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How "velcro" Is Your Grey?

Guest TofuNifty

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Guest TofuNifty

I've had my boy for about 3 weeks now. And this morning I realized that I haven't been able to use the restroom alone since he's gotten here LOL. He follows me everywhere! How common is this? I knew greys were velcro dogs but the extent to which he follows amazes me... even when I walk downstairs, forget my jacket and walk back upstairs, go back downstairs, and realize I left my keys upstairs and repeat. He follows without fuss! Should I be expecting this potty partner for the rest of my life? Not complaining! I have a Great Pyr who does her own thing so this loyalty despite my roundabout logistics in the house makes me all fuzzy and happy inside. :flip

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Guest TofuNifty

I haven't used the bathroom privately for the better part of three years. My dogs follow me EVERYWHERE. :lol

Makes me feel better lol. My dad keeps saying that maybe I smell like food and that's the only reason he follows me. He's just kidding but it made me wonder!

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Guest Clawsandpaws

Sir Dudley will also follow me to the restroom, unless Bella the cat is there first! Dudley likes to be in areas where he can see me, which works out since we have a small 1 bedroom, he can see me from anywhere!! Whenever we visit other places, shopping, parents/friends houses etc. he will never leave my side! I have had Dudley for a little over a year now, I love it :)

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Guest psdirector

I think that Hutch and Tibbs would follow me around, except there is this little problem of the shiny kitchen floor... you would have to CROSS that thing to follow me! They were fine with the floor at first. Then Hutch went sliding when he was excited and then Tibbs went sliding when he was excited. Now we have to put beach towels across the floor, put leashes on and really encourage them to cross the floor. Otherwise I think I would have velcro dogs... oh, yeah, as long as it didn't interfere with nap time! lol

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Guest Clawsandpaws

I think that Hutch and Tibbs would follow me around, except there is this little problem of the shiny kitchen floor... you would have to CROSS that thing to follow me! They were fine with the floor at first. Then Hutch went sliding when he was excited and then Tibbs went sliding when he was excited. Now we have to put beach towels across the floor, put leashes on and really encourage them to cross the floor. Otherwise I think I would have velcro dogs... oh, yeah, as long as it didn't interfere with nap time! lol

Try buying kitchen rugs!

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Guest TofuNifty

I just got Bantay some clearance booties from PetSmart for when we visit my parent's house. He didn't like them at first but now he walks just fine on their shiny surfaces. :) For $3 it was worth a try.





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Velcro dog? What is that? Summit spends most of his time sleeping in a different room. Unless it is dinner time and he wants to not-so-subtly hint that I should be feeding him. Or if it's 5 PM and I'm coming home from work.


Kili on the other hand is just starting to be allowed some free run of the house while we are home to supervise. I never shut the bathroom door. I just close it without latching it. Well, I have to latch it now because otherwise she opens the door and follows me in. If I latch it she bangs on it once or twice until she realizes she can't open it and then she just sits there and waits for me to come out. But I wouldn't call her a velcro dog either to be honest.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Beth is very people-oriented but not velcro. It is my cats who typically visit me in the bathroom, though Beth comes in on occasion for an ear rub if she is already on her feet. Actually, Beth velcros herself to any stranger willing to pet her. :rolleyes:

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Annie has never been in either of the two bathrooms in the house, let alone follow me in. One bathroom is what I call a a regular size: two people can fit in it for showering, etc., and standing at the sink to brush teeth but there's not much room to spare. I think it's too small for Annie to feel comfy (she doesn't like what she deems a tight space). The other bathroom is huge -- very spacious (formerly a bedroom redone to bathroom and laundry room) -- but she won't go into that one either.


She does go upstairs and back down with me unless, when she's at the bottom of the stairs looking up, I tell her, "Stay, I'll be right down." She'll then go lay back down on her bed.


So on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being totally velcro, I rate Annie a 1.

