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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. How scary - I wish I had vast experiences to share with you but hugs will have to do - the only other things I would have them check out is rhabdo - we lost my precious bleu to this - and usually brought on by stress - or addisons - which is what the e vet originally thought she had - they also checked for all of what your vet has checked -- hoping for a good update on sneaky pie soon - researching these two possibilities might keep you busy for awhile at least - lethargy a big part of both -- prayers with you

  2. Thanks! Yes, a great litter of pups. Momma Monica Crawley was just available for adoption thru halfway home - I was so tempted - I've always wanted siblings or momma/baby - but we already have ronee and jill and are waiting on phog - and tempted with ronee's daughter ample pleasure or phogs brother wins Jayhawks. Ill update after our trip to derby lane :)

  3. Ahh - while at wheeling watching AA did you happen to see wins Jayhawks? He's doing great in AA - so happy for him. We are going to derby lane mid-October and we will get to meet his brother beware of phog - whom we really hope to adopt when he retires. Phog is still injured.....ran a schooling race the end of August and got second, but scratched his second schooling race that was scheduled. We have already made contact with phogs trainer and will get to meet him and have some time with him in October - I'll keep you posted :)

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