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New greyhound will not eat

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Hi all - we're experienced with greyhounds and just adopted our 7th (currently she's our 3rd) the Sunday before last (April 4). Obviously she is quite new and she's a nervous little thing - I don't think she's a spook, but she is very skittish. 

Our direct issue is that she will not eat and her stomach is going crazy. It's a vicious cycle - won't eat, stomach goes nuts and she doesn't want to eat, so she continues to not eat. We've managed to get her on our normal schedule (breakfast at 6am & then go out - walk around 8'ish - out again after a few treats at lunch time - dinner at 5 & then out - walk around 6 and out at 10pm with a few bedtime snacks) with limited success, and we aren't trying to "enforce" anything (really) that will stress her out. We just want her to eat, so we're doing all we can.

Last night and this morning has been rough. She does better since we put her in her crate to eat, with a sheet over it to block out everything "outside" and we baby gate the other two upstairs to give her quiet space. I typically have to give her a high-value treat or two first, then she'll eat her meal (mostly).  We've adjusted all we can think of - let her out first, then eat - let her eat with the other two outside, in the kennel, sheet on and off, out of the kennel, on a bed, in different rooms, etc. She's pretty scared of men, but likes my husband okay - but eating is a bit better with me. We've also left her food out (in and out of the kennel) for up to 45 minutes to see if she'll settle, and nothing. We've tried chicken, rice, broth, treats (all we have), cheese sticks, peanut butter, parmesan cheese on her food, pumpkin, tuna, canned food, eggs... no eating.

We've also tried making it a fun game, getting them a little excited and gave each a treat (and pretended to eat one myself) to get her interested - and that seemed to get her interest, but she didn't want to eat anything (these were high-value soft jerky treats that she was eating before). This morning we put some Pepcid in peanut butter and swiped it on the roof of her mouth, hoping it would settle her stomach a bit and she'd eat. But that didn't seem to help. I've been in touch with the adoption group and they've given us some tips, told us what she used to eat at the kennel, etc. - but nothing works. 

I'm remaining pretty laid back (my husband had to run out, so it's just us here) so I'm not stressing her out more - things are pretty quiet in the neighborhood (it was trash day today, so the loud trucks made her nervous). She is pacing, panting and her stomach is so loud. The other dogs are sleeping. Adoption group recommended not letting her eat grass, which is all she wants to do, so we'll use the poop guard muzzle on her when we let her out. She's drinking water, but not eating. I'm worried... any suggestions?

How long can not eating go on? If she doesn't settle down, I'm concerned she'll collapse...


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Take a moment and relax.  I can feel your stress as I read.  There is a big difference between not eating (no intake of food) and picking at her meals or eating one time a day.  From what I read I think she is sometimes eating somethings maybe not a meal.  If she was mine I would put her food in her crate with her for 15 min if she has not eaten it take it out and try later do this several times a day.  When she is hungry she will eat.  She maybe getting used to things and still settling in.  She may not need/want to eat and your worrying and trying to get her to eat could be making her not eat.  When she is hungry she will eat.

If she is truly not taking in any food and has been more that two days call and talk to your vet.

Has she been checked for worms?  With mine loud tummy noises are due to hookworms and a little bit of buttermilk settles her stomach and primes her tastebuds.

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Hiya - yeah, we had her in the crate last night and this morning (3x) and left her food (increasingly tasty, lol) with her and she didn't touch it. She was eating her food "okay" up to this point, but last night - nothing. Today - nothing (except about a teaspoon of peanut butter we got on the roof of her mouth w/ Pepcid and about 1/5 of a piece of string cheese). Her other meals she "picks" - but now, nothing. Essentially at this point, she hasn't eaten anything other than a teaspoon of peanut butter & a tiny piece of cheese in 24 hours. Yeah, we're stressed, but we aren't freaking out. Her stomach is gurgling loudly and the adoption group let us know she gets an upset stomach, won't eat, etc. - and she was actually a return from a previous homing attempt. They did tell us she wasn't eating and also wasn't bonding with the other dog - so I'm sure that was a reason for her return. 

No real bonding here either - which isn't a concern - our pairs have never been overly close, never play together really, definitely no bed sharing, hah. They are all quite polite with one another, despite the new pup not knowing her boundaries yet and utterly clueless to the reprimands. But, no biggie. 

I can't imagine what a wreck she would be if we tried to take her to the vet at this point. Can they check for worms if we just bring a sample in? She's a sweet little thing and I can deal with a picky dog (we've dealt with that before) - and we understand illness & stress can lead to not eating (dealt with that before, too). I guess because she's panting, pacing and her stomach is grumbling and gurgling so terribly - it's tough to watch. 

Was hoping others had tips & tricks for scared, new pups who aren't eating. 

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You could drop off a stool sample with the vet and they can check for worms.   And also check with them about her eating.  My newest one was a big eater when she first came think hover cleaner like the food would somehow stop coming.  Once she realized it was always going to be there she would eat less or skip a meal or day.  Then next time she would eat.  As long as mine are drinking, peeing, pooping and no other issues I would give her time and offer it at meal times.  

You could also try a different flavor/protein of food.  She may just not be a big fan of the food too.

Wishing for you to have quiet bonding time together and for her to settle in fully.

