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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. Good. I hope he does well coming off of the stuff and doesn't need it again
  2. Good deal on the medical records. Did the owner say why he was on such a big dose?
  3. I am so sorry Tucker had to go. Sending hugs,
  4. Ali, I am so sorry your couch buddy had to leave. I'm sure Luther was glad to see him and will share his couch at the bridge. Godspeed Monte... Sending hugs,
  5. Oxyclean if it won't come out with spot cleaning with the laundry detergent
  6. Kari, If you can't call the former family, you could call the former vet. I have had good luck with this with all my bounces. They have even sent me copies of their medical records.
  7. Sweet Paris is a beautiful angel now. So sorry for your unexpected loss.
  8. I am so sorry Loca had to leave you, Robin.
  9. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Vince, I am so sorry for your loss. I'm glad King went peacefully.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss. Dodge was way too young. I am glad he had such a wonderful life in his short time with you.
  11. Such a beautiful boy... I am so sorry for your loss.
  12. Mindy, I am just seeing this and want to tell you how sorry I am that you have lost Ike. My heart breaks for you. Sending hugs,
  13. At our house it is... anything foreign in the gut is cause for problems, whether it is puking up the object or liquid poop.
  14. Did Lola have mites? They'll make ears look dirty. Is there an odor to Rudy's goopy ears? Well, pooh on the bumps. Too bad they can't see them.
  15. If you guys are stressed, Rudy will be too as he seems to be a very sensitive guy, and his stress can manifest itself in many different ways with health problems being one if them. If your DH is having a meltdown, Rudy will sense it and not know why Daddy's upset. Thank you for saying what I was trying to say. Lene' What do the vets say about his goopy ears and his bumps?
  16. If you guys are stressed, Rudy will be too as he seems to be a very sensitive guy, and his stress can manifest itself in many different ways with health problems being one if them. If your DH is having a meltdown, Rudy will sense it and not know why Daddy's upset. Chase's stress resulted in staph. When we finally figured out how to make everything right for him, and after Vinnie died, the staph went away. He took wonderful care of Vinnie while he was sick. Chase's first six monts here were tough because of his previous situation and because my boy Vinnie was dying. Dog confusion at our house was because I was /other family members were not being clear with what we wanted. Some of it was caused because the grey boys all came from different homes with different rules and they had to learn the ropes here. I realize Rudy has only been with you, but the humans at our house caused some/most of the confusion because the boys were not sure what message we were sending. And Red's confusion was due partly to lack of sleep/fatigue. I can't remember what his doxy dosage was. Was it high enough to wipe out a TBD? I don't understand why so many vets can't figure out what is going on
  17. Awsome report for Sparks. Even though I have never met him, he is one of the older greys for which I have a fondness and I watch to see how he is doing.
  18. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Billy.
  19. Jenn, I am so sorry for your loss.
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