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Behavior Changes, Please Help

Guest Thall447

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Guest Thall447

Hello all,


Ive had my boy Kota since last march. He is a wonderful grey, he barks and sings and is very social with people, not skittish at all. He has even taken to being a lapdog, and just in the last week he got a girlfriend, a large great dane from next door who he actually plays with!


Its been a long time since I posted on this forum, so a bit of background. Im a 24 yr old male living in Atlanta. Last year he and I had some problems with aggression and guarding. He bit me and my girlfriend more than once, until she refused to stay with me because she was scared of him, and honestly I was too. I had a proffessional come over a few times to try and help me out, teach me how to help break him of those habits. He bit her as well, and she actually commended me for sticking with him. i guess most people would have given up and sent him back by then. It took 8 months to a year, and a lot of tough love (I think not giving him affection hurt me more than him,) but he is my best friend now and a wonderful, affectionate, well behaved hound.


Now for my problem. Kota had recently taken to tearing things up. Nothing important like shoes or anything, mostly paper from the trash by my desk or something of the like. It started with him doing it every once in a while, but it has grown to the point where nearly every time I come home there is something torn up. Its unrealistic to think that I can keep everything out of his reach, and honestly I dont want to worry about whether there is a scrap of paper in my trashcan or a receipt on the counter every time I leave the house.


He has also been urinating in the house recently, and once or twice defacated. He has always had problems peeing. What i mean by that is ever since I got him, when i take him out to pee he will pee for minutes straight. Ive timed it once and he peed for over three minutes. The stream is always weak as well, and sometimes an hour or less later we will go out again for a run or something and he stops and pees for just as long. What makes this more strange is that when he and I used to live alone, (I have a roommate now,) I would be at work for a full day, and he would be fine at home, not mess then house, not tear anything up, nothing, ever, regardless of my workout schedule or sports practice or anything. When he had to go out he would sing or bark and we would go out, and we never had a problem. I took him to the vet recently and they ran an ultrasound on him after he peed, and said it looked like his bladder wasnt emptying fully, but didnt make it seem like a big problem and gave him no treatment, just said keep taking him out.


I know that the recent problems are manifested in stress. He has been barking and whining MUCH more often lately. He never barks unless he wants something, but I will be at my desk working and he will come up every couple of minutes and whine. I will take him out to pee and play a bit, five minutes later, same thing. I dont know how to help him or what he wants me to do for him. He is also so so tense. It has gotten to the point where he will be laying on his bed staring at me, and if I do so much as lean forward he will jump up and get right in my face barking. Most times we will go out, but every five minutes has a pretty big impact on my work or just general relaxation. My roommate also works from home, and apparently kota doesnt really do this to him, he will either lay up in my bed until I come home or on his bed without bothering Dan, unless he really has to go out and pee. But when Im home he is a basket case. It kills me because every time he jumps up at me his tail is wagging hard and I know he wants to go outside, and like I said I will take him out and play and let him run every day, but every five minutes is a bit much. Maybe i need to try tiring him out more? Run in the morning? I dont know.


So the peeing in the house recently I know is my fault somehow. The only thing I can think is that sometimes when he comes over to me five minutes after I took him out I tell him no, and to go lay down. He goes and lays down, but will be very upset about it, and will cry, and it really upsets me because I love my dog very much. Then like i said if I so much as lean back from the computer, he springs up. So Ive had to tell him no more than a few times, and Im sure that somewhere in there I had told him no when he really had to pee, and I just couldnt differentiate because his body language is always the same. I think I messed up his understanding of what to do when he has to pee and maybe he thinks its a bad thing to do now? The tearing up of paper etc. has been really bad lately. He normally does it after I come home from work, take him out to run and play, then run to the gym for an hour. During that hour or anytime I leave the house is when he would normally tear things up, but today Dan called and said he went from the living room to the kitchen and when he got back he caught kota trying to nab a piece of paper off the coffee table. He hates being alone but unfortunately I cant be with him 24/7. Its stressful enough on me but I feel bad that my roommate, who works from home a lot of the time, is handling it on his own much of the day.