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40 minutes ago, Sundrop said:

Hiya - yeah, we had her in the crate last night and this morning (3x) and left her food (increasingly tasty, lol) with her and she didn't touch it. She was eating her food "okay" up to this point, but last night - nothing. Today - nothing (except about a teaspoon of peanut butter we got on the roof of her mouth w/ Pepcid and about 1/5 of a piece of string cheese). Her other meals she "picks" - but now, nothing. Essentially at this point, she hasn't eaten anything other than a teaspoon of peanut butter & a tiny piece of cheese in 24 hours. Yeah, we're stressed, but we aren't freaking out. Her stomach is gurgling loudly and the adoption group let us know she gets an upset stomach, won't eat, etc. - and she was actually a return from a previous homing attempt. They did tell us she wasn't eating and also wasn't bonding with the other dog - so I'm sure that was a reason for her return. 

No real bonding here either - which isn't a concern - our pairs have never been overly close, never play together really, definitely no bed sharing, hah. They are all quite polite with one another, despite the new pup not knowing her boundaries yet and utterly clueless to the reprimands. But, no biggie. 

I can't imagine what a wreck she would be if we tried to take her to the vet at this point. Can they check for worms if we just bring a sample in? She's a sweet little thing and I can deal with a picky dog (we've dealt with that before) - and we understand illness & stress can lead to not eating (dealt with that before, too). I guess because she's panting, pacing and her stomach is grumbling and gurgling so terribly - it's tough to watch. 

Was hoping others had tips & tricks for scared, new pups who aren't eating. 

In this and your initial post, you've noted panting and pacing. These signs would worry me. If she were mine, I might first try letting her have some grass, it may be what she needs to calm her system.  But if that doesn't help and she continues to pace and pant, I would at least send a video to the vet and speak with them. 

Good luck, and please let us know how she is doing.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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We have the squeaky belly don’t want to eat issue here too, only occasionally and not as severe as what you’re dealing with. We are also battling hookworms, and I assume your girl is too. I think all greyhounds have them these days. I second the suggestion to let her eat grass, it seems to help Wiki and doesn’t cause any other problems. I’ve also had some success with GasX (simethicone).

Poor girl, she’ll feel better if she eats something. You’ve tried all the good stuff so my only other suggestion is to change how it’s presented – offer wet food on a spoon or paper plate.


Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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5 minutes ago, Jerilyn said:

We have the squeaky belly don’t want to eat issue here too, only occasionally and not as severe as what you’re dealing with. We are also battling hookworms, and I assume your girl is too. I think all greyhounds have them these days. I second the suggestion to let her eat grass, it seems to help Wiki and doesn’t cause any other problems. I’ve also had some success with GasX (simethicone)

Ugh, I didn't know about hookworms - just asked the adoption group and I guess they don't specifically test for them, but they do deworm regularly. I had no idea, wish they would've told us about the risk. I'm not online much these days (here or anywhere) and we've had our current two for over 5 years and we've never had any worms on any greys for almost 20 years - now I'm concerned they will get hookworms. Our boy is 9 years old, has a sensitive stomach and will not take meds. We've always been worried that if he ever got sick, we wouldn't have any idea how we'd give him oral meds. Dangit. 

We have a vet appointment for her on Friday to get her tested and see. No eating tonight, either - still drinking though, so I guess that's something. So she hasn't had a full'ish meal since yesterday morning - she had a few treats (maybe 2?) for lunch yesterday and that's it. Guess I'll just keep trying stuff and giving her a quiet, calm place in her kennel. She sat there looking at it for 20 minutes tonight - finally let her out and gave up.

Vet also said not to let her eat grass. 


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Poor kid! When Wiki's got the squeaks she just looks at her bowl too. I'm able to get her going by hand feeding her a couple pieces or with a smear of peanut butter. She's 100% better as soon as she eats. I wish your girl could understand your words telling her it would make her feel better.  Did she like the peanut butter when you put it in her mouth? I wonder if you could try that again and when she has the taste of it offer her some more on some bread or something. If you could just get her going I bet she would eat greedily at this point.

Your other dogs *should* be protected from hookworms with their monthly preventative, Heartgard of whatever.

Hang in there, I know how stressful it can be.

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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We've been through lots of tummy issues over the years.  The thing that none of our hounds have turned down is Evanger's Organic Cooked Chicken.  It's canned food and we would often use it when Rocket's stress colitis or the 4AM tummy squeals started up.  We also used it with the most recent 3 hounds due to hookworms and the tummy issues that come with them.  It is just chicken - nothing else but is the consistency of dog food and digests easier than pulled or rotisserie chicken.. It is not a complete meal, but we use it when we need to feed a bland diet or take a few spoonfuls and smear it through the kibble in the dish to get the flavor of the food on the kibble.  It has gone up in price recently like most things, but we always keep a case on hand for tummy issues. 

The other thing that seems to often work is cottage cheese. Again, mix it through the kibble so they can't pick it off the top.  Good luck! 

Edited by Time4ANap

Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Thanks so much everyone! She started eating again the next day, we simply "ignored" her and let her settle down - didn't approach her, let her come to us - and she was eating again the next morning. Right now, it's only chicken & rice - but we added a couple TBL of kibble this morning and we'll work towards a more normal diet soon.

Bad news - she tested positive for hookworm this afternoon and our vet put her on Dr. Ng's "triple combination" protocol. We have all the meds here and will start them right away - hopefully that will help her feel better and eat normally. We're also going to section off our backyard to give her "her own spot" to go in hopes of keeping other two safe while she is being treated. It's a lot to take in, as we've never dealt with this before. But, we're committed to her and only hope we can get her feeling better soon, even if it takes longer to eradicate the worms. Guess I'll be investigating those threads here to get more info quickly!

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I'm so glad to hear she's eating, that alone will make her feel so much better! My Wiki just got confirmation that the first round of "easy" treatment didn't work (no surprise) so we're right there with you starting Dr Ng's protocol.

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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