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Guest Duke

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Duke just whines for seemingly no reason, even after all his needs have been met, he whines. He becomes more "whiny" in the cooler months, more restless. Do any of you experience the same behavior change with the cooler weather? Just a general change in disposition from warm weather to cooler weather? Please share thoughts or explanations!


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How much exercise does he get (not running around the yard, but going out for a walk?). I don't know your case, but I would try to give him more exercise. I think whining sometimes is just pent up energy or being bored. I have a bit of a whiner who would be a BIG whiner if I didn't give him a lot of exercise (he needs more than the average grey). Any time he is anxious or whiny, a walk, even a short one, totally stops it and he settles right down. He is probably feeling more frisky in the cooler weather. :)

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Guest Eyeblaura

I agree try to get him out for a walk and see how he does. Enzo knows our routine and come bedtime for the kids he is a whiny mischevious mess because he knows he goes on a walk soon. (One of us typically takes him on a nice long walk after the kids are down to bed). He is awful, whining and stealing the kids stuffed animals etc. He is worse then the kids when it comes to patience at walk time!

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He gets a daily walk, providing the weather is good, it is part of our routine. Especially this time of year when I can get in a 45 minute to an hour walk!


He is sleeping soundly now because of the walk but come later, particularly when we are sleeping, his restlessness and whining kick in.

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Guest Downtownhoundz

My Bunny is a chronic whiner in the evenings! I have no idea why! If Iam with him he's fine, but the minute Igo downstairs and he's upstairs...he whines.... :riphair

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Duke is whining right now; he is on the soft comfy couch next to my bf, he went out for a pee, had some munchies, has fresh water, a new fleece lined cover for his LL Bean bed, did zoomies less than a half hour ago! Yes, he had his annual check up at the vet a few weeks ago and all was good. I am thinking it is metabolism? I guess I was just looking for verification that it is seasonally induced!

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I agree with more walks, but what about putting jammies on? Is he cold? But then again I have a girl that "talks" to me a few times a day!


Flying Racine 7/25/08 and Twelve Pack 12/1/2004
At the Bridge- Abenacki Icebox (Kiaba) 4/21/2002-4/1/10 and Wumps Niece (Tehya) 4/21/2002-11/26/2010

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Here's my theory: Some dogs whine. Dogs who have an owner who responds to their whining learn to whine more. My father's last dog was the sweetest dog in the world, but he was a whiner, and he drove me NUTS. My father was (is--but the dog