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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. Good to know. Thanks for straightening it out, Sharon. I am also glad Maggie is feeling better. She still may sleep a bunch and eat like a horse later RE: your vet If he is recuperating from bypass surgery and you don't klike the other one, who will see her on Monday? (I know, probably driving you nuts with all the clarifying... sorry )
  2. Sounds like maybe a seizure to me as well. Did she lose control of her bladder or bowels? We live in a small town and the vet will come in for us. We just pay an emergency fee for the visit. Is this an option for you? Can you get her in to someone else today? I do not know anything about kidney disease. I don't know if seizures are part of it. I would not be so worried about the food coming back up as she probably didn't feel well, but the seizure would concern me. I would try to feed her something easy on her stomach a little later. When our dogs had seizures, they slept a very long time after. It was like trying to wake the dead. My friends' dogs were ravenous after the awoke. Mine weren't, but that just seemed to be us. I will say a prayer for you and your Maggie. Sending hugs,
  3. So sorry Smokey had to leave Hugs,
  4. I am so sorry for your loss.
  5. Hemangio is what took Rex. It started somewhere else, but by the time we realized there was a problem, his lungs were shot. Tara, this one moves fast, and you will have to decide quickly. Sending hugs to you and Couger.
  6. I guess I should finish my thought... The other dogs aren't panting. And I would run him in tomorrow if he's still panting.
  7. Yep, he's an older boy and the other dogs aren't. He's uncomfortable for some reason. He reminds me so much of my Rex. I'd make a run to the vet. Sending good wishes,
  8. What a nice vet. I am glad you now have an answer about what took your Lisa.
  9. Fifteen staples is a good incision. Vinnie took out his staples once. We didn't get them again I hope you have a quiet day and Couger rests. Sending hugs,
  10. I hope you all have a peaceful night I don't think you are supposed to crush the tramadol. I seemed to remember something about that but can only find one website that says so (drugs.com). Medicinenet says the extended release tablets shouldn't be crushed. I don't know the difference, exceptit looks like the 50s are the immediate release and the 100, 200, 300 are extended release.
  11. Wow! What a roller coaster ride. I'm glad he's home. As some of the meds start wearing off, he'll know where he is. I don't imagine he'll be real steady on his feet for a little while, so be sure to "spot" him when he is moving. Did they say anything about not jumping, running, or being loose in the yard for potties? Sending hugs, Just curious: how long is the incision and how many staples?
  12. Checking in for an update. GLad Couger is with people you like and trust. I hate the pathology wait. Know that I am waitng with you When do you get an answer about the quarentine? I'd say his days at the vet office should count.
  13. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Vince, I am so sorry Jude had to leave. Godspeed sweet boy.
  14. I am so very sorry. Run free pretty girl.
  15. In our county they do not quarentine if dog is UTD on shots. I was just bitten last week by a loose dog, so I am sure of the ordinance. I thought most counties were the same. Good luch keeping Cougs at home if they do decide to quarentine.
  16. I am so sorry Pearl had to leave. Godspeed pretty girl ...
  17. Well poop, Tara. I hope Cougs turns it around tonight at the evet. Sending hugs,
  18. Love this one! I always loved seeing pictures of Quinn. He reminded me so much of my Vinnie.
  19. I'm glad you and Marx got the best news you could considering the diagnosis. Happy healing, handsome
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