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Everything posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. Oh, no!! I am so sorry! What a terrible shock
  2. I agree with Sheila. Get a second opinion by someone who is 1) not going to be so dismissive, and 2) isn't going to gouge you. Hailey had something similar on her back, and my vet was much more helpful in diagnosing and treating it. It turned out to be nothing serious (histoma), and after a round of antibiotics it dried up and fell off.
  3. I'm so sorry that that monster robbed you of your beautiful girl
  4. JerseyGirlInOz


    It sounds like you 2 were so lucky to have each other. I'm so sorry he had to leave you
  5. Mokkah was not a big eater when I first got him, and it took ages for me to get weight on him---now no one can get between him and his food, although there are some times where he leaves the chicken necks behind. He does have a much more sensitive tummy than Hailey, and grazes on grass like a goat. I do notice that both my greys tend to eat less when it's hot. I wouldn't worry too much, as long as she's not dropping weight.
  6. Holy cow!!! That must have been so traumatic to come home to! Hope she's feeling better soon! Ditto. Hailey had one on her back---the vet put her on antibiotics, and it eventually dried up and fell off.
  7. That is great news!!! Thanks for that info, too. I am going to pass it along to a friend whose Staffy is having liver issues.
  8. Poor baby! Sending lots of good thoughts.
  9. JerseyGirlInOz


    I still miss him too, Steph :grouphug
  10. Sending lots of good thoughts your way....
  11. Good thoughts comin' at ya!!! And hugs to Sadie-Bug
  12. Sending piles and piles of good thoughts for Dodge, and for you, Diane!!! 's
  13. I'm so sorry Damn that monster called Cancer....
  14. JerseyGirlInOz


    What a beautiful boy. I'm so sorry he had to leave you
  15. JerseyGirlInOz


    Oh, no.. I'm so sorry
  16. What a beauty... I'm so sorry she had to leave you
  17. I'm so sorry---she was a beautiful girl! And that song brought back some really happy memories for me---I hope it does for you too.
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