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Everything posted by Devotion

  1. thanks for all the continued well wishes. been a long day and we are still here. I'm amazed that she's actually alive. this is a horrible infection. Caron, yes, Avril's is caused by infection. so the chemo type drug is not an option for her. antibiotics for now. If all of the five parts of the WBC continue to improve and show they are in fact working correctly then we may be able to do IV steroids at a later date to hit inflamation but currently her immune system is so compromised that this would kill her they feel. I saw the slides and it does look toxic like her cells went crazy for lack of a better word. lots of problems we are dealing with. They said it will be a very long road. It appears probable she is blind in one eye. It's not responding to light etc. but hey that's ok if we overcome the infection. looks like we have more than one infection too. she is eating now and drinking but mainly baby food. she is aspirating some but her chest films are clear and she has a strong cough. they are optimistic this will improve. Everyone is meeting her every need and she absolutely loves the attention. My vet and A&M have been wonderful! Thanks for the encouragement. it means a great deal....
  2. we got a diagnosis, Encephalitis. She has it multi focal meaning all over the brain, which is why her symptoms have been all over the place. My vet put her on the right antibiotics and other meds. she is seeing a Neurologist today. looks like she has lots of brain stem and frontal lobe involvement. I feel a bit better knowing the road we are now traveling. Avril is not out of the words yet and is still a very sick girl. They are still extremely concerned about seizure activity. Her WBC is better and cells look better under the microscope but it's still not great. However, she is improving. I'm so grateful for that! Still has ataxia but getting around better. Her nystagmus is still very severe. Her head tilt seems better. It doesn't appear that her head rotates backwards anymore. it was horrible to witness. We are dealing with some aspiration which is a big concern. I am so thankful for all prayers and good thoughts! Thank you to each and everyone of you for the stories, advice etc. I am so grateful. and to Zephyrs mom what a road we are on! and yes all the tests were performed that they did for your boy. looks like it is more common to have idiopathic like Zephyrs. Her prognosis is guarded but we are here to take it day by day! Avril is a fighter....
  3. Thanks for all the responses, advice and support! So greatly appreciated.... She has seen 5 vets so far that have specifically come to see her and many vets have been on consult. She was transfered to ER vet every night when my regular vet closed. I boarded her where I always board my pets. She was fine the day before and up to her usual antics. No pesticides etc were used at the place. and yes, I know I wasn't there so I don't know everything but I do know I trust these people. and frankly, she would have died without their quick action. I will get a complete list of all her bloodwork in the am. I know her platelets were off too but unfortunately that was something I can't remember. It's a big blur. The kennel owners rushed her to the vet early in the am and my vet met them there. This was before they were even open. It started with her back leg giving out then a bit of trembling. By the time she got to the vet which is a 5 minute drive she could not walk and was in full blown seizure mode. They could not get her to stop with valium alone so she was given anesthesia. This finally stopped the seizures. this was a 4 hour ordeal. They immediately started her on IV antibiotics when they saw her wbc count was so high. and yes, they said it was so high it wasn't even registering. My vet and A&M both felt baytril was the best option. She was given another by IV as well for the first two days but I can't remember the name. They started her on doxy too since she had erhlichia when I adopted her at the age of 2. This am Avril is showing improvement. Her legs aren't crossing over as much. She can walk but does need you at her side. Basically, her horizon is tilted and her vertigo is extreme. She has what I would call moderate nystagmus. It is worse in her left eye the side she tilts her head. She is so sweet and her personality has no changes. She begs for attention by pawing, whining etc. She licked my other dogs like always when they walk up to her. I do know the seizure med can cause ataxia and vertigo. However, I agree with all the vets that we have to keep her on this for now. I don't know what is wrong or exactly what is the cause. and I suspect we are dealing with several things now. again I am grateful for any and all good thoughts for my Avril.
