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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. Not :) lol what self respecting 31 year old single male is happy to have his mother come across the country to 'help' -- only the desperate - which he is right now- haha -- just hoping he'll remember when it's time to chose my nursing home and I get the upgrade that includes daily happy hour!!

  2. I'm wrong (what else is new?) - the vitamin k was for some trace of something that was in her blood work - she had just had blood work a month or so before this happened when she had her teeth cleaned - and it wasn't there then. I am trying not to be too annoying (as moms usually are!) while I'm here and not pry or ask too many questions or offer too much motherly advice - lol. She has a follow up appointment that will address the thyroid panel they ran and he is going to ask about urine protein test and baby aspirin :).

  3. Things are going well! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. She can now walk -balance still an issue of course - but has peed and pooped outside and is so much more stable. We are now seeing that she will recover :) Pt went great yesterday - the vet on hand was SO impressed after reading the neurology report that she was doing so well. She had massage, range of motion exercise and laser treatment and also went into the water tank with pt tech. Thanks to teddy Palmer who has been our 'go to guy' for questions and concerns.....carlinda has been eating brown rice and tripe mixed adding water as she has not been drinking. Now mixing in a bit of her kibble blue buffalo that she regularly eats. Thanks also to Tracy (tb hounds) your help was so appreciated!!! And to all the rest of you for good thoughts and prayers! If anyone in the future is searching this out feel free to pm me - it is indeed so scary.....my heart still aches when I think of our son finding her and going thru the first couple days of waiting by himself. We are so blessed that I can be here to help right now so he can work - and gotta say the first couple days home two people are a big help. Thanks again to all

  4. Questions questions!! She can stand and yesterday seemed a little more steady on her feet....sh has taken a few steps. Yesterday afternoon she seemed to be much more awake and alert. Today she is just happy sleeping. SO - how much do you 'push' and how much do you let them dictate the pace of recovery? How much do you help and how much do you let them do it all? She is eating baby food - how much is enough to feed her so she can get her strength up - any help and tips appreciated! Thanks in advance! I'm so glad I can be here to help.......

    Edited to add that the diagnosis from the Mri was a cerebellar vermis lesion consistent with an ischemic stroke

  5. I'm headed to Maryland today to help so son can go to work (gotta pay the vet bills lol) will post updates when I arrive this evening - thank you all for continued prayers.....haven't heard this morning - yesterday Eve she was eating drinking and her tail was wagging. She could not stand, but could hold her head up - she was happy to be home on her bed with a toy

  6. Mri consistent with stroke - he is waiting on her to wake up from anesthesia to see her before heading home - she is where she needs to be right now.....prayers to start seeing improvement soon!!! Thank you all for helping me get thru the afternoon of waiting - I feel so bad for our son

  7. Prayers and advice please -- our son came home for lunch and his precious carlinda had vomitted numerous times and was lethargic laying in the corner. She was fine when he left for work this morning. He's scared to death, of course! She spent thanksgiving there at the vets in the kennel - so praying she didn't catch anything. They are in Maryland. Any advice? Suggestions?

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