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Pain Medication

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It has been awhile since I needed pain meds for one of my dogs and I am out of the loop. My grey/whippet mix, Keeva who is almost 11 is having hip pain. I adopted her at 14 weeks old from Ireland, she had been hit by a car and found in downtown Limerick with a broken pelvis. The pelvis was fixed with a plate and she has always had a limp with atrophied muscles on that leg. Anyway, seems that as she gets older, the hip is bothering her more, I am going to take her to the vet for an exam and to ask about putting her on pain meds either PRN or standing. Any med out there that is better than another, am open to suggestions. Thanks

Linda, Jack and Keeva

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I have had really good results with Gabapentin 100 mg. I know it is a muscle relaxer, but we use it for pain.

Just a head's up to eliminate any confusion - Gabapentin is not a muscle relaxer. It is used for nerve related pain, neuropathy and other types of chronic pain but was originally developed as a seizure medication. It does not have the same effect as a muscle relaxer.


Although not my favorite source, Wikipedia has the best "plain english" explanation about how Gabapentin works.


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Thanks for letting me know. Both of my hounds are on it. Da Vid has been on it since his 1st surgery about 7-8 months ago. Lady has only been on it about 2 weeks. It really works around here.


Gabapentin is not a general pain reliever. It relieves NERVE pain. So, for example, it would not be given for basical arthritis, or a pulled muscle, or normal post surgical pain (unless the surgery involved disruption of nerves).


George takes it for his lumbar stenosis (compressed nerves in spinal column).


To the OP: you'll need blood work done before the vet can decide how to proceed, but I would imagine an NSAID like Rimadyl, or if the pain is beyond that, some Tramadol (not an NSAID, to be clear) which is well tolerated.


My guy takes Rimadyl in the AM and Gabapentin in the PM, and this seems to keep him comfortable.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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