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Health Insurance

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I have Healthy Paws, which I do NOT recommend. They were good, but then got sold to another company which has jacked rates up astronomically. I also suspect they jack rates up as a pet gets older knowing that you cannot switch at that point.

My recommendation is to skip the insurance, set up a bank account and put what you would have paid into pet insurance into the account each month. If I had done that I would now have several thousand dollars to cover any cost.

Logan (April 7, 2010 - July 9, 2023) - LoganMaxicon15K.jpg - Max (August 4, 2004 - January 11, 2018)

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1 hour ago, rsieg said:

I have Healthy Paws, which I do NOT recommend. They were good, but then got sold to another company which has jacked rates up astronomically. I also suspect they jack rates up as a pet gets older knowing that you cannot switch at that point.

My recommendation is to skip the insurance, set up a bank account and put what you would have paid into pet insurance into the account each month. If I had done that I would now have several thousand dollars to cover any cost.

:nod I had the same experience years ago with another company. They start out great and then… I know some people feel they are worth the cost if when they cover big expenses, and doing your own savings account may not work for some, but that is what I do. 

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In hindsight I probably should have done as others have suggested--set up a separate savings account for pet medical issues or be disciplined enough to set aside so much each month. I've had Embrace Pet Insurance since getting Sheba at almost 2 years old in 2009. She's now 13-1/2 and my insurance premium is now through the roof. I keep it because of her age but probably won't get the insurance for my next dog. 

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An example of "setting money aside", such as the monthly premium amount or more: a catastrophic injury or health condition will wipe that saved money mighty quick.

It was a few years ago, but Taylor's $500.00 a year premium with Embrace paid out $10,000.00 in Osteo care the first year (amputation, with 6 nights in the hospital due to complications), chemo and all the accompanying expenses (blood work, chest x-rays).  The second year paid out close to $5000.00.   

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