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Week 1

Guest FarqyArqy

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Guest FarqyArqy

Hi guys,


On day 6 with the new Grey and so far so Greyt. He is a 3 year old Fawn boy, and is very sweet. I am continuing to research and exercise patience as he get's accustomed to his new home but I had some newbie questions, and any and all insight would be appreciated.


Right now I am letting him sleep in on a dog bed next to me (it's just me and him in the apartment). This arrangement is fine, but it would be nice if he could comfortably sleep in the crate in the living room if needed. Is there a way to go about this, or should I establish one routine for now? I am sure I could be in for some noisy nights if that happens, which is not ideal. (I could sleep on the couch if that would make sense for a little)


Secondly, he at times whines and sometimes it seems like it is for no reason as he will have just been fed and taken out. It's not too bad but just curious if there is any ideas as to how I should tackle that.(teach him quiet, or squirt bottle?) I believe he is fine when I am at work and I leave him at home but won't know until my camera arrives in a couple of days and I can check in.


Other then this he is walking really well, doing all his business when I take him out, not showing any possessiveness or sleep aggressiveness so far. Just want to prevent separation anxiety and being a loud neighbor. I have plenty of time and resources to work with him to get there.



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All his reactions are very normal for a new dog. Heck, sometimes even my dogs do weird things that I just can't figure out! You may have gotten a greyhound who likes to talk, or some other reason that's not necessarily a bad thing - he wants attention, a treat, your chair or sofa spot, to be covered with his blankie - the things it *could* be are as many as your imagination.


If he's been fed, walked, watered and completely pottied, then you may just have to ignore him if you can't figure it out. :dunno


As far as him being loud, if your neighbors haven't complained, he's probably being quiet. You can always check in with them and ask, which is also a good time to tell them you have a new dog who is working on his "being alone" skills, and that you appreciate their patience.


Dogs like to sleep with their packmates. I would just let him sleep in the room with me, at least for a while. He may choose to sleep elsewhere at some point when he's more confident in his new home, but all of mine usually sleep in the bedroom with us. If you really want him in the living room you're going to have to put in some work getting him used to sleeping alone, just like you would getting him used to staying alone while you're at work.


Congrats on your adoption and welcome again!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Give him time. He is fairly new and needs you for reassurance. Mine started to sleep in the bedroom with us but in time wander all around the house for their favourite spots. Andy now sleeps in the living room because he decided that he doesn' t want to do the stairs anymore. Paddy and Saoirse share the dog bed in front of the fire place or the bed in the guest room. And sometimes they still stay in the bed room.

Sorry for butchering the english language. I try to keep the mistakes to a minimum.


Nadine with Paddy (Zippy Mullane), Saoirse (Lizzie Be Nice), Abu (Cillowen Abu) and bridge angels Colin (Dessies Hero) and Andy (Riot Officer).

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Some hounds talk a lot, and he's still getting used to his new home. He could be whining because he's bored or because he's nervous in the new place, not used to being an only dog, etc. My grey isn't much of a talker but will whine at us if she wants to play or go outside to run. In my opinion, if it's not that bad and he's not doing it loud enough to bother the neighbors, I wouldn't see it as something to correct. That could just deter him from learning to tell you when he wants something or needs to go out to the bathroom. It could also go away on it's own- as others have said, just give him time. He'll continue to settle in over the next few months and his true personality will come out in due time.


As for the crates, some dogs will like them and some wont. It's also personal preference to use one, but it does come in handy during emergencies when the dog needs to be contained. We crate during the work day/night, and gave our grey an option of using a crate in the living room or our bedroom- she chose the bedroom crate every single time. If you want to try to introduce him to a crate, it's not too early. From what I've experienced it's probably better to try it now while things are still new and he's still learning the ropes of the house, rather than once he's got an established routine and knows that he could be roaming free instead. He may like it, he may not. I'd say if your boy isn't being destructive during the day while you're gone, you probably don't have much to worry about in terms of SA right now.

Edited by ambpersand
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Sounds like things are going very well. I think you're smart to plan for future crate use. I don't have any ideas for timing, but I do suggest that you start just by making being in the crate a positive, even a fun, experience. If you don't already have the crate set up, do it now and leave it up. Leave the door open. Make it inviting with his favorite kinds of things to lie on (if you have figured this out), special treats, chews, or stuffed kongs. Praise praise praise when he goes in the crate and don't give any notice when he comes out of the crate. Once he shows he feels ok about being in the crate, you can start closing the door for short periods and progressing from there.


What's your boy's name? And does he have the black eyeliner that sometimes goes along with the fawn coloring?


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Guest FarqyArqy

Thanks for the replies guys! It is very true that the personality will take time to reveal itself, it's just tough not to analyze and try to understand everything :)


He is actually really good in the crate and will go in on command. But I have decided since I need to leave him alone for the work day that he should be able to have free reign over the apartment. I feel a little better this way as he LOVES the couches and can walk around a bit and look out the windows. I'd probably only reconsider this if he began to get possessive over any furniture.


Will try to get some photos!

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