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Throwing Up Bile On An Empty Stomach.

Guest starbuck

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Guest starbuck

For quite some time now, we've been dealing with Starbuck throwing up stomach juices in the mornings and afternoons when her tum is otherwise empty. We brought it to the vet's attention, and after an exam, he suggested that there's nothing actually wrong with her save an empty stomach and a little acid reflux. He told us to split up her food (she gets a little bit at 6 a.m. and then the rest right before we leave for work, and then again as soon as we get home and right before bed) and to potentially switch to a lower calorie kibble so that she can eat more and have a fuller stomach. I started mixing some more pumpkin into her food, which also seems to help, but it's not 100% reliable. Does anyone else have any experience with this? Splitting up her food seems to help in the mornings, but she usually pukes right before we get home in the evening, and my husband is extremely frustrated with the continual mess.

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Part of having any animal can be having messes. It just comes with the territory. I see your husbands frustration, but I see the other side. I have very bad acid reflux and will be on medication for life. It just has to be dealt with. Can she be given any medication? What about unsalted green beans to make her tummy feel more full?

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

Persian Proverb

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Guest starbuck

Our vet didn't recommend any medication, but I was sort of curious if anyone else here had similar issues and had pups on medication. But if I can avoid it, I'd like to. Would you recommend frozen, canned (unsalted, as mentioned), or raw green beans?

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Can you leave her with a stuffed Kong? Put kibble in it (maybe mixed with yogurt or the canned pumpkin), and freeze it overnight so it will take a while for her to get through. (I assume that if you just leave her with food in her bowl, she'll eat it all right away.) Expect the frozen Kong to make a bit of a mess as it thaws, so you want to do this somewhere with an easy-to-clean surface. (Is she crated? Can she be baby-gated on an uncarpeted area?) If you haven't got a cleanable area for a messy Kong, you can just put dry kibble in the Kong (or in a treat ball); if she has to work for the treat a bit, she might leave it until afternoon, when she's getting hungry.


I buy frozen green beans and give them to my guys straight from the freezer. I just toss a handful in their dish.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Does she have anyone let her out at noon? it seems like she needs something mid day.

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Guest starbuck

We're gone for the span of a normal workday, and there's no one available to feed her at noon. We've done frozen Kongs in the past, and she demolishes them in about 15 minutes; she's particularly determined and food motivated. I'll pick up some green beans today and start supplementing those in as well. Hopefully the additional fiber keeps her fuller longer.

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I give my dog the OTC acid reducer wrapped in a soft goodie with his food. It seems to relieve his throwing up. I also added more protein to his food, chop meat.

It has seemed to help. I am also feeding him less more times a day. Good luck.

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Guest starbuck

I give my dog the OTC acid reducer wrapped in a soft goodie with his food. It seems to relieve his throwing up. I also added more protein to his food, chop meat.

It has seemed to help. I am also feeding him less more times a day. Good luck.


Thanks! Like I said, I think I'll try the green bean suggestion; I'm all for more fiber in her diet. Which OTC acid reducer do you use, and how are you adjusting the dosage (if at all)?

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Guest IrskasMom

Pepcid Ac (Famotadine 10 mg. ) is easy to give and eleminates sour Stomach . Go with a generic Brand ( save lots of Money ) and add to Food .

See if it helps.

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I was giving him one for breakfast and one with dinner. I stopped as soon as I saw the improvement. I used any store brand acid reducer.

IMAS has the sensitive Naturals dog food. I give him that but more chop meat then kibble. (for now)

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Pepcid Ac (Famotadine 10 mg. ) is easy to give and eleminates sour Stomach . Go with a generic Brand ( save lots of Money ) and add to Food .

See if it helps.

:nod Second the famotidine. You can actually go up to the 20mg dose, but I'd start with 10mg, twice a day. We give it with our boy's regular meals.

Merlin (Heathers Wizard), Mina (Where's Rebecca), and Mae the Galga - three crazy dogs in the house of M

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Guest KsFrets

Magnus used to be terrible for this. Milk bones to the rescue. They eat 2am and 2pm. A few milk bones before bed, in the morning, and after walks, and we haven't had to clean up the yellow slime in a looooong time, it's been at least a year or more.

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Guest GreytBengalMom

I feel your pain. I have woken up at 3am to poor Eddie puking up yellow bile on our beige carpet. :(


I have been giving him a slice of bread before bed, and we have not had a puking incident. maybe try giving bread?

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Guest starbuck

Well, I went and bought a few bags of frozen green beans, and we tried sprinkling them over her late night kibble last night. She was a little perplexed, but she definitely ate everything and we didn't have any puking incidents this morning. She also got another helping of green beans with second breakfast this morning, so I'm cautiously optimistic about this afternoon. The only thing we can really do is watch and wait and see what works. I'm hoping the fiber from the beans sits in her tum for awhile. Thanks, everyone.

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I had a dog who use to puke up bile each morning. The vet said to feed a little piece of bread before bed time. She never puked bile again. Maybe give that a try. Bile is so hard to get out of carpets. My carpet cleaner use to tell me to use club soda or dawn dishwashing liquid with water. When he would come out to clean the carpets the leftover stains came right up.

