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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. I'm so sorry you've gotten this saddest diagnosis. I feel that this has got to be the worst time. You don't know what to do, and there are so many possibilities and questions. You're sad and angry and scared. You may not know much about osteo now, but there is a lot you can learn. You've gotten some good advice, which I would second. HeatherDemps is just a few months ahead of you in this journey, and though all of our experiences are different, so much is the same. Find out everything you can---Circle of Grey is an excellent source of info and support. And Dr. Couto is a saint. You just need to decide what is best for Cannon. Eight is not that old. Is he strong enough to deal with the surgery and recovery and life on 3 legs if you choose to amputate? You know him best. My Winnie was 8 when she was diagnosed too, and we knew she was strong enough to deal with amputation. And we knew she wanted to be here---she wouldn't have given up, and so we didn't feel that we could either. We didn't do the chemo, but did start her on artemisinin right away. Please research this---Dr. Couto is doing studies on it, and there has been a lot of success. There was a good article about it in the Celebrating Greyhounds cancer issue a few years ago. Winnie was on it for over 3 years. Yes, she was with us for 3 1/2 years---good, quality years--- after the amputation. I believe that she beat the monster osteo. We lost her to kidney failure just before her 12th birthday. Of course, I realize that we were probably amazingly lucky, and every dog and owner is different. But you just do what you can, and hope for the best. Sometimes it's enough, and sometimes everything we do just doesn't bring us a lot of precious time. But look into your heart, and make a decsion that is right for Cannon and for you, and then don't second guess. There is no right or wrong decision, only what is best for your sweet boy. First, I hope you do have a chest X-ray done. I'm surprised that your vet said "probably in the lungs". Well, there could be lung mets, and his lungs could be clear, and that would make a big difference in your decision. I think an oncologist would be able to give you much more insight. I hope you return here when you can. It really helps to know that so many others know what you're going through, and understand. Sending prayers and white light to you and Cannon for strength and healing.
  2. Your eloquent tribute brought tears to my eyes, but then I read Spotty's story (I hadn't known it)....and I'm sitting here crying. You have a gift for words, you know, matched by the gift of love and patience you gave your precious boy. I'm so sorry you've lost him. But even while we share your sadness, we know that Spotty was blessed to have had the perfect Mom, and to have spent his new life precisely where he was meant to be. He became the dog you knew in your heart that he was, unique and complete, because you found each other.
  3. Oh, that is wonderful news. Hoping that he improves every day, and starts eating.
  4. Ah, I'm so sorry. We'll be thinking of you and Snowman tomorrow.
  5. What a terrible, terrible thing. I know you are consumed with thoughts of his recovery, and this must be mentally and physically exhausting. Can't tell you not to worry, but please know that you and Dude are in the thoughts and prayers of everyone here. I'm going to keep visualizing him eating and drinking---and you getting some much needed rest! Please keep us updated.
  6. Oh, my gosh, that gives me the chills just thinking about it! So sorry you both had to go through that, but it's a good cautionary tale. I don't sew either, but when you think about it, there are lots of sharp things they can, for some reason, swallow. Glad it's out!
  7. It's so clear that John was exactly where he was supposed to be, with the people who knew him best, and loved him unconditionally. What a complex, quirky, fascinating guy he was. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  8. Yay for Julio! What a dear little face. It looks like he may surpass my Winnie---she went 3 1/2 years.
  9. I'm so sorry you've gotten this sad diagnosis. Sending prayers to you and Alex.
  10. Oh, Irene, I'm so sorry you lost your big, sweet guy. I can only imagine the pain you're feeling now, with 2 losses so fresh and huge. He sounds like he was a wonderful dog. Sharing your sadness.
  11. I'm so sorry you've gotten this diagnosis. I really think that the time right after you get that dreaded news is the worst. You are processing so many emotions, and thinking of so many possibilities. I know how tough it is---I've had one with lymphoma and one with osteo. Once you start getting information and deciding on treatment, you have a focus. CoG and GT are wonderful support, and information sources. And of course, Dr. Couto is so generous with his time and knowledge. You will learn a lot, and you are already moving in the right direction. When my Angel Patsy was diagnosed, our vet, who is not prone to heroic measures, told us that it is the type of cancer that does respond well to chemo, and I've known many dogs who did well. We agonized over that decision, but decided to do the chemo. Though everything seemed to progress the way it should have, we only had her for about 4 months before it moved to her central nervous system, and we had to let our precious girl go. But cancer is a crapshoot. You'll hear amazing successes and heartbreaking losses, but you know you have to try. You just need to do what you know is right for Bonnie and for you. And please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of so many.
  12. I love hearing about Dempsey. Your love and his courage shine through in every post.
  13. You must be beside yourselves. Saying prayers that your sweet boy is going to be fine.
  14. Sending prayers and white light to Bonnie and you. Playing the waiting game is exhausting---you can't think of much else. Hoping you get good news.
  15. Oh, no! I was following Harley's thread with such hope. Tears in my eyes because I know how hard both of you fought. You know, we just do what we have to do, what we think is right, and sometimes it is enough, and sometimes everything we hope for just isn't to be. Please know that you did all you could for him, and let him know he was so very loved, even at the end. But cancer is a traitor that lets us dream our dreams, then takes them from us suddenly, and our hearts will break, it seems. From the poem I wrote for Winnie when she was diagnosed. I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  16. I'm so sorry you're dealing with osteo again. We did do the amputation (no chemo), so I can't give you an estimate. But maybe this will make you smile---we had Winnie for 3 1/2 years after her diagnosis! I would suggest that you look into starting him on artemisinin ASAP. Winnie took it for those 3 1/2 years, and I truly believe that it was a factor in her remission. We lost her to kidney failure one month shy of her 12th birthday, not to osteo. Lots of studies being done on it, and Dr. Couto is very encouraged with their findings. Sending prayers to you and your boy.
  17. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl. I know you're hurting a lot right now. But the loving way that you arranged her passing was the kindest, most unselfish gift of all. Your love for Allie shows so clearly in your post, and that love will be in your heart forever.
  18. I'm so sorry you've gotten this dreaded cancer diagnosis. Even when you are so afraid, and thinking that it is cancer, it's still devastating to hear that word. As you said, it doesn't seem that he would be a good candidate for amputation, so whatever you do is going to bring you limited time together. Cherish those days or weeks or months, and don't let that sadness and fear of what's to come steal this precious time together away from you. He knows how much you love him, and that's the most important thing you can give him.
  19. Oh, she's lovely. Jackson has good taste. Congratulations!
  20. Poor girl. But the news does sound positive. Little steps forward...I know it is slow, but I hope she keeps getting better and better.
  21. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. Your tribute was lovely, and made me feel as if I knew him. Cancer is a monster!
  22. What good hands Carrier is in---at OSU and at home! Continued good thoughts for an uneventful treatment and recovery.
  23. Oh, the precious little lady....how heartbreaking that she didn't get to her forever home.
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