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Tatum's Result Soft Tissue Sarcoma

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:cry1 going for blood test and puncture on Monday


Both our dogs have it





What is next ?

Edited by Shirley44


Miles October 4 2002-Novembre 19 2013 Mommy loves you big boy

Tatum December 1 2004-January 23 2015 Love you Miss SiSi Bums

Rowdy October 26 2001 -November 5 2015 Miss you Bébé Lou

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LOTS of hugs for you, and scritches for your hounds. Aston was put under for two biopsies last Fall, and they came back as two different soft-tissue-sarcoma diagnoses -- nerve sheath tumor, and spindle-cell sarcoma.

As the vet recommended that I consult an oncologist, I sent Aston's records to Dr. Couto (coutovetconsultants.com). We went back-and-forth a bit in regard to Aston's backstory, and he eventually offered the opinion that the "spindle-cell sarcoma" was actually just very angry granulation tissue following a localized infection in that foot -- which was verified by the pathologist on a second look at the biopsy slides. The nerve-sheath tumor was indeed that, but the nature of these tumors is very slow-growing, with a very low risk of metastasis. Aston's tumor was located near the front of his right shoulder, and when the vet exposed it, it basically fell out on its own. Not completely clean margins; Dr. Couto advised that we could go back in and cut a wider swath to get things clean, but that due to the very slow growth, we wouldn't have to worry about doing it any time soon if we didn't want to. At that time, since Aston had a lot of other issues going on, I focused on stabilizing him, instead. We still haven't seen any progressive signs of recurrence in his shoulder. I just keep an eye on it. It's been about 6.5 months now.

Here is a link to the section of the "medical-adventure" thread wherein I mention this process. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/302178-aston-update-1017-its-cancer-2x-over-couto-or-osu/page-3?do=findComment&comment=5592405
The particular post that is linked for viewing is JJng's, where she mentions the use of 5FU injections to treat her hound's soft-tissue sarcoma -- local oncologists may not be aware of this treatment, but Dr. Couto can advise. Discussion also follows in that thread.

Many, many more hugs. Aston's diagnoses put me through the wringer; I can't imagine two hounds at once. The good news is that, per my understanding, these are very treatable, much less aggressive cancers than the dreaded osteosarcoma. :grouphug:beatheart

Please keep us posted! There are steps you can take. Do not fear, for any decision you make is out of love. The hounds are most concerned with the now. :beatheart

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I just had 2 hounds have the same diagnosis.


I adopted 4 year old Cooper in December and he came with the diagnosis. He had a soft tissue sarcoma on his head which had been partially removed by his adoption group. I took him to Metzger Animal Hospital to see Dr. Couto in his new location. We discussed treatment options and decided on another surgery - wide revision on his head. The surgery was successful and the pathology came back cancer free. Cooper's sarcoma was low grade and the chance of it metastasizing is extremely low so we consider this surgery curative and no further treatment is necessary.


Kirby is my 13 1/2 year old boy who has had a small mass under his eye for years which suddenly quadrupled in size in February over a few weeks. My vet and I decided surgery was necessary even at his advanced age and the pathology report revealed a low grade soft tissue sarcoma with close margins. We decided not to put my old guy through another surgery to get better margins. From what I understand it can take years for the sarcoma to come back.


I hope your dog's outcomes go as well as mine did and I do suggest contacting Dr. Couto as he really helped me in treating Cooper.


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Guest MnMDogs

We had Macy's removed, but due to location, the surgeon couldn't get wide enough margins. She's on low dose oral chemo for the rest of her life. We started it in December with no ill effects and she's doing very well. Good wishes for you.

Edited by MnMDogs
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The blood test came out perfect :)


How do I convince DH for the operation now

Schedule date is the 28 of May





Miles October 4 2002-Novembre 19 2013 Mommy loves you big boy

Tatum December 1 2004-January 23 2015 Love you Miss SiSi Bums

Rowdy October 26 2001 -November 5 2015 Miss you Bébé Lou

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