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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. Thanks all. Miss Alisha, again your WWW harness saves the day! I was so glad I remembered to bring it to the vet this morning. So glad I ordered the replacement.
  2. Princess Gracie is home now and is doing okay. She is not really wanting to eat at all, but did have a few licks of peanut butter. She had a spring in her step when I took her for a walk around the block, seeing as she didn't want to "go" in the yard. I'll know in 7-10 days what the results of the biopsy are, until then I'll just spoil her rotten.
  3. I just got a call from the vet, she's awake after surgery and is doing just fine. I'm going to pick her up in about three hours. Now we just have to wait for the biopsy results. Keeping my fingers crossed until then. Thanks for the good thoughts everyone, they obviously helped. **The vet did say that she has fantastic teeth for a greyhound, now they are even more sparkly! **
  4. Just a quick post to let everyone know that I found a lump on Grace's side this week. It's at the end of her ribcage, near her tuck. It's on the skin, not attached to anything (bone or muscle) at all. It's about the size a dime, maybe a tad bigger, and raised up about a quarter of an inch. It's red and ANGRY looking. I don't know if it just appeared, I only found it yesterday--Monday. I rub her belly every day and I find it hard to believe that I missed seeing it earlier, although if it was smaller it could have been hidden by her fuzz. She's a furry girl! Anyhow, we went to the vet today and her surgery is scheduled for Monday. She'll also get her teeth cleaned and have a cyst removed as well. The very wonderful new vet who is also a family friend will send the lump out to be tested so we know what we are dealing with. Hopefully it's nothing....but if it's "something" than I pray for clear margins. If she's going to get a lump, apparently this is a good/easy place for her to get one! I have the utmost confidence in Dr. Joseph, but I'll still be praying and worrying until I know she is okay. She has to be okay, it has to be nothing.
  5. Happy Bridge Birthday, Argos. You are missed and forever loved.
  6. gracegirl

    Puppy Oliver

    I'm so sorry it ended this way. I was praying for him to be okay. Hugs!
  7. I use interceptor, I like the added benefit of killing the other stuff as well.
  8. Run pain free Kane! What a great life you had while you were here on Earth. Your parents loved you very much. That video tribute was touching and beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss. Words don't seem enough....
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. Words can't express how sorry I am.
  10. Just now seeing this...hoping cousin William has a good day today. Unfortunately I don't have any advice to offer. But I do have cookies!
  11. So sorry to hear the news. Not fair!
  12. Can't wait for the "welcome home" pics!
  13. Thanks for the update! So glad to hear he is feeling better. Glad he's eating too! And shiny white teeth to top it all off. I'm glad to hear he's feeling well enough to sing for you. Must be something that runs in the family, Fenway loves to sing too! I hope you had a nice Fourth of July.
  14. She sounds to me like she has some mild symptoms of babesia. Grace was positive with a titer of 1:160 and I did treat her with Imizol (2 shots a few weeks apart). After her treatment her stomach issues (mainly big D) disappeared. If I had it to do over again, I'd have waited a few months and retested like your vet is suggesting. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  15. Gus has not been neutered yet, he's still showing. But he has LARGE dogs in his lineage as well. I'll let Cat come on and tell you more, but that part I know. EVERYTHING about Gus is large...if you know what I mean!
  16. Orion was neutered at just shy of 4 months and he's got the teeny weenie, too! He likes to roach and we always joke that he doesn't have anything to be showing off like that! Other than that, he's really tall and lanky. He has no extra body fat on him and we've tried to fatten him up. He's the tallest of our three and is right up there will some of the tallest greys I know. He's got killer muscle definition but no bulk. He's sickinjured right now and the lack of bulk is a bad thing. He's lost a ton of weight and every bit of it shows as he's skeletal. His current condition notwithstanding (and not related), it has never caused him any problems and the vets have said he's fine. Fenway and Orion are littermates....and apparently are identical in every way right down to their teeny weeies. Fenway's got the smallest package of any of the male greys we know. He's also tall and skinny, just like Orion. If I had my choice I would have waited until Fenway was 12 months old to do his neuter.
  17. Thank goodness that he's eating again! I'm so happy to hear that. I didn't know he was a master roacher...Fenny is big time! Since he's feeling better I'd love to see some pics of him...maybe not current pics but if you have pics from before he was sick I'd absolutely love to see them. Orion...keep eating to pack on those pounds buddy. I hope your nose (and neck/back) feel better really soon!
  18. Grace would be pretty upset if I couldn't let her sunbathe too! I read a bit about lupus after your post and it sounds really manageable. Please keep us updated on your little monkey.
  19. So sorry to hear that Nicole! There are a few other members on GT with lupus dogs so once you get a solid diagnosis hopefully they can jump in with some advice. To update the title of the thread, you need to be a GT supporter. If you are a supporter, you and choose "full edit" on your first post and update there.
  20. gracegirl


    Oh Rachel, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a great life Julio had though! He was loved by so many.
  21. I'm so glad Orion is feeling better! I know what you mean about the bag of bones, Fenway is super skinny and if he lost 5-10 lbs it would be BAD. Orion, keep eating as much as you can and continue to improve for us, okay bud?
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