  4. i know the ironic thing is i work in rehab and avril is a certified rehab canine so yeah i get the stroke part and i agree. i know it doesn't sound even real but she did seize for 4 hours. however, she doesn't seem brain damaged but EXTREME ataxic. i'm beyound in the realm of responsive with her. i know that seems extreme but yes, i'm almost speechless. i didnt even know to post here but i did. i guess my main question is how a seizure comes on so strong. um without warning? my dog was fine..... and please no flames here...I truly never share with a board but how can this happen? I know life isnt fair. I have terminal cancer myself but I'm just speechless with my 7 yr old grey who was fine. what happened?
  5. You are one of the first ones I thought of Judy. I am so freaked out. She never had seizures before. never. something is really wrong. however, she acts the same... whines, paws for attention, barks, etc. but her body is completely on tilt. she has severe ataxia in my eyes and her head tilds to the left. Edited to add that I told them to put her on doxy bc she had erhlichia when I adopted her. I wanted all my bases covered. although they don't think we are dealing with just a tick disease.
  6. Avril 7 yr old grey exhibited seizures a week ago. she had seizures for 4 hours, yes 4 hours, and was unresponsive to valium. given propofil to stop. exhibits now with severe ataxia and vertigo. tilts head to the left. walks on own but really reguires leaning on you. tends to walk in a circle if you don't walk in straight line. wbc off the chart when taken on day of seizure. meaning over 90,000. now 11,000. platelets look different but don't have the exact info on that yet. Just to add I was out of the country when this happened. Avril stayed at the same kennel she always goes to. Kennel owener noticed at 6am that she was having trouble with back leg. she went in kennel with Avril and Dalton. Avril collapsed and was rushed to my vet who is very grey savy. she had continuos seizures and wouldn't stop with valium. When propofil was added she stopped. I'm beyond devasted. She's been my rock. I've suffered from cancer for 3 years and only left her for a week. I just can't wrap my head around what is wrong. My vets say it could be a lot of things. I just have a gut feeling we are dealing with a brain tumor. These are the meds that "vril is taking: zonisamide 100mg 2x day for seizures meclizine 25mg 2x day for vestibular syndrome which I say is horrid doxy bc she had erhlichia when I adopted her baytril. which my vet said crosses the brain barrior in case it's meningitis I am beyond devastasted. I know so many people have greys who need prayers. I so get that and care about all the greys. I just really need prayers for my girl. she has been there for me when I didn't know if I could go on. I just want to do right by her. If any person has any info or help please let me know. I am soooo appreciative. I have an appt with my vet on Monday and one at A&M on Tues am. thank you so much! Pam edited to add: I need help on so many levels. I've had seizure greys before but this isn't the same. Do I carpet my hardwood floors? what do I do? she wants on the sectional like always and she's up here with me now, because I lifted her after much whining. Any ideas? she does not crate. she has run of the house and is the princess with all my boys.
  7. a month isn't long. may be a grey is not the dog for you. you stated your bf talked you in to it. she may be bored too. may be she wants a companion or this simply isn't the right fit. what you express about her actions seem normal to me. i'm glad you came here for help but i'm not sure what to say.....I feel bad for her and for you.
  8. this sounds so much like our Hans....it literally makes me shake. Hans had a brain tumor which took 2 MRI's to discover and he was having TIA (mini-strokes). His personality changed so much and it was absolutely horrible. I will keep you all in my thoughts. Please remember, you have done the best you can for Rainey. I'm praying there is a solution and a postive outcome for all.
  9. what a punch in the gut feeling....seeing Kendra's name. She's paved the way for lots of greys in your lives. I've always enjoyed the pictures you share on GPA-H. I know she's in a big hound mobile seeing all her friends who left before her. Soar high Princess Kendra. Peace for you all and lots of scritches for Secret. I'm terrily sorry.....
  10. I've had great results using gabapentin. You can use this with other meds as well if needed. Some dogs do well on tramadol but I've just never really been convinced it helps much. and with the nsaids it's a guess as to which one your grey responds to better and/or tolerates. Talk to your vet about the gabapentin (nuerontin).
