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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Adding our prayers and white light....there will be a glow hovering over Memphis, drifting down instead of snow, to touch Sam and Trish.
  2. Robin, here is a good article about artemisinin. It explains how it works in an easy to understand way. http://www.uwnews.org/article.asp?articleID=8139 Also, I don't know if you get Celebrating Greyhounds mag, or can archive it, but several years (mayber more at this point) the issue devoted to cancer in Greys had an article about artemisinin. I got mine from Nutricology.com, and I think I'd mentioned in another post that their price has actually seemed to come down. You just have to be careful because not all artemisinin is created equal! Holley is a good source too---both online. I also used pycnogenol, another natural immune system booster, which I got at Vitamin World. You saw how beautiful Winnie looked at Grapehounds last year (well, I could be predjudiced!)---3 1/2 years of artemisinin, pycnogenol, fish oil, and a low carb, high protein diet. It's worth a shot. I'm late to the party as far as friends of Loca go. It seems she is loved by many for quite a while. So I've never seen any table dancing pictures. It does conjure up an interesting visual. I know I'd love seeing pictures of your beautiful girl as well. Keeping you both in my prayers.
  3. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cullen. The beautiful things you said about him show how very much he was loved.
  4. I have heard lots about a possible link between cancerous tumor growth and carbohydrate not only in dogs, but humans as well. It will be very interesting to see what happens long term with all the hounds out there eating raw diets. I have a suspicion they will have lower incidents of cancer. Nothing scientific to back it up, just a guess. By the way, my vet says I'm crazy. First, Robin, I'm just seeing this, and I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I'm so, so, sorry. Loca is so special. She's a force to be reckoned with, and she reminds me so much of Winnie. I just said a BIG prayer for both of you, and will continue to do so. I would agreee about the artemisinin. Although I thought it was an option for all types of cancer, not just osteo. But I remember Tricia saying when Peatie was diagnosed that is wasn't recommended for lymphoma. I know that's not the same as what Loca has, but if you could get in touch with Dr. Couto about using it for chondrosarcoma, that would be great. Second jettcricket about the fish oil, though someone (may have been my vet) told me dog's systems don't process the faxseed oil like humans can. But fish oil...I should have stock in it, I recommend it to everyone, for everything. I think I'd pour it on a gunshot wound if I needed to (in my neighborhood, you never know). Seriously, it's a great immune system booster. And yes, yes, yes to the "Feed the dog, starve the cancer" diet. Low carbs, high protein, get rid of the sugars and grains. I think I have some of Winnie's artemisinin in the fridge. I can send it to you if you want it. The two of you are such a team. You will know what to do. Hugs and white light to you both.
  5. Well, if you look around and find someone you like and trust, and all things being equal, they are less expensive, yeah, it would be reasonable to change vets. I probably would, but that's just my opinion. I like my vets a lot, but have to admit that the fact that they don't gouge me is a big plus.
  6. I love reading Dempsey updates too. He's a strong, brave boy, and I'm so glad he's doing well.
  7. Sending prayers for you and Mahogany. I always got the artemisinin for Winnie from Nutricology.com. And strangely, the price actually went down this year. Holley would be reputable too. ETA If I remember, pycnogenol is pine cone extract. I also gave that to Winnie as well as the artemisinin. I haven't heard too many people talk about it, but it is another immune system booster that for some reason, I thought was worth trying. I realize Winnie and I might have gotten incredibly lucky, but Dr. Couto believed she was in remission when we lost her 3 1/2 years after her diagnosis. You can get pycnogenol at vitamin stores. I got mine at Vitamin World. More prayers....
  8. Oh, Shelby, I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl. She sounds a lot like Winnie. So stoic--We didn't know she was in kidney failure till the day we sent her to the Bridge.
  9. I cannot tell you how many people have said to me, he is a 12 year old dog. But then again these are the same people who said to me 2 years ago, who adopts a 10 year old? I would not trade one minute with Scooter. He is my heart. I will never be without a senior. Thank you everyone. I really believe we are a big family!!!! I hope you all know I care about each and every one of you. I truly think these people are deficient in their souls. And even though it has got to make you feel bad to hear that, just feel sorry for them. Think of the joy they have missed. And I know you are thinking every day of the joy that Scooter has brought you. Gentle hugs to the sweet boy. I hope you are able to have many more blessed days together.
  10. Ah, the sweet little old lady....sometimes they just let you know that they are so very tired, and it is time to go. And you love her enough to listen. It's been a long haul, but your Sprite is a winner. It sounds like you have a lot going on in your life. Hope these next few days make memories to bring you comfort.
