingers and paws crossed for you.
  4. Oh no! Nicole, I'm so sorry that Orion is not doing well. I missed this thread over the past few days so I'm sorry I'm just now sending get well soon thoughts. My heart started racing when I read that Orion was sick. I have no advice to offer but did want you to know that I'll be thinking of Orion. Fenway hopes his littermate gets better very soon! We are so sorry you are going through this.
  5. I wouldn't think that you would need this class for a GH who is on lead while hiking. I would assume that the handler (you) would see the snake and shorten the lead of the dog and move away FAST. I know nothing about the vaccine, so I can't offer any help there. Sorry!
  6. I hope she heals up quickly and without further incident. Poor baby...nasty raccoon!
  7. Prayers coming your way! Quick question: did they have to put her under for the xray?
  8. I would be living and they sure as HE77 would never work on my yard again. I'm so glad Emmy is okay.
  9. Nadia appears to be doing just fine with the advice of the vet... LINK
  10. Could be a UTI or spay incontinence. Urine sample to the vet could confirm or eliminate one of those possibilities.
  11. Glad William is doing well. Maybe I should have been a doggie dentist....
  12. Thinking of William today, he'll be JUST FINE. Fingers crossed for an easy dental cleaning and for sparkly, shiny teeth!
  13. Oh Mindy, I'm so sorry to see this. I'm sorry it took me so long. Godspeed Ike. I'm so sorry for your shocking loss!
  14. Glad to hear she's on the mend...both body and mind!
  15. If you are intersted in contacting a vet in Seattle, I used Dr. Fisher at Lien Animal Clinic in West Seattle. I love them! Lots of greys in Seattle go there. Lien You can also try contacting GPI and see who they suggest...they had a list of vets for me when Grace tested with a 1:160 babesia titer. GPI
  16. Where in Washington State are you? Which group do you work with to adopt your greys? You say your vet sees "a lot" of greys...but then was treated incorrectly for a TBD, which are fairly common in greys. In addition, a titer of 1:80 is still a pretty low titer for babesia. What symptoms of Babesia was Ethan showing when he was incorrectly treated with Doxy? I used to live in Seattle and could recommend a place to take your grey for a second opinion if you'd like. In addition, I'd be happy to get you in touch with some friends affiliated with a group up there who have some fantastic vets they could also refer you to. Best of luck with whatever you decide. After the incorrect treatment for the Babesia I'd be researching the heck out of anything my vet recommended at this point.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a special and loved girl she was!
  18. Thanks for the update. I hope her healing speeds up from here. When I look back on a similar incident with Grace, I felt like she was healing so slow and then all of a sudden she turned a corner and made rapid progress each day. Wishing the same for you and your girl. Interesting. Same thing happend with Grace. She had maybe one accident every 4-6 months prior to her attack, and then afterwards the accidents became much more frequent. We got to the point where there was one every few days and she is on Proin now. She's been on Proin for about 3-4 months now and is doing great. NO MORE ACCIDENTS! Continued healing thoughts sent your way!
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that time heals your heart.
  20. That's what Fenway's undercarriage looked like when he had a staph infection.
  21. Oh no, that's so terrible. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a horrible tragedy!
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