  11. I've used comfortis for over a year on all mine. The majority of the vets in the Houston area recommend this over other flea products. Seems like so many of the other products aren't effective any longer. None of mine have ever had issue with it. However, I always give it with a meal. I too space out the comfortis and heartworm treatment by two weeks just to be safe.
  12. holy crap that looks painful and horrid. Poor guy...I'm fostering a dachshund who was bit by a cottonmouth snake and although it was extremely swollen it looked nothing like that. geeze, poor guy. thank goodness you are there to help. thank you!
  13. I've had dachshunds all my life and have one now plus foster many. yes, they are VERY prone to back injuries. I'm sure with rest Ollie will be fine. Please don't be offended but Ollie really really needs to lose the weight. and yes, some dachshunds are built heavier but this is truly not healthy. I know it's hard but it will be so much easier on joints and everything. Give veggies or even some fruit for snacks. remember they are tiny...not much food is required. and like I said don't be offended by my post. It seems many dachshunds are overweight but it's truly not good for them.
  14. Avril has the same thing. I bathe her in an prescription medicated oatmeal based shampoo that you leave on for 20minutes. It really does help. I also make sure she gets enough fish oil in her food. these two things help to alleviate the itchies as much as possible.
  15. Riley's love is like the oceans, it will go on forever. I think that's beautiful that you let him go where he loved it so much.
  16. that's a hard one to swallow for sure. My heart felt sympathy to what you are going through. May the moments last forever and be filled with lots of love and cuddles. Peanut lives in the moment and right now she's filled to the top with your love. That's what is important... Prayers for peace, wisdom and strength as you go down this road.
  17. medium here. Hot pink for Avril, she tolerates them well. I only put them on her if she is out in the sun for more than a few minutes. she adores being outside. The sun's UVA and higher altitudes make it worse they say. We have a home in the mountains and frequent. Never been a problem.
  18. I've been using it on my Dalt for 12 days. I only use a pea size amount and rub in so no white on his pads. He was so lame when I started this treatment. He did seem a bit more "tender" at about 7 days. This is when 2 of the corns starting becoming more pronounced. They both came out last night. we have several more corns but I'm so excited about the progress we've made since using this. Send an email to Susan or Erika. They have been great in helping me.
  19. I've been using the cream on Dalt for 12 days and two popped out tonight with my help! I'm over the moon excited about this. He's missing a toe on each back foot and has corns on each pad. It's horrible how lame he's been. I do believe in the cream. But I've soaked his feet in olive oil, then applied the cream religiously. I will continue to make sure they are gone.
  20. Jey, i hope and pray you get the peace and comfort you so deserve. You reached out to me when I needed it.... My thoughts are with you. I know the most beatiful girl is looking out for you. Prayers that you feel it and know the magnitude of the love you gave her. I'm so terribly sorry.
  21. I've followed Demon's story for along time. My heartfelt sympathy to you. You gave him the most precious gift, love. Prayers for peace and comfort to you. Soar high Demon!
  22. I have a lump in my throat reading your thread. I know the feeling and it is terrible. You love Whitey so much and it's so obvious in your posts. I send prayers for peace and comfort for you. Remember Whitey lives in the present. I think at times we have to make the choice that is so heartbreaking because we love them so much. I agree with the posts saying they don't always send the sign. Sometimes the will to live is so strong. This is true in animals and humans. Don't measure the days, measure the love and that is HUGE. I think many times the answer is there, we just have to listen. Again, my prayers for you and Whitey. Love never dies.
  23. My Rocky was on 25mg and it made him the dog he was born to be. It was a life saver for him. He started out on a small dose and we increased gradually. It takes several weeks to see the full benefit or even longer.
  24. Make every moment a memory. I pray Riley has more quality time.
  25. May the moments you two spend together fill you with love, peace and comfort. I'm sorry...
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