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Guest IrskasMom

I think that Hutch and Tibbs would follow me around, except there is this little problem of the shiny kitchen floor... you would have to CROSS that thing to follow me! They were fine with the floor at first. Then Hutch went sliding when he was excited and then Tibbs went sliding when he was excited. Now we have to put beach towels across the floor, put leashes on and really encourage them to cross the floor. Otherwise I think I would have velcro dogs... oh, yeah, as long as it didn't interfere with nap time! lol


Some Rubberbacked Runners in the Kitchen would help the Pups .

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Guest Nycelle

We live in a loft, so they can "eye-velcro" me, but if I am out of sight for any length of time, they will start a search party. Nothing like a black muzzle pushing through the shower curtain!

Zone is such a Momma's boy though,we have a nickname for him. :shakefinger Do not look if making fun of public figures offends you.



Remeber the look Nancy Reagan used to give the President when he spoke?/ The realy googley eyed one? Yep. We call him "Nancy"


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One of my boys is a super clingy velcro dog. The other boy is aloof and only wants attention on his terms. Both of my girls are sweet but pretty independent. They like to hang out in the dog room and come up for attention when they want it. My Galgo is super clingy and wants to be on top of you every second of every day.


Dogs are not allowed in my bathrooms. So, my Beezers will wait outside the bathroom door for me and then celebrate my return with joyful leaps and dances. :lol:

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Leah knows the sounds of me leaving, but Jimmie is always on alert. He's been here nearly 2 yrs and has just recently been brave enough for a few nights to sleep in his own bed instead of mine.

NEVER does he not check on me in the bathroom. Forget about closing a door. We were getting ready to go out yesterday so I stopped in the bathroom first. He had already picked up on the signals that we were going out so he was EXCITED! He not only came in and peeked to see if I was really still in the bathroom, he did 6 rechecks :yikes and my visit was brief :)


I do try to minimize his clingy-ness though so that when I am away from him he doesn't get too crazy. But secretly....I really love being with him too :wub:

Jody, Leah & Jimmie
You left us much, much too soon Lima & Chip :brokenheart

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I should have named Sailor, Elmer, because hes glued to my side. During the summer we hang out say my friends a lot. She has a large deck and a pool. The yard is large and all the dogs have complete access, we leave the house door open so the dogs can come and go spend time on one of 6 dog beds and most of the dogs like to lay under the deck in the cool dirt. Sailor will stand next to me and whine until I bring a dog bed out and put it next to me. If I go to my moms and leave him there for even an hour, he will whine the entire time I'm gone. He doesn't even look at most people when they say his name unless "cookie" is attached. Hes a mommas boy to the extreme.

Bu on the other hand, tries to leave the park with strangers and when we go to other peoples houses, I have to drag him out of dog beds by the collar.

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Dakota is glued to me! I can't go to the bathroom by myself either. He's right there, every time. Also, I could walk up and down the stairs 10 times and he'd follow me up and down 10 times without question. Toby wouldn't go for nightly walks right after I had my knee surg a couple of years ago. He absolutely refused to go for his beloved nightly walk if his mom couldn't go. Instead he'd just go for a quick trip out in the backyard and come right back to be by my side.

Every hound we've had has been a male and a total mama's boy. I often wonder if we had a female, would she be more of a daddy's girl? Sometimes I feel bad for my husband. They love him but they are totally devoted 1000% to me. :)

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Raven likes to have us in sight at all times but she's not really all that touchy feely. She just needs to keep tabs on us.


Riley likes to make physical contact a lot. He follows us around and occasionally does the leaning/rubbing like a cat routine. He is particularly attentive when one of is in the Magic Food Room, a.k.a. the kitchen.


Raven gets really wigged out when we're home but she can't see us. Riley is more self-assured and is OK as long as we aren't out of sight too long. Both of them will run to the window and look out when we leave the house.


