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Gum Recession


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At Charlie's last check up she pointed out receeded guns around a couple of his teeth which I'd also noticed recently. His teeth are otherwise looking very good and he allows me to brush them every day but over time I do think he's getting a bit less comfortable with the brushing.


He's still showing no signs of discomfort when eating anD still enjoys hard chews. I'm thinking that, as with my own teeth, I should still persevere with the brushing but try to be very gentle? I've got a very soft baby's brush which I use on the affected teeth.


Does anybody have any advice on receeded gums?

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I have recently noticed Ryder's receding gum line located at a pocket between two molars (a pocket which he's had for years). After researching a bit, it seems like there isn't very much that can be done about it, or stop the recession. Sometimes though it can recede further because of heavy brushing, so be careful. :)


I keep it clean by brushing out the gunk, but I also very diligently use Leba III to break down the tartar to keep the gum line as healthy as it can be. What I worry about is what is under the gumline that you (nor I) can see. :(

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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keep up your diligent work if you have his teeth cleaned make sure they are polished. i know that my gums have improved w/ the use of my new sonic care toothbrush. but it's so darn noisy and if it hits a tooth it hurts, so i wouldn't advise that. i don't know if you can use sensitive care tooth paste, it works for me and my receding gums.

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How old is Charlie? Some gum receding is normal in older dogs (people too!) I would continue with the gentle brushing as long as he doesn't object.

He's 7 1/2 - I'm not sure if there was already some recession when we got him but it's definitely got worse. The gums around one of his teeth was slightly red I'm assuming some mild gum disease, seems to have cleared up now but I know that can cause recession.

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I have recently noticed Ryder's receding gum line located at a pocket between two molars (a pocket which he's had for years). After researching a bit, it seems like there isn't very much that can be done about it, or stop the recession. Sometimes though it can recede further because of heavy brushing, so be careful. :)


I keep it clean by brushing out the gunk, but I also very diligently use Leba III to break down the tartar to keep the gum line as healthy as it can be. What I worry about is what is under the gumline that you (nor I) can see. :(


That's what the vet also said - you don't know what's underneath the gums.


I'm very gentle but do wonder if I've been too rough in the past. I've got much worse recession than Charlie but I'm probably more concerned about his.

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Only use a toothpaste that is for dogs - human toothpaste is not meant to be swallowed and can contain bad stuff (strange sugars).


I've been using a dental rinse with Zinc along with a bit of toothpaste for Lucy's teeth however, I don't use a brush - I use the sponge on a stick. I can really move it along her gum lines and it doesn't hurt and do her entire mouth with just a few complaints from her.

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