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20 years ago a legacy began


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20 years ago today a legacy started.  I adopted Topaz a year after I adopted my first, Brindle, to keep her company during my work day.  She was an adorable white and black clown. Her first and only Dewey Beach brought smiles to many who watched her antics on the beach. She loved her sister Brindle and they played hard. She was a grade A stuffy assassin. And she was a smiley dog.

Liver disease robbed her of her life, robbed me of her. She didn't make it to Christmas.  She couldn't even make her 6th birthday in 5 more days. I received her birthday and Christmas gifts in the mail after she left. To say I was stunned at losing such a young vibrant family member is an understatement. 
I couldn't get pass losing such a young girl. And I started searching for a silly goofy white and black girl. Thus the beginning of her legacy.  
Within 3 weeks I adopted a little girl who had a big smile and a gemstone name like Topaz. Only Onyx was black and a lady. Nothing silly about her. And while I grew to adore Onyx, I wasn't fulfilled. 
After 2 years and having chased after a half dozen or so white and black girls,  all of which fell through for a variety of reasons, I found a white and black girl whose personality rated as very outgoing and friendly.  
Enter Pearl. 
This girl ended up being my heart and soul. She entered my life 3 weeks before I lost 8 year old Brindle.  So Pearl ended up having to heal my heart from 2 losses. While mourning Brindle I found Pearl's littermate. I wasn't planning on bringing in another dog since I also still had Onyx. But...a littermate.
Enter Diamond. 
For four years I  was happy with my 3 pack. Then just happenstance,  I saw a teeny tiny white/black girl with lots and lots of spots. When I inquired about her I was told she was a firecracker. Tattooed but never raced.
Enter Opal.
I had such a wonderful 4 pack of 2 black and 2 white and black girls. And both Pearl and Opal  lived up to my goofy, funny expectations. 
I lost my sisters just months apart in 2010. So I started looking at white and black girls again. Pearl was and still is my heart and soul girl. During my browsing I found Topaz's niece.  Yup, white and black. 
Enter Crystal. 
Crystal was 11 so I didn't expect to have her for too many years. I lost her to cancer 18 days later. 
I went looking again and due to 3 losses in 5 months I was determined to have another w/b girl. 
Enter Jade.
Opal took to her immediately.  Young and playful once again I had my goofy white and black girls.  I was content with my 3 girls for a year when 15 year old Onyx left me. I was just going to stay at 2 for a while but the loss of Onyx for some reason really affected Jade. Even though Opal was her playmate.  Jade learned how to get out of my back yard. And nothing I did to the fence kept her in. I ended up returning her. I was crushed,  heartbroken.  But I knew deep down her luck ran out and she would not survive one more escape.  Opal was now an only child.  And lonely during the day.  She loved her 4pack and within a year they were all gone. In addition 2 more came and went. So I  started looking again.  I inquired about a sweet friendly black girl during a GUR, but was told she already had an adoption pending.  I kept looking and found another silly goofy w/b girl
Enter Tanzanite. 
Tanzi had very big paws to fill as I was so missing my Pearl. And she did. Having had 11 greys now, Tanzanite is 2nd only to Pearl. 
A week after getting Tanzi,  I was informed that the sweet black girl was returned because of SA in a condo situation. 
Enter Emerald.
Emerald was the  first dog since Topaz died that didn't have some connection to Topaz. 
Opal and Tanzanite have both left me. Leaving huge holes in my heart. And while I  still have Emerald  and new black girl Cee Magic,  I'm on the prowl for another silly goofy white and black girl. 
So if you lost count, I've had 6 white/black girls. And out of 11 greys total, I had 4 smiley girls. 
Topaz,  you've left quite the legacy. And I thank you for sending Pearl and Tanzanite to me.
I still love you and miss you every day.
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What wonderful memories those 20 years have given you.....


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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