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Posts posted by teri_d

  1. After phog was hurt on the track, he saw the track vet (not at our expense). When his owner emailed us that he had been hurt and he could be ours as soon as he was ready to travel and had been neutered.....We requested an off-track vet evaluate his leg and we did pay for those x-rays and vet visit ourselves. We will also pay for his neuter and related typical pre-adoption services :). We were able to arrange the pre-adoption stuff with the help of GPA Tampa Bay Area. I was totally overwhelmed arranging stuff at first, but now we are just excited to bring him home. Trainer will evaluate his leg next Tuesday (it will have been a month) and then we'll go from there on if he is ready for neuter. As far as contacting owner/kennel/trainer-- We used both greyhound data and track info websites to follow/watch races and locate owners. Derby lane had a wonderful pr person that is no longer there and she was of great help to us in the beginning - so perhaps your track has a person that can put you in contact with the kennel/trainer? Phogs owner, Dawn Bladen, was awesome, so don't hesitate to contact the owner. You should be able to locate from info you get off of those two websites. I got some super pictures at derby lane and will work on posting them soon! We should be heading to Florida in a couple weeks to bring phog home. Good luck - feel free to pm me.

  2. Sitting at derby lane - have some great pics from the weekend if I can email to anybody to post. Everybody is so nice!!!! Beware of phog needs a couple more weeks recovery - then he'll be neutered and we'll drive and get him:). Anybody want any special pics today? This is our first time to ever visit a track-- like I said everybody is so nice

  3. How do you pick the dogs you want to pre-adopt? Teri, I understand you named the dog, and developed an attachment based on that as you followed his career. Roo, had you met Pizza Joint before you decided you wanted to adopt her? How did you find her in the first place?

    I think the thing about pre-adoption we are seeing now is everything does not always go according to plan. You have to roll with the punches - and I'm finding that is not easy. I'll let you know very soon how this all works out - but I guess we just always assumed that phog would have a nice long racing career, then perhaps be a stud (he has great linage and has been a good racer ) and then we'd do an easy adoption and either pick him up at our group or his home farm - both only a couple of hours from us. Now that he is injured, we are trying to take car of all sorts of things (making sure he got great vet care, double checking his injury to make sure he has what he needs, the neuter, and boarding him while he recovers from all before he should travel -- so you don't get to pick the timing or circumstance by pre- adopting - sure is something to think about

  4. We are adopting beware of phog from derby lane. His trainer, Henry Parker, suggests he be neutered thru GPA Tampa bay -- I need to get it arranged soon. I called the GPA Tampa phone number and got a recording with no place to leave a message like this. Didn't see any contact info - can anybody here help? We may also have him a ride lined up part way with some fiends - so arranging a bath and fix up might be nice too - lol!! Can anybody here help me with contact info - you can pm me -- thank you so much in advance!!!

  5. In our case, we got to name beware of phog - so we followed him his whole career. We got attached and made contact with his owner, then trainer and a few people at the track over his time there. He'll be a member of our family in a couple weeks when he's ready to travel - we are headed to st Pete to meet him and his people this Wednesday and then will go back in a couple weeks to bring him home

  6. Thanks for your reply.....I can see that being the case - especially since he had not raced since May. Last nights email just told us he had been injured and to contact the trainer to see when he would be ready to come home with us. This morning we got a release to show to derby lane and instructions to get shot records, etc. I do want to make sure there is not a trainer/handler that is attached to him that wants to adopt him since he would already know and love them - don't know it that ever happens - but I would definitely let that person have him over us that he's never met. I sure hope you are right -- will keep you posted and hopefully be posting pics soon.

  7. Hi all - last nite beware of phog was injured in his schooling race - we are still awaiting word from his trainer, but have heard from his owner, Dawn Bladen (so nice!!) several times and it appears we are headed to Florida very very very soon to bring him back to retire at our house. I can't describe all the emotions today - I am so sad that he will go out like this - and worried about what the injury is - but excited to bring him home to begin his retirement....also worried about our 'girls' -- six year old Jill is, just as her name says, rowdy.....and ronee is almost ten years old.....how will the pack interact - especially if phog is recovering from injury.....we have not ever had three greyhounds at one time.......but ready to actually meet him and bring him home. Not sure if trainer is just busy, sad today too, or still awaiting vet check??? Thanks for letting me air all my emotions here

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