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The Poop Room: Lock Him In Or Lock Him Out?

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We've been having some potty training issues lately, so we're working on many strategies to hopefully help with that.


However, there's one thing I'm hoping people here can weigh in on.

When our guy does have his accidents (pee and poop) they are usually happening in one particular room in our house. We have a tri-level house, so this level/room is not 1)where our/his bedroom is 2)where the going outside door is 3)nor is it where he spends his time alone - by his own choice.

When we first brought him home it was one of the later rooms we introduced and gave him free reign in, because it is carpeted and most of the others are not. However, now we (and he) spend a lot of time down there in the evenings, and there is even a couch he is allowed to be on down there.


I'm assuming the accidents are happening in this room because it seems the least like his "home" but I'm conflicted as to how best deal with that.


Do we move his food/water bowls to this room? A sort of "don't sh!t where you eat" strategy?

Do we move his main daytime bed to this room? Sort of all but force him to hang out in this room so that it becomes part of what he thinks of as his home?


Or do we lock him out of this room unless we are home? We clean up with an enzyme cleaner every time, and he's not a big pee marker, but we also aren't professional carpet cleaners (and I hesitate to pay for one until these issues are resolved). Do we lock him out until we can really clean out the smells of his handy work?


Any tips or tricks for untraining this area would be greatly appreciated!

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Does he potty in that room when you are home?


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Does he potty in that room when you are home?

No, I think it's mostly been when we were not home. It usually happens when he's gotten into more food than he's supposed to have (a thing we re working on), so the reason for the accident is obvious. The reason for the location choice, less so. It would make sense if it was like right at the door to go out, but it's not.

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Just a random thought. When he pees and poops outside does he only go on grass? If so, and as you say that room has a carpet, perhaps he thinks that is close enough to feeling like grass that it is OK to use it as a toilet. Try not letting him use that room and move his couch elsewhere


To clean the smells use a solution of biological washing powder/liquid.

Grace (Ardera Coleen) b. 18 June 2014 - Gotcha Day 10 June 2018 - Going grey gracefully
Guinness (Antigua Rum) b. 3 September 2017 - Gotcha Day 18 March 2022 - A gentleman most of the time


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Simple solution to me is lock him out of that room when you're not there, and figure out the "more food than he's supposed to" thing.


We never had to deal with a lot of true house-training issues, but I do know that if my dogs wanted to throw up, or had Big-D and couldn't hold it (usually from getting into something they shouldn't have, I had a serious raid-the-kitchen dog) - they went to my DD's room to make the mess. Dog ate a loaf of bread - poop in DD's room. Dog ate a plate of cookies - poop in DD's room. Dog ate a bag of sugar (yeah, that happened) - poop in DD's room. Dog ate the contents of the refrigerator (yep, a couple times) - poop in DD's room.


The most out-of-the way room, the one they were least often allowed in, and the only one with carpeting. So, the absolute worst place in the house for a mess. One of the reasons why there was a baby gate across her room for most of her life here with dogs after we figured that out. And probably one of the reasons DD is not a dog-person.


If it's a true house-training issue - that's a different thing. If it's the dog "Having" to go because he ate what he shouldn't or too much, etc, then the room makes sense to me. So.... if it's the latter, control the damage (close of the room) while you fix the eating issue. At least then the messes will be in a better place to clean up.

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Simple solution to me is lock him out of that room when you're not there, and figure out the "more food than he's supposed to" thing.


We never had to deal with a lot of true house-training issues, but I do know that if my dogs wanted to throw up, or had Big-D and couldn't hold it (usually from getting into something they shouldn't have, I had a serious raid-the-kitchen dog) - they went to my DD's room to make the mess. Dog ate a loaf of bread - poop in DD's room. Dog ate a plate of cookies - poop in DD's room. Dog ate a bag of sugar (yeah, that happened) - poop in DD's room. Dog ate the contents of the refrigerator (yep, a couple times) - poop in DD's room.


The most out-of-the way room, the one they were least often allowed in, and the only one with carpeting. So, the absolute worst place in the house for a mess. One of the reasons why there was a baby gate across her room for most of her life here with dogs after we figured that out. And probably one of the reasons DD is not a dog-person.


If it's a true house-training issue - that's a different thing. If it's the dog "Having" to go because he ate what he shouldn't or too much, etc, then the room makes sense to me. So.... if it's the latter, control the damage (close of the room) while you fix the eating issue. At least then the messes will be in a better place to clean up.

Thanks for that insight, and for making me feel better about our dog's eating escapades! We are quickly adapting to having a too-smart, chow hound - who at least so far has only broken into his own food . We were totally spoiled by our former guy who was completely indifferent to food.

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Thanks for that insight, and for making me feel better about our dog's eating escapades! We are quickly adapting to having a too-smart, chow hound - who at least so far has only broken into his own food . We were totally spoiled by our former guy who was completely indifferent to food.

My Sobe's ability to eat everything he shouldn't is legendary, and when we got Diana, she became his sidekick in crime. You could look up my old posts about it. We couldn't ever leave anything on the counters, so I started putting my loaf of bread, snacks, etc, in the microwave. He learned how to open the microwave. So I put them in the oven, he learned how to open the oven. Top of the pantry cupboard, he stood on his hind legs and bounced it until stuff fell off. Dogfood in a closet,, he opened the door and destroyed the knob. $70 locking dog-proof trash can - conquered in 3 days. Child-proof latches on the cupboards, I witnessed Sobe and Diana work collectively (when they forgot I was home) to get through them. The refrigerator was epic. He opened the door, and trashed the house with the contents of the fridge. Eggs are apparently really fun to play with! And there were "intestinal consequences" of the escapades. Sobe and Diana were 100% housetrained, but if they went on a rampage and got into stuff, well, they pooped, puked, etc. because of it. Never by the door - in DD's room if they could get in there. Shame pooping in the most out of the way place they could get to.


If the only thing your dog is getting into is the dog food stash - move it. Locked closet, basement, garage, trunk of your car - anywhere inaccessible! Remove the issue. And pray to all the gods and heavens that it's the only thing your dog will be too smart about getting into.

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