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Guest Spencers_Greyt

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Again thank you all so much for your input! I'm going to sign Dante up for Healthy Paws today.

By the way when I saw this emoticon ---> :ghplaybow I had to laugh because Dante does this every time I come home. So cute!

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Update on my Healthy Paws experience. I am in my 2nd year with them. Have never met my deductibles so never got any money back(been blessed with a healthy pack). In fact I never even turned in some little stuff because I knew I wouldn't meet the deductible and so why bother. Never had any trouble until last time. They require a complete med history for first claim. I sent in a very nice and complete "Patient History Report" the vet gave me straight off their computer.(I understand anybody can make up stuff but they could call the vet and verify that it is legit in less than 2 minutes if that is a concern.) I received what I perceived was a somewhat threatening email titled "First Notice: Documentation needed..." They will not accept the vets Patient History Report and are apparently demanding copies of the vets handwritten notes. The only problem with that is the vet is very busy and makes few, if any, notes on routine stuff and it is EXTREMELY difficult to get them from the vet. I do not know why but if I can't get the vet to provide it then it looks like no claims will be considered. BTW it would only be $20 to go toward the deductible and the only reason I even turned it in at all was to be covered in the unlikely event the small pad cut got infected-which it didn't. I responded to their email and never got a response back. I sent a letter with a copy of HP's demands to the vet personally and can only hope and pray they cough up whatever HP wants but I'm not real optimistic. I thought wow- if I'm being hasselled like this over putting $20 toward a deductible then what would it be if I actually had a claim that merited a payment? I thought I would check the BBB since I'm looking at other companies now and noted that they are rated A- and only have had ~4 disputes but they all came since last August which I guess is when they were took over by the new company which they also had sent me an email about. So now I'm wondering if perhaps the "new" HP is going to be much harder to deal with than the old HP. So I may have to switch to another carrier now. Bummer. I was always totally honest and sent them copies of EVERYTHING;never made a single claim; never even turned in minor things that could have gone toward the deductible-and then get shut out so to speak over $20 toward a deductible that has never had anything on it. BTW if you would like to see the complete Patient History Report which they won't now accept pm me your addy and I'll be happy to send it to you and you can see for yourself. :dunno

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This is a good thread. I'm looking around for an insurance plan that is not too painfully expensive for Rudy. I've written down some of the ones mentioned here to compare and get quotes from. I definitely don't want a company that is going to really give me grief about reimbursing if something happens.


I was looking at Petplan USA which seems to have a fairly reasonable premium. Anyone had any personal experience with them? Some of their reviews are glowing and a few bad, but I expect that with any company. I like how Trupanion looks, but the price is a bit steeper than I'm hoping for.

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We just started with insurance and decided on Trupanion after doing all the research.

We pay $145.- a month for 4 greyhounds. The younger ones a a bit abit less expensive

to insure than the 5 yr. olds.

It's less than what I spend on food and treats a month..

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racindog, I don't think what Heathly Paws asks is a big deal at all.


My first claim was from a vet visit while we were on vacation. Had access to computer & printer so printed out the claim form & brought it to appt. Vet's office completed & signed form, attaching full records without me even asking. After filing I got the request form HP for my dog's full records since it was our first claim. I just asked for my vet's office to fax over my dog's records straight to HP. I followed up with a call to HP to ensure the claim has been accepted. Soon after I received confirmation that the claim was processed. Within a week of the vet submitting the requested records I got my check.


It really wasn't hard at all. Just a form to fill out & send in plus a one time call to vet office to forward records. After this it's just the form. Hopefully your vet is professional & swift in complying with your request.

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I've been with ASPCA Pet Health Insurance for more than 5 years and am very happy with them. They recently raised their prices, but I'm still happy with them. We we were previously paying $25 a month with a $100 yearly deductible and 80% all non-preventative care bills paid. One emergency visit for stitches and the insurance paid for itself for the entire year.

Forever in my Heart Joe T Greyhound, Charly Bear, Angel Daisy, and Katze & Buzz Kitty.


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Healthy Paws does require all vet records and will not accept a computer-generated sheet of paper, even on the vet's letterhead. The company wants the hand written notes of the vet and I too thought it was a pain and a bother for my vet's office but the staff, who does the work of pulling records and faxing, was very amicable. I still think that requiring the hand written notes is going overboard, but it is what it is and I am happy I am with Healthy Paws. BTW, I want my vet to write and keep notes, even for routine visits, on everything that the office does to/for Annie.


