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Doesn't Know How To Play But Wants To.

Guest AbbyH

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Our four year old greys (sisters) don't know how to play. They get frisky, they grab a toy and toss it around, look excited and then stop and cry. They will go through this several times a day and spend the time between crying.


They make it clear that they really want to play but they just don't know how.


We've tried balls which were greyt for about 10 minutes. They will chase rope bones for a couple of throws. They love plush toys but destroy them in about three minutes. We put them in the back yard and they just come to the door begging for us to come out. When we go out they get bouncy and then stop and cry.


Does anybody have suggestions for how to entertain an extremely bored greyhound?



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Awh. Kasey didn't know how to play during his first year home!


How long have you had yours?


Sometimes you just have to find a toy that speaks to them. Some don't like squeakies, some just love them, some love to play just tug of war, others will chase balls.....


Have you tried mind stimulating toys, like hiding food in a container and them trying to find them?

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10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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My guys love really big stuffies. The bigger the better. They drag them around, they lay on them and they sleep on them. Sometime they toss them, too. It takes time. I bought "indestructible toys" that were done in a day. I find the shredding stops after a while.


As long as they love their toys, what does it matter what they do with them.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
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They actually LOVE finding things. So hide some really smelly treats around the home and clean parts of the yard. Encourage them when they're getting 'warmer'.


Playing with toys is often a sudden interest game, just like they can self-trigger into doing zoomies.

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We've tried balls which were greyt for about 10 minutes. They will chase rope bones for a couple of throws. They love plush toys but destroy them in about three minutes.


This all sounds very normal to me. It sounds like they've got playing perfected with that 3 minute toy destruction time. My dogs WISH they had those kinds of skills!


We enjoy training, treat toys, and chewies around here for entertainment. :)

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Paddy loves stuffies. He throws them in the air and acts like a puppy. So it's stuffies for him.

Col loves snacks hidden in newspapers or boxes he can destroy while finding something tasty, too. So it's paper and snacks for him.

Andy finds everything just boring. Only sometimes a snack in a box will get a reaction from him. So it's mostly nothing for him.


They are different. But I would try with something tasty they can unwrap.

Sorry for butchering the english language. I try to keep the mistakes to a minimum.


Nadine with Paddy (Zippy Mullane), Saoirse (Lizzie Be Nice), Abu (Cillowen Abu) and bridge angels Colin (Dessies Hero) and Andy (Riot Officer).

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Please remember that they are not children. You're assuming they're bored--I don't know why--but many greyhounds never play. So they fact that their play sessions are short might lead you to believe that like a child who gives up on something, they aren't having fun--but that just might be all the fun they want.


Whining is an attention seeking behavior. If you reward it with attention, they'll continue it. Try to ignore it. Let them find their own fun.


And perhaps take them on a nice long walk once a day? Let them see more of the world than your yard. That would be stimulating for them and also good for the exercise!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Jordan33

I throw treats for Adrien to go find. There are too many things in my apartment I didn't realize she wouldn't get close to with her nose/tongue, but the more I throw treats around, which go in random places because they're round and roll easily, the more comfortable she becomes with scary objects. But I can't walk her close to something scary and give her a treat. Lol. Nope.


Otherwise, she grabs her stuffies to toss around or the rope toys to chew when she needs to go out, and that's it.

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