  11. That is so terribly sad. I'm so sorry you're dealing with the loss of both of your precious boys at the same time. Buddy sounds like he was a wonderful dog, and very well loved. Thank goodness Jake found you before he had to leave, and he was able to have the forever family he deserved. I'm sorry that it couldn't have been longer.
  12. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. Doubly hard for us when it's so sudden, but he knew he was loved until the very end.
  13. Thank-you for your lovely tribute. It enabled all of us who were following her story to share your wonderful memories. She was a lucky girl to come to you when she was just a baby, and to have the time together that you did. You've been through a lot of changes in your life, and it seems that your Mattie was a constant. Your heart and home feel so empty right now, but in time, your precious memories will bring more smiles than tears. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet girl.
  14. She was a force to be reckoned with, wasn't she? Your pictures are so descriptive. What a wonderful long life she had with you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little old lady.
  15. I'm sorry you lost your sweet boy so suddenly. I lost my Nick like that, and the suddenness made it doubly hard. Do the vets know what was wrong?
  16. Oh, Mara, I know that everyone who has followed Mattie's story is heartbroken at your loss. From your very first post, the love that you and Mattie shared was so clear, I think that's why we became as invested in her recovery as we did. Some dogs and owners just seem to be special, and that was you and Mattie. Though her loss is still so fresh and so overwhelming, please know that you did the right thing for your precious girl. How she loved you! She would have stayed, you know, just to be with you and your husband, but the pain was just too much, and her body wasn't as strong as that love. To set her free was the most loving, unselfish thing you could have done. She'll send you a sign that she's running free of pain, safe and whole, and forever in your heart. You said she was your angel.... An angel's star is shining in the place where she is free from pain and fear and weariness, those fragile, earthbound things, and she would tell you not to cry. Your angel's found her wings.
  17. I'm so, so sorry that cancer is stealing another precious Grey away from us. Sadly, so many of us do know what you're going through right now. Doesn't make it any easier to say good-bye to your sweet girl, but do know that you both are in our thoughts and prayers. Cherish your time together. She knows that you love her.
  18. Oh, Buddy, will the humiliation never cease? First you've got everyone scrutinizing your heinie way more than you'd ever want or need, and now we suspect that your sister may have BITTEN YOU IN THE BUTT? You tell her to keep those toofers to herself or Uncle Doug will come up and give her a stern talking to. Which, come to think about it, she probably wouldn't mind all that much. Well, anyway, we're glad it isn't something more serious. Though antibiotics may clear up your problem, I hope your pride isn't too badly wounded.
  19. Oh, no! I'm so sorry you've gotten this sad news. Pam, I think you have sensitively expressed what any of us would tell you. You know just what to do for your heart boy. It's just that it's so damn hard. And the kind souls who open their hearts and homes to seniors know too well and too often what to expect. It's something that you know may be waiting around the corner, but you still do what you do because it's worth it. The time spent together never seems to be enough. But he does live in the moment, and safe in the circle of your love, that is all he knows. Try not to let the sad thoughts of what is yet to come steal your precious time away today. But you know that---it's so clear. Prayers going out to you and Scooter.
  20. Thank-you for sharing those beautiful pictures. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  21. Each day, I check back and hope for better news, and my heart breaks to see that Mattie is still having such a difficult time---as you are too! I can feel your frustration and distress---please try to contact Dr. Couto again. I don't know your vets, but it just doesn't seem that they are doing well by your sweet girl. I was just wondering, since eating is a problem, is she getting any support fluids? If she doesn't eat or drink for a while, she really needs fluids so she won't get dehydrated. They can put a lot of nutrients in the fluid bag. If she can take any liquid at all, I'd second the suggestion of Ensure. And also what Xan suggested about having a friend accompany you. This is a LOT to be going through on your own. Said a big prayer for Mattie and you this morning.
  22. Though I'm just seeing this now, please know that so many people are following Mattie's story. And if you can, check back often so we can know how she is doing. Also, I think it helps to be able to write about this, and there are lots of people here who are so knowledgeable. And I don't know if you've checked out Circle of Grey. They are a site especially for Grey owners who are dealing with life threatening illnesses, especially various types of cancer. Though it is most commonly osteo, there may be someone there who also has experience with this type of cancer. I just feel so bad for you and for her. What a lot to go through, especially when your husband has just been deployed. Sending prayers and white light for healing.
  23. Thanks for the wonderful update. And the pictures. What an absolutely beautiful boy he is. It sounds like he has truly turned a corner, and I hope he continues to get better and better.
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