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Everything posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. Sending lots of good thoughts for a full recovery!!
  2. Oh, no, Melissa, I can't believe it. I am just so, so sorry. I'm shattered for you.
  3. What a long life she had---and no doubt a happy one thanks to you. I'm so sorry she had to leave you
  4. So many young ones leaving us lately...
  5. What a beautiful boy. I am so sorry.
  6. JerseyGirlInOz


    It's especially hard to lose them so young and so unexpectedly. I am so sorry
  7. Oh, no Robin!!!! I'm so sorry! Loca has always been one of my GT faves. I'm so sorry she had to leave you.
  8. Sending lots of good thoughts to Sterling!!!
  9. Sending lots of good thoughts to Rascal---and to you!!!
  10. Beautiful girl--her face reminds me so much of my Hailey.
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