Also, in my experience, Healthy Paws wants every visit to the vet submitted to them. Even if the submission is for something not covered, such as a well visit or a pre-existing condition, I was told to submit it. Yah, they'll reject the submission but they want complete records.

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racindog, I don't think what Heathly Paws asks is a big deal at all.


My first claim was from a vet visit while we were on vacation. Had access to computer & printer so printed out the claim form & brought it to appt. Vet's office completed & signed form, attaching full records without me even asking. After filing I got the request form HP for my dog's full records since it was our first claim. I just asked for my vet's office to fax over my dog's records straight to HP. I followed up with a call to HP to ensure the claim has been accepted. Soon after I received confirmation that the claim was processed. Within a week of the vet submitting the requested records I got my check.


It really wasn't hard at all. Just a form to fill out & send in plus a one time call to vet office to forward records. After this it's just the form. Hopefully your vet is professional & swift in complying with your request.

I sent them her full records-every fecal, every worm pill, every everything-her COMPLETE records from the vet. Of course they have every right to request records since so many people are thieves and try and take advantage of them and deceive them. Give me an addy and I will send you the same complete record I sent them-AND WHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE. You can see for yourself. BTW count yourself lucky your vet cooperates with you. Mine is EXTREMELY reluctant to provide records to me for some reason. Keep in mind you're previous experience was with the old HP right? Under the new owner things have evidently changed. Mine previous experience was good too with the old HP.

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Healthy Paws does require all vet records and will not accept a computer-generated sheet of paper, even on the vet's letterhead. The company wants the hand written notes of the vet and I too thought it was a pain and a bother for my vet's office but the staff, who does the work of pulling records and faxing, was very amicable. I still think that requiring the hand written notes is going overboard, but it is what it is and I am happy I am with Healthy Paws. BTW, I want my vet to write and keep notes, even for routine visits, on everything that the office does to/for Annie.


Also, in my experience, Healthy Paws wants every visit to the vet submitted to them. Even if the submission is for something not covered, such as a well visit or a pre-existing condition, I was told to submit it. Yah, they'll reject the submission but they want complete records.

Yes they are difficult to deal with for sure. As difficult as it is to submit a claim, that certainly doesn't encourage you to submit ones you know are trivial and not covered. I don't really have time to waste. Also they did not tell me that I was supposed to-guess they forgot. Re: the vet writing stuff down or not. I have a choice. I can go to a crappy vet that writes everything down or a decent fairly competent vet that doesn't. So now you know why. We don't have the same level of overall competency in jerkwater KY that is available in more progressive places so your available choices are limited.

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I have taken my dogs to five different vet practices in the time I've had them (7 years) and not once had a vet been reluctant to provide me with records. Ever. I find it more odd that your challenge is with the vet providing you details on services provided, rather than the fact your insurance requires written records.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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I have taken my dogs to five different vet practices in the time I've had them (7 years) and not once had a vet been reluctant to provide me with records. Ever. I find it more odd that your challenge is with the vet providing you details on services provided, rather than the fact your insurance requires written records.

I can only wish I was as lucky as you have been. As I said I do not understand the vets office reluctance(maybe its just laziness?) but its out of my control. I think it probably has more to do with my location-jerkwater KY-then anything else.

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Healthy Paws does require all vet records and will not accept a computer-generated sheet of paper, even on the vet's letterhead. The company wants the hand written notes of the vet and I too thought it was a pain and a bother for my vet's office but the staff, who does the work of pulling records and faxing, was very amicable. I still think that requiring the hand written notes is going overboard, but it is what it is and I am happy I am with Healthy Paws. BTW, I want my vet to write and keep notes, even for routine visits, on everything that the office does to/for Annie.


Also, in my experience, Healthy Paws wants every visit to the vet submitted to them. Even if the submission is for something not covered, such as a well visit or a pre-existing condition, I was told to submit it. Yah, they'll reject the submission but they want complete records.

I was just thinking maybe the reason they want everybody to submit frivoulous claims that you know are not covered is so they can use that to raise the price of your insurance the next year. Surely somebody that submitted "10" claims----even for fivoulous uncovered stuff like anal gland expression- will see a bigger premmium rise than someone who submitted 0 claims since their dog was also healthy and required no covered items. You think?

