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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. Oh my gosh - our experience has been so different -- although we named beware of phog, so it was not the same from the beginning - everybody could not have been nicer ----- dawn (his owner) of course knew of us anyway since we named him - but was fabulous and totally gracious. Henry and Belinda Parker, his trainers, we're so nice - even though there were big stretches of time when we had no idea what the heck was going on with him -- keep in mind the number of dogs in the kennel they are responsible for feeding, training, racing and post race stuff - they are really busy folks! But always so friendly and appreciative of our interest, ect.

    WEDNESDAY IS THE DAY!!!!! We have actually arrived in st Pete already and will be at derby lane Wednesday morning to get our boy :). Update soon

  2. Our sons four year old had a stoke on December 2. He lives outside DC on the Maryland side - so had great neuro care in leesburg va. I went for 10 days to be nurse to her so he could go to work everyday. Her experience - he found her lethargic and obviously Ill at noon on a Tuesday - took her immediately to his regular vet where all three vets looked at her and referred her on for neuro and Mri in leesburg. She had neuro care and Mri there. She spent the night there and was released on Wednesday afternoon. She stood up for the first time on her own when I arrived at his house late Thursday evening...and the progress started. She was able to walk with a 'towel harness' on Friday I think. She started rehab I'm thinking between 1-2 weeks out. They did laser treatments and put her in the underwater treadmill. Her progress was very steady with improvements everyday. My dh and I flew back to Maryland to spend Christmas So she would not have to travel long distance or be boarded. Carlinda, I am blessed to say, is close to 100%. I don't really feel like I can offer you any advice, as your situation is clearly different than ours - have you checked with rehab to see if they board there? Not sure this will help you,I'd be happy to try to answer any questions you have. Feel free to pm me or just use this thread I'll try to remember/help.

  3. Oklahoma would have been easy to get a dog to. I thought picking up the dog was something you wanted to do and never asked if you thought about having her hauled. I should have mentioned it.



    I didn't explain that very well (as usual for me lol). Since phog had been injured we werent crazy about him making the trip in a hauler - so we didn't even inquire. Protective mommy here already. Plus I am not a huge fan of winter - a few days out of cold weather will be welcome -

  4. Selene -- ahhhhh I laughed out loud at the photo standing on the hotel vanity - hahahaha - Selene will keep you entertained so please post her antics often so we can enjoy too! Just loved the story of Selene as we are ready to head (drive) to Florida in a little over a week to pick up our beware of Phog to join ronee and jill on the couch. I think of 'my chess dogs' and their adventures often - the good old days :).

  5. Beware of phog is our w&w to- be. his injury is healed and he will be neutered dec 23 - we are driving to Florida to pick him up mid January. For those of you who aren't familiar - we named this guy as a pup and have followed his career at derby lane. Got to meet him and all of his track buddies this fall and will be bringing him home very soon to join our family.

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