Every hound I've ever had has thought that the bathroom was trying to eat us and couldn't bear to be shut out of it for a private moment. :lol

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Guest OPointyDog

Beth is very people-oriented but not velcro. It is my cats who typically visit me in the bathroom, though Beth comes in on occasion for an ear rub if she is already on her feet. Actually, Beth velcros herself to any stranger willing to pet her. :rolleyes:


There are sometimes I think I should just post "what PrairieProf said". :) Zoe does this, too. She looooooves strangers to pet her. And it's the cats who come into the bathroom. Mostly Zoe couldn't be bothered to get out of her bed. Our downstairs bathroom is actually two baby gates away from the dogs, and that's where we keep the cat food, so it's more in the "cat zone" of the house anyway.


However, Mika apparently thinks that the sound of the bathroom door closing means "DESTROY THE HOUSE" and even if he was sound asleep when I left the living room, if he hears the door shut, he wakes up and starts destroying his toys....

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Guest Wasserbuffel

Mine was a velcro pup at first. She had to go wherever I was, but that tapered off after a few months. Now she'll follow me around if she's already on her feet, but mostly she'll just keep on snoozing if I'm wandering around the house. Although, both she and the cats do prefer to stay on whatever level of the house I'm on, so If I'm on the wrong level for too long, they'll all come find me.

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Guest Doggone

I've had Autumn a month now, and once in a while, I can shower without company, but I still leave the door ajar so she can stick her head in, check that I'm in there, and either decide to lay down on the entire bath mat, or just outside the bathroom. She's also less Velcro-y than she was, but still sometimes a bit of a "shadow". Whether it's because she's more comfy here, or whether she's just feeling lazier, there is a difference, even in this short time.

If I were to guess, I'd say that little by little, she won't need to be in the same room as I, nor "dog" my footsteps as much. She has a very mellow personality, so I think that in time, she'll become more independent :).

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I haven't used the bathroom privately for the better part of three years. My dogs follow me EVERYWHERE. :lol

6 1/2 years here. And I sometimes have company in the shower. She has beds in all the usual rooms as well as the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room. And at this point - it's hard to figure who's enabling who. :offwall

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g240/mtbucket/siggies/Everyday-2.jpgJane - forever servant to the whims and wishes of Maggie (L's Magnolia of JCKC) and Sam the mutt pup.[/b]

She's classy, sassy and a bit smart assy.

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I have never owned a velcro dog. My two now have never stepped foot into the bathroom. Karma is terrified of it because the bath is in there, Teague just never bothered. He stays in the livingroom or my bedroom and for some reason never any other area of the house. :P Sometimes if Karma and I are upstairs he comes to join us, but usually he likes his couch, alone or with company.

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Guest TBSFlame

I've had my boy for about 3 weeks now. And this morning I realized that I haven't been able to use the restroom alone since he's gotten here LOL. He follows me everywhere! How common is this? I knew greys were velcro dogs but the extent to which he follows amazes me... even when I walk downstairs, forget my jacket and walk back upstairs, go back downstairs, and realize I left my keys upstairs and repeat. He follows without fuss! Should I be expecting this potty partner for the rest of my life? Not complaining! I have a Great Pyr who does her own thing so this loyalty despite my roundabout logistics in the house makes me all fuzzy and happy inside. :flip

This is normal for 3 weeks in but may not continue forever. I have 4 hounds and Memmie is my attachment. She is always touching me or laying on me. She follows everywhere. Loves her mommy. Most all of them follow you at first but after they find their place in the family may not continue.

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This is so funny. All these types are represented here, too. :P


What surprised me was when I had the opportunity to use a neighbor's fenced 10 acres to let the dogs play for a few months. I figured I'd have to use hunks of bloody raw meat to get them to come to me, much less stay anywhere near me. To my complete surprise, Pogo, my most energetic hound, would run like a possessed flesh-bomb, and then celebrate each run by crashing back to me and literally smashing his face to my leg as we walked together for a few minutes, until he could detach himself enough to trot alongside before taking off again. :wub:


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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