I know this was long winded and I hope i gave enough detail. I also hope I dont sound like a terrible Dad because Ive told him no many times when he barks or whines, but like I said this is all a recent development, and my schedule hasnt changed much since we used to live alone. I cant take him out every ten minutes, neither can my roommate, and I cant never leave the house. I dont want to just go back to crating him because that doesnt solve the problem and will probably just make him more stressed. I love kota more than anything. Hes turned into the greatest, smartest, most well behaved and most affectionate dog Ive had in my life, and I hate that he is dealing with something that I dont necessarily know how to fix. If anyone has any advice or has dealt with something similar please help. And I would love some constructive criticism but save your breath if all you have is outright insults.










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Guest Lygracilux

When it comes to the urination/defecation-this sounds like a UTI, or some sort of bacterial infection going on. I know you said you took him to the vet, but did they test for a UTI, or just do a ultrasound? Either way, you should test for UTI and even if it comes back negative treat for it anyways.

When it comes the the behavior aspect, it sound like he may be distressed from internal pain the probable UTI may be causing. Id be barking and whining too if I was uncomfortable all the time, y'know? You're his go to person, his pack leader, his dad, he's trying to tell you somethings not right.

Treat and rule the UTI or medical issue out first. If nothing changes, I'm sure lots of people here can point you in the right direction of behavior modification.

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Guest Thall447

When it comes to the urination/defecation-this sounds like a UTI, or some sort of bacterial infection going on. I know you said you took him to the vet, but did they test for a UTI, or just do a ultrasound? Either way, you should test for UTI and even if it comes back negative treat for it anyways.

When it comes the the behavior aspect, it sound like he may be distressed from internal pain the probable UTI may be causing. Id be barking and whining too if I was uncomfortable all the time, y'know? You're his go to person, his pack leader, his dad, he's trying to tell you somethings not right.

Treat and rule the UTI or medical issue out first. If nothing changes, I'm sure lots of people here can point you in the right direction of behavior modification.

Ok Ill take him today, just scheduled the appointment. And yeah it makes sense that if hes that uncomfortable he would be stressed. thanks

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Guest Lygracilux

Ok Ill take him today, just scheduled the appointment. And yeah it makes sense that if hes that uncomfortable he would be stressed. thanks


Good to hear! Keep us updated and let us know how your boy is doing.

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Regarding the biting issue - if Kota was lying down, either on a bed, the floor, or the couch, do not lean over or in toward him. Sounds like he may have some space aggression. He may get over this eventually.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Guest normaandburrell

I had a problem with my grey eating inappropriate items. He started with the garbage and with paper and eventually ate a nylon leash. Around the same time I felt he was not getting enough stimulation or exercise. He was doing what you describe, watching me and the minute I got up, wanting to go with me wherever I was going. I noticed you say you go to the gym. Can you try for a little while using that hour to exercise your grey? A really long walk to tire him out at least once, maybe twice a day, along with shorter turn out times to play and run. I found out my grey will fetch, so at least once a day I throw a ball until he is exhausted and just won't chase it anymore. That's on top of a long morning walk, and at least one other turn out, either a slightly shorter walk or another session with the ball.

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Guest Lygracilux

I had a problem with my grey eating inappropriate items. He started with the garbage and with paper and eventually ate a nylon leash. Around the same time I felt he was not getting enough stimulation or exercise. He was doing what you describe, watching me and the minute I got up, wanting to go with me wherever I was going. I noticed you say you go to the gym. Can you try for a little while using that hour to exercise your grey? A really long walk to tire him out at least once, maybe twice a day, along with shorter turn out times to play and run. I found out my grey will fetch, so at least once a day I throw a ball until he is exhausted and just won't chase it anymore. That's on top of a long morning walk, and at least one other turn out, either a slightly shorter walk or another session with the ball.


This too!

A tired dog is a happy dog :)

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Guest Thall447

Regarding the biting issue - if Kota was lying down, either on a bed, the floor, or the couch, do not lean over or in toward him. Sounds like he may have some space aggression. He may get over this eventually.


The biting issue has been over for a long time. Took lots and lots of work. But thanks


Did a rabies shot occur before the tearing up started? I have had 2 that started shredding things after rabies shots and found out that this is a symptom of a rxn to it.


