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Need A Good Vitamin & Mineral Supplement

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for a home prepared diet.

It looks like I'm going to have to start preparing Nadir's meals as the list of foods he's becoming intolerant to grows. I had read some good things about this supplement however one of the things he can't eat is beef and this has beef liver in it.




Anyone know of a good quality supplement I could use to make sure he gets everything he needs in his diet?

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Guest OPointyDog

I'm also interested in the answers you get, since I'm in the same boat and was about to post a similar thread! Our guy Mika has had ongoing intestinal issues (thread is here), and I've been trying various foods, but we keep ending up back at boiled hamburger and rice. I'd like to start him on some kind of supplement so he doesn't end up nutrient deficient. Mika actually does well on beef so the supplement you suggested might work for us, but I'd like to hear from others, too.

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The one my vet recommended was good as well as pricey, but of course they stopped making it. It was by Thorne. Their geriatric dog multi vitamin is outrageously expensive. I let my vet know I couldn't afford the Thorne stuff, but I have had her approval for the following supplements. She feeds her dogs raw, so she's supportive. She uses the Thorne stuff.


Here are the three I've used with success:

Animal Essentials Herbal Multi-Vitamin for Dogs my dogs liked it, it is in powder form. It got expensive for two dogs (it was running about $17 per bottle)


Only Natural Pet Super Daily Canine Vitamin Carl doesn't like the way these taste, so I bury them in his food. He usually falls for it! Good price on these and the company often has really good sales. Made in the USA, too.


Whole Health Dog MultiVitamin, I currently giving this to Doodles. She likes it a lot. Unfortunately, I can't find them on the website anymore. I'm concerned about that and just emailed them asking if they have discontinued their pet supplements.


The reason I switched from powder to pill form was over the holidays, it was easier for the person taking care of the dogs to slip a pill into their raw meat rather than the mess of a powder.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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I have recently started using the Animal Essentials for Fletcher. I like the ingredients, there are so many things he doesn't tolerate, but he has had no problems with this. I just mix the powder in with the other powders (Chinese meds) he takes in some canned pumpkin and he hoovers it down :lol

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