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Yes they are difficult to deal with for sure. As difficult as it is to submit a claim, that certainly doesn't encourage you to submit ones you know are trivial and not covered. I don't really have time to waste. Also they did not tell me that I was supposed to-guess they forgot. Re: the vet writing stuff down or not. I have a choice. I can go to a crappy vet that writes everything down or a decent fairly competent vet that doesn't. So now you know why. We don't have the same level of overall competency in jerkwater KY that is available in more progressive places so your available choices are limited.


I said above I thought it was a pain, but I meant for my vet office, not for me. I have no difficulty dealing with the company. I've talked to reps from Healthy Paws a few times since signing up last April, and I have nothing but good things to say about them.


BTW, Nobody told me in advance to submit every vet visit, whether or not covered, but it made sense to me that if they wanted to see Annie's entire medical record, which includes non-covered events, then they'd want to see everything going forward. To confirm this, I called, and as usual, talked to a very nice rep who confirmed that paperwork for every vet visit should be faxed to the company.


It's a problem that your vet is uncooperative but that's not Healthy Paw's problem. It is what it is, and I hope you can work around the issue and get your vet to write notes. If you're the only client asking for this service, perhaps s/he'll be willing. Another choice is to switch to an insurance company that doesn't require written notes.


I was just thinking maybe the reason they want everybody to submit frivoulous claims that you know are not covered is so they can use that to raise the price of your insurance the next year. Surely somebody that submitted "10" claims----even for fivoulous uncovered stuff like anal gland expression- will see a bigger premmium rise than someone who submitted 0 claims since their dog was also healthy and required no covered items. You think?


No, I don't think. I think they want a complete medical record of the animals they insure. It makes perfect sense to me!!

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Please don't misunderstand me. It makes perfect sense to me too. I too believe they have every right to a complete medical record. I WANT them to require a complete medical record to cut down on the fraud that I would ultimately have to pay for otherwise. My problem has been that I have provided them with a absolutely complete medical record from the vet that had everything on it-all the dates, procedures-EVERYTHING and they won't accept it. As I said before, if they had any concerns about its legitamcy they could confirm it in lesss than 2 minutes with a call to the vet. Like you said it strikes me as just being "overboard".

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Please don't misunderstand me. It makes perfect sense to me too. I too believe they have every right to a complete medical record. I WANT them to require a complete medical record to cut down on the fraud that I would ultimately have to pay for otherwise. My problem has been that I have provided them with a absolutely complete medical record from the vet that had everything on it-all the dates, procedures-EVERYTHING and they won't accept it. As I said before, if they had any concerns about its legitamcy they could confirm it in lesss than 2 minutes with a call to the vet. Like you said it strikes me as just being "overboard".



Yepper, overboard but it is what it is and I work with what life presents without much complaint.

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Glad I've never been asked for handwritten vet notes. My vet never makes handwritten notes, hasn't for years. There is a tech in the exam room with us and she makes notes right then and there on Summer's electronic file, as the vet speaks. Sometimes the vet also adds her own notes to the file but she also does it at the keyboard. Trupanion happily accepted a printout when we signed up.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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I sent them her full records-every fecal, every worm pill, every everything-her COMPLETE records from the vet. Of course they have every right to request records since so many people are thieves and try and take advantage of them and deceive them. Give me an addy and I will send you the same complete record I sent them-AND WHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE. You can see for yourself. BTW count yourself lucky your vet cooperates with you. Mine is EXTREMELY reluctant to provide records to me for some reason. Keep in mind you're previous experience was with the old HP right? Under the new owner things have evidently changed. Mine previous experience was good too with the old HP.

I honestly believe it unreasonable to expect them to accept the history submitted from you & not directly from the vet. It sounds like the biggest problem you are experiencing is from your vet. My claim experience with them was in December 2012. Relatively recently.


Glad I've never been asked for handwritten vet notes. My vet never makes handwritten notes, hasn't for years. There is a tech in the exam room with us and she makes notes right then and there on Summer's electronic file, as the vet speaks. Sometimes the vet also adds her own notes to the file but she also does it at the keyboard. Trupanion happily accepted a printout when we signed up.

What Healthy Paws asked for when filing the first claim were my dogs complete vet records submitted from the vet's office. My vet's staff simply faxed over what was in my dog's file with a coversheet including HP policy number. That's it.

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I honestly believe it unreasonable to expect them to accept the history submitted from you & not directly from the vet. It sounds like the biggest problem you are experiencing is from your vet. My claim experience with them was in December 2012. Relatively recently.



What Healthy Paws asked for when filing the first claim were my dogs complete vet records submitted from the vet's office. My vet's staff simply faxed over what was in my dog's file with a coversheet including HP policy number. That's it.