No not recently enough for that to be the case but ill ask my vet about it.




I had a problem with my grey eating inappropriate items. He started with the garbage and with paper and eventually ate a nylon leash. Around the same time I felt he was not getting enough stimulation or exercise. He was doing what you describe, watching me and the minute I got up, wanting to go with me wherever I was going. I noticed you say you go to the gym. Can you try for a little while using that hour to exercise your grey? A really long walk to tire him out at least once, maybe twice a day, along with shorter turn out times to play and run. I found out my grey will fetch, so at least once a day I throw a ball until he is exhausted and just won't chase it anymore. That's on top of a long morning walk, and at least one other turn out, either a slightly shorter walk or another session with the ball.


Yeah he loves to fetch. I am going to try waking up earlier and taking him on a walk or jog. I usually take between a half hour to an hour every day between work and the gym to run him and play and such, but I think youre right and he just needs more.



This too!

A tired dog is a happy dog :)

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Guest greyhound_in_LA

This really sounds like a medical issue. I'd take him to the vet for possible UTI and ask them to look at bladder/kidneys with ultrasound.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Thall447



I took Kota to the Vet, and he had blood, urine, and fecal work done. They found bacteria in the urine and did some more testing, and found that a lot of his chemical (not sure which) levels in his kidneys were high, so they put him on medication. We started going on long runs three or more times a week on top of walks, going to the park, etc. It got better for a while, but just over the past couple days it has gotten worse than it was. Yesterday I had to leave the house for a couple hours, and I left my keys inside, when I went to get it he had peed on the floor. Not a lot, just a little bit. His urine stream is changing, sometimes it is barely there, dribbling even, and sometimes it is fine. Today, while my roommate was home, he stayed upstairs in my room all day, then came down and without saying anything to my roommate he peed in the kitchen.


I called my vet again and we are going to have xray and ultrasound done. Does anyone have any ideas

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

Is he still on medication? It may not have fixed the problem yet. Sometimes if there is an infection it could take a few weeks to fix. Also, why dont you just muzzle him when you leave, then you wont have to worry about the chewing?

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His urination issue sounds like a condition that occurs with racers after a race. They call it being "tied up". Sometimes treated with muscle relaxers. Our male sometimes has this difficulty during stressful situations, ie; adjusting to new situations, long travel, etc. For him massaging his back while he is urinating helps relax and increases the flow.


<p>Finn, Wink, Birdie, Snap and SmokeyJG Quicknfast 7/25/99-5/16/08, JG Quickwink 7/25/99-9/22/13, Iruska SweetDuv 7/19/03-11/9/16, Delbar 6/11/11 and Catahoula Smokey
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This is a long shot, but one of the dogs that came to our adoption group a year or two ago was having issues urinating with just a small stream that took him a very long time. If I remember correctly, he was tested for a UTI and no issues.


He was given an x-ray and it turned out that the vet who did his neuter had stapled (rather than stitched) him back up, and had accidentally stapled his urethra in the process, which was blocking the flow of urine and not allowing him to fully empty his bladder.


Anyway I'm sure it isn't something that happens often, but may be worth mentioning to the vet to look for since he is doing an x-ray.



Bri and Mike with Boo Radley (Williejohnwalker), Bubba (Carlos Danger), and the feline friends foes, Loois and Amir

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I took Kota to the Vet, and he had blood, urine, and fecal work done. They found bacteria in the urine and did some more testing, and found that a lot of his chemical (not sure which) levels in his kidneys were high, so they put him on medication. We started going on long runs three or more times a week on top of walks, going to the park, etc. It got better for a while, but just over the past couple days it has gotten worse than it was. Yesterday I had to leave the house for a couple hours, and I left my keys inside, when I went to get it he had peed on the floor. Not a lot, just a little bit. His urine stream is changing, sometimes it is barely there, dribbling even, and sometimes it is fine. Today, while my roommate was home, he stayed upstairs in my room all day, then came down and without saying anything to my roommate he peed in the kitchen.


I called my vet again and we are going to have xray and ultrasound done. Does anyone have any ideas

No ideas, sorry, but you might try asking in the Heath and Medical forum where you might get some more ideas.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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