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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. Sounds like a typical greyhound puppy to me :) they don't call them land sharks for nothing. We have never had the energy for a greyhound puppy, but our son got a 'toddler' -- 2 favorite stories -- he said one day someone's alarm on their car in his townhouse addition was going off - it was really irritating him so he finally went outside to find the culprit - shocked that it was his car -- goes in to look for the fob and it's not in its place - finds it, not chewed up, just in carlinda's mouth and she is very innocently looking at him - lol!!! Story 2 - he leaves her for the weekend with a lady friend to babysit - comes home and said friend is quite mad that she has demolished the paperback from her bed table all over in tiny pieces -- our son replied 'sorry - forgot to tell you she's a reader!" Gotta love it. She is now four and a little less wild - still cute as a bug tho!

  2. Our sons grey had a stroke last December - I 'babysat ' her for the first two weeks of her recovery. She has almost totally recovered now - she had great vet care, as he lives outside Washington, D.C. - so she was sent for mri and saw a vet neurologist almost immediately. He also took her for doggie rehab - he thinks the laser helped her a lot. She was quite young - just four - so perhaps her youth helped her heal well.

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