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Guest driser

Oh yes, we struggle with this ... though we thought we were past it. Our GH had this issue when we first got him, but it's been over a year since we've had a hungry throw ups. He did it again last night, but it was also VERY stormy out and the wind was rattling windows and whistling through gaps around the doors so we though maybe it was nerve induced. However, he did it again this morning. Nothing like shampoo'ing carpet at 4:45 a.m. :)


Our vet had suggested 15-20mg of Pepcid 1 or 2 times/day, 30 mins before meal. I had put the bottle of Pepcid AC pills in a bag of medicine to be taken to dispose of with expired medicine, but took it back out and will be trying it again. We had cut his calories a bit since this harsh winter hasn't afforded us a whole lot of outdoor exercise, but I think we've got a hungry bug who needs a bit more food at his last feeding before we retire for the night.


This morning he had a bit of dinner still in his belly, so does anyone have tips for getting venison out of carpet? Such a dark kibble ... bad stain.

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Guest starbuck

Oh yes, we struggle with this ... though we thought we were past it. Our GH had this issue when we first got him, but it's been over a year since we've had a hungry throw ups. He did it again last night, but it was also VERY stormy out and the wind was rattling windows and whistling through gaps around the doors so we though maybe it was nerve induced. However, he did it again this morning. Nothing like shampoo'ing carpet at 4:45 a.m. :)


Our vet had suggested 15-20mg of Pepcid 1 or 2 times/day, 30 mins before meal. I had put the bottle of Pepcid AC pills in a bag of medicine to be taken to dispose of with expired medicine, but took it back out and will be trying it again. We had cut his calories a bit since this harsh winter hasn't afforded us a whole lot of outdoor exercise, but I think we've got a hungry bug who needs a bit more food at his last feeding before we retire for the night.


This morning he had a bit of dinner still in his belly, so does anyone have tips for getting venison out of carpet? Such a dark kibble ... bad stain.


So far so good with the green beans, but I'll feel a little better if we can make it two weeks without incident. As for stains, I've had a lot of luck with Resolve-brand carpet cleaners. They have heavy-duty and pet formulations.

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Guest starbuck

Well, I came home to bile in the crate yesterday afternoon, despite a hearty helping of green beans with her kibble in the morning. We'll keep supplementing the green beans, but I think I'm also going to try the Pepcid.

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We strugged with bileous vomiting with our greyhound, Starvin' Marvin (seriously, he lives for food and probably needs to drop a few pounds so perhaps, we should have named him Chubbs instead...) for more than 4 months. It started about two weeks after he destroyed a toy and subsequently vomited up the stuffing and squeaker that was inside the toy. The one and only toy he has ever destroyed and/or tried to consume.


In our case, it started as a very early morning event that we could avoid by giving him an extra biscuit, a little kibble, or a piece of wheat bread right before bed. However, the vomiting started to progress to a "2am to 4am" event, and we were up to feeding him almost every 4 hours. We spent almost 3 months being unable to sleep through the night, and sleeping terribly because we had become dialed in to Marvin's heaving noises and having to scramble out of bed and race for the paper towels. Luckily, we have mostly hardwood, but it was still not fun to be cleaning up at 2am almost nightly. This sounds funny, but we had a "drunk bucket" we started keeping next to his bed so we could try and catch to avoid a lot of cleanup. Otherwise, a mixture of vinegar and water was very effective at getting the stains permanently out of our area rugs.


Does your dog have a tendency to destroy his toys or occasionally eat things outside? Even once can be enough to lead to bileous vomiting over an extended period of time (e.g. months). Our vet put Marv on a prescription med to help regulate his digestion, but that and also pepscid had no effect, and neither did changing his food. Multiple X-rays showed nothing (our vet loves that Marv will roach on the x-ray table, giving a perfect view of his abdomen). I ask about the potential for your dog having eating something that could still be bouncing around in her stomach because this was the one and only cause of our grey's bileous vomiting. We dealt with the "twilight vomiting" for almost 4 months before Marvin finally vomited up "the infamous 2nd missing squeaker" from the one and only toy he has ever destroyed (a little bit of canned pumpkin about a week after that then shocked us as Marv pooped out a 3rd, completely different squeaker from we have no idea where). Marvin has not vomited even once since he vomited up the last squeaker this past October.


I wanted to share, as none of the online searching or discussions with our vet or friends who are new veterinarians suggested the bileous vomiting could be caused by a foreign object floating around in our dog's stomach, and this was exactly the cause in our case.


Good luck!

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Guest greytkidsmom

A couple of our dogs do this - 10mg pepcid every day with breakfast has kept it under control.

Nature's Miracle is truly miraculous at removing those "biological" stains.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest starbuck

Well, after the addition of green beans, she seems to have stopped puking up bile on an empty stomach. Now, she's throwing up her dinner at about 9:30 p.m. every night. My husband has pretty much had it, and I guess I'm back to the drawing board (and vet).

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Vet is probably a good idea at this point. You never mentioned what you are feeding or how often...


Messes are part of having a pet. Your husband will need to deal with that or you're headed for LOTS of fights. What happens when the dog gets older and maybe becomes incontinent? That's how I ended up with Carrie-her family of 9 years didn't want her anymore because she had an accident on their deck every so often because of a stroke, and she couldn't use the stairs to get down to the yard. I have no stairs and she's fine here, but, she (and my other 4) do have potty accidents sometimes.


Clearly there's something going on with your pup...I'd be more concerned about the CAUSE of the vomiting than the mess it is causing.


Do you have any household plants he might be chewing on when you're not looking? Anything else he might be getting into?

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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