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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. Part 9 - wow. Remembering:










    The original osteo dogs diagnosed around the same time in 2010 who's humans started this thread for info, support and friendship. I check in on you all almost daily and keep you in my prayers..............

  2. Our rowdy jill came to Oklahoma and the peeps who had her momma, surprise plan, said they would get them together and if they acted like they recognized each other or had a special bond they would adopt jill too -- you can guess the outcome since jill was adopted by us :). I do have pictures of Jill with her momma that are pretty special - -- but they had no attraction to each other. I have always wanted to have siblings or momma baby tho....remains on my bucket list.

  3. :lol It's probably at least 5 to 7 miles to the nearest deli here but I agree with liverwurst or braunswager. (sp)

    Braunsweiger is our go to for 'biggest baddest pills"- we get it at the grocery. For other pills we use

    Velveeta successfully.

    We got so tired of the trifexis fight monthly we've been using revolution. Not a huge fan of the skid marks they have for a few days, but beats the fight to get all three to swallow the nasty trifexis!

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