I did everything they told me to. I and my vet was honest and thorough. They never even responded to my email after they notified me they wouldn't process the big $20 toward the deductible claim. Perhaps there is just something about me and/or my dogs that ticks them off. I'm glad you were so lucky. If they would have told me they req'd handwritten notes etc. I wouldn't have signed up. I didn't think to inquire about that when I signed up. My bad. :whiteflag

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Hmm. I have just recently filed claims for Pixie's knee surgeries (one in January, and one yesterday) with Healthy Paws. For the January one, I sent in the invoice and the cover page, and they paid it without any issues. They may have contacted the vet for more records, but if they did, they didn't tell me about it. I'll see if this second one goes an differently than the first.


And at 7K total for the surgeries, I can say that I really appreciate having the insurance!


My blog about helping Katie learn to be a more normal dog: http://katies-journey-philospher77.blogspot.com/

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Wow, I've had Healthy Paws for Legs for 2 1/2 years & it couldn't be any easier to submit a claim. In fact I got a check from them today for almost $400 to cover last Thursday's vet visit! I simply email them the claim form my vet has signed & invoice, they've never asked for more info except the very first time I sent all the records I had. Even when I took him to see specialists at different vet offices they never asked for anything more (though of course they don't cover office visits & consults).


However, if you are dealing w/ issues that may be pre-existing, that is different. Legs' previous owners had him on thyroid meds even though he does NOT have a thyroid issue. HP would not even cover any thyroid testing since they consider it pre-existing.

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Clearly, I won't be a Healthy Paws customer. My vet writes nothing. Everything is entered on the computer: keyboard and screen in every exam room and more computers in the back (for after he's looked up drug info and stuff), with typed, detailed info on every visit, but not one bit of it is hand-written. He even types his prescriptions. I can't see why his staff should be expected to hand-copy a year's worth of typed exam notes, prescriptions, lab work, patient instructions, etc.


I have two dogs that are, essentially, uninsurable, so this isn't an issue for me at present. But any future dogs of mine won't be insured by Healthy Paws unless the company decides to join the 21st century.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Clearly, I won't be a Healthy Paws customer. My vet writes nothing. Everything is entered on the computer: keyboard and screen in every exam room and more computers in the back (for after he's looked up drug info and stuff), with typed, detailed info on every visit, but not one bit of it is hand-written. He even types his prescriptions. I can't see why his staff should be expected to hand-copy a year's worth of typed exam notes, prescriptions, lab work, patient instructions, etc.


I have two dogs that are, essentially, uninsurable, so this isn't an issue for me at present. But any future dogs of mine won't be insured by Healthy Paws unless the company decides to join the 21st century.

Sounds like you'd be in the same boat I am- lol. My vet (and staff) is just too busy to do a lot of handwriting. I did see one poster above said she had Trupanion and they accepted her vets digital record without any problem at all. I agree with you completely. I read some of the post above and my jaw drops- I can't imagine ...the one poster said she sent an anvoice and a cover page and they rushed several thousand dollars to her. Unbelievable. I couldn't even get them to processs the claim for $20 toward a deductible and they had a detailed patient history report from my vet sent to them twice. BTW- there is no pre-existing condition or anything. Dog is 2 yoa and very healthy. Dog had very small pad cut-only submitted it in the first place just to cover the bases on the off chance it got infected or something-which it didn't-its well. Like I said maybe they just randomly pick people to be nice to and people to blow off. Maybe they don't like my dogs name Who knows lol? :dunno It is what it is. Live and learn. :whiteflag:french (PS-I used to live in Marietta. I loved it. It is God's country IMO.)

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Clearly, I won't be a Healthy Paws customer. My vet writes nothing. Everything is entered on the computer: keyboard and screen in every exam room ...

Truly do not think they need hand written notes. I believe what they want are the vet's notes not just the type of printout that would be given to a client. At most vet practices there is a difference. Client gets a run down on the services. In house records includes notes from vet tech & vet. Whether those notes are done electronically or by hand is likely immaterial.

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In my case, Healthy Paws insisted on the vet's hand written notes. My vet's office faxed them print outs and they were refused. Why? Who knows. It is what the company requires. My vet is cooperative for which I'm thankful.


Annie's policy with Healthy Paws has its one-year purchase anniversary on April 6. I got an email from the company today that the premium will go up $3.06 on that date. I only wish my personal health insurance went up that low an amount.

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