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Strongid After Panacur

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Cozett finished her forth worming with panacur (first two Drontal plus, second toe panacur) Wednesday. Stool to be rechecked again in tow weeks, I guess from Wednesday. If I start her on weekly doses do strong Id..will that effect her stool results? Should I wait until checked again in case ver wants to put her on panacur again??? At $100 for six packets..getting a bit expensive. But I need to get rid of these worms. Stool still mushy, now may have to think about switching food :(

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She may just have associated tummy issues from the worms that need time to heal. I would be also giving Metronidazole.


Panacur often has a soothing effect on the stomach, but if that's not taking care of the mushy stuff then I would definitely give Metronidazole for about 10 days to see if it clears up. We've always given Metronidazole when giving Panacur or Drontal Plus to help heal any stomach damage and/or cure diarrhea.


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Guest sireltonsmom

I'm in sympathy with you. I had to buy a pound of Panacur at over $300 and dose Beau twice a day for two weeks. Saturday will be the end. I sure hope his hooks are GONE! Persistent hooks are awful for the doggie and no fun for us to try to heal them. Hope you are thru it this time!

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Nova has been treated now with 3 different worm meds. The last Panacur C. Another week until stool recheck. I've bought some fresh water, food grade diatomatious earth. I won't start it until after the next worming. Claims it is supposed to kill hook and whip worms along with a couple others, If the sample is clean it may help her from getting them back. If it isn't it can't hurt.

Good luck.

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I feel for all of you. It took 11 months to get rid of the hook worms that Betty came with. We tried Dontral plus and Panacur. We had no luck with either one in any dose. My vet contacted the scientists at Idexx (one of the major labs that process dog tests). They said to give Strongid 5 days in a row, wait 3 weeks, do 5 days of Strongid, wait 3 week, do 5 days of Strongid, wait 3 weeks then do a fecal test. It finally killed the live worms and any that hatched during the process. That finally cured her.


Betty's stools never firmed up until a few weeks after the worms were finally gone for good.


Good luck. It can be a long, frustrating, expensive process.

Christine- Mum to Betty (Nitro Ugly Betty), Hannah (Rj Have I Told U) and missing Heidi (Sendahl Eve) 04/21/2005-06/19/2013

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You can use the goat dewormer from Tractor Supply rather than Panacur...has the same medicine at the same rate/level. With my dogs being about 65 lbs, I believe I gave 15 cc once/day for 5 days to all 3 pups. I ended up buying a liter of it online from Lambert Vet Supply for about $120 and I have a ton left in case anyone else needs it. I used it to get rid of Giardia that Noah had. The vet had suggested Pancur. I did the 5 day treatment, gave them a rest for 3 weeks, then another 5 day treatment and then took in a stool sample...the Giardia was gone.


And I did double check this with a vet tech before doing the goat dewormer, although I've used the goat dewormer in the past on greyhounds. You just have to know how much to give of the dewormer.

Edited by kolarik1

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I have food grenade DE ..bought when sons' had bed bugs in apartments :(. I asked about it when my last dogs both had hooks. Vet wasn't thrilled with me using it. dont remeber why. Seems like quite a few on heare have used the strong ID t..I think I will wait until after stool checked again to discuss strong ID t with my vet. I did order it and it should be here soon.


[ quote name=june" post="5723620" timestamp="1405725507]Nova has been treated now with 3 different worm meds. The last Panacur C. Another week until stool recheck. I've bought some fresh water, food grade diatomatious earth. I won't start it until after the next worming. Claims it is supposed to kill hook and whip worms along with a couple others, If the sample is clean it may help her from getting them back. If it isn't it can't hurt.

Good luck.

Thanks..this is helpful to know.

I feel for all of you. It took 11 months to get rid of the hook worms that Betty came with. We tried Dontral plus and Panacur. We had no luck with either one in any dose. My vet contacted the scientists at Idexx (one of the major labs that process dog tests). They said to give Strongid 5 days in a row, wait 3 weeks, do 5 days of Strongid, wait 3 week, do 5 days of Strongid, wait 3 weeks then do a fecal test. It finally killed the live worms and any that hatched during the process. That finally cured her.

Betty's stools never firmed up until a few weeks after the worms were finally gone for good.

Good luck. It can be a long, frustrating, expensive process.

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Can hooks cause itchy skin/feet?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest johnwe

What's the dosage for food grade DE? can you tell me for each 10lbs of dog?



I have food grenade DE ..bought when sons' had bed bugs in apartments :(. I asked about it when my last dogs both had hooks. Vet wasn't thrilled with me using it. dont remeber why. Seems like quite a few on heare have used the strong ID t..I think I will wait until after stool checked again to discuss strong ID t with my vet. I did order it and it should be here soon.

[ quote name=june" post="5723620" timestamp="1405725507]Nova has been treated now with 3 different worm meds. The last Panacur C. Another week until stool recheck. I've bought some fresh water, food grade diatomatious earth. I won't start it until after the next worming. Claims it is supposed to kill hook and whip worms along with a couple others, If the sample is clean it may help her from getting them back. If it isn't it can't hurt.
Good luck.

Thanks..this is helpful to know.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, we did another stool sample and both girls continue to test positive for worms! The vet has a call in to a paracitologyst and is waiting to hear back if he has anything else to suggest.


Here is the link to the DE that I found with suggested dosage and other information about DE


Even though they are still positive I'm going to continue the DE. My vet does not have any confidence that it will help with the worms but says it won't hurt them.


How is everyone else doing with battling the worms?

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My vet got a call back from the specialist. He says he has had several calls regarding greyhounds and worms even just in the last few days. He states Greyhounds are different than other dogs (but, then we knew that). Basically, he told my vet since we have tried worming 4 times and they are still testing positive for eggs that there is not much else we can do. He is sure the worm medications have been working, but that hook worms in particular do not lay eggs in a set time cycle. They tend to lay eggs in stress situations. My vet told them I am changing from Heartguard to Interceptor he said that was a good idea since it is a different medication and may be more effective. As long as the dogs appear healthy to use the Interceptor and if it will make me feel better go ahead and recheck a stool sample in about 6 months. He believes the worms will go away. I hope he is right.

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Cozett had five days of strongid..one week after panacur. About two weeks after her stool finally starting looking better..for a few days. Today is three weeks after strongid . And we are starting another 5 days. I hope this works. This us very frustting. We also switched to sentinel from heart guard last month.

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One thing I did before changing heart worm medications was have a heartworm test done. It was clear, but I wanted to make sure since having all the trouble with the worms. Good luck.


edited to add: I'm not doing another fecal test until the beginning of October. Hopefully things will be better by then.

Edited by june
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