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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. greytpups


    I am so sorry for your loss...Sunny sounds like the perfect name for him.
  2. Congratulations...things have a funny way of working themselves out at times. This sounds like one of them.
  3. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. I highly recommend reading "At the Other End of the Leash" and search for some of Giselle's posts on GT regarding "Look at Me" training. My neighbour experienced the same situation and when an off leash dog came running up to her Border Collie, she had enough training from reading the book, to spot a potential dog fight and resolve it before it could escalate.
  5. How Did You Know it Was Time to Adopt Again?

    I have been asked this question many times, and frankly, I did not know the answer.

    We adopted Bailey (Buffetbobleclair) on September 25, 2004. She was extremely timid, and in hindsight, probably not the ideal greyhound for first time adopters. She would not come out her crate at the adoption kennel, and although we walked a f...

  6. I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. greytpups

    My Boy Dusty

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  8. She looks so comfortable Congratulations!
  9. I'm curious...do dogs with IBD not eat because they don't have an appetite, they are in pain, or some other reason? Come on Beau, Beau, whatever the reason, you gotta stay strong and healthy sweetie.
  10. Welcome...Lucie is so beautiful...you are right, greyhounds are very special...and so are the folks here on GT.
  11. Well, I started to post this but changed my mind. But now I will post it...you'll see why Ben was very lethargic but couldn't get comfortable, was kinda hunched, etc. So we took him to the evet, just in case. The tests were ok, nothing showed up on the x-ray but he was very dehydrated. The evet went to get the fluid pack and while she was out of the room, Ben let out a huge gigantic burp. Once he was rehydrated, we went home and the next day he was fine. We call it the $500 burp. Hope this is something very simple for Rocky and he's feeling better.
  12. greytpups

    Poppy Doyle

    I am so very sorry. No words, just
  13. I am so so sorry...my deepest sympathy. She will be missed.
  14. I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. Hope Max is just having an off day Lisa, but keep us posted after you see the vet and chiro. In the meantime, for you and for Max . I know how worried you must be though.
  16. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss of Thriller. He had a long life and I'm sure it was a happy and loving one
  18. What a beautiful tribute...I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
  19. Yep, I knew this day was coming. Silly, sweet little Loca, I miss the nose rubs under my coat more than I ever thought possible.
  20. Hoping all goes well with the surgery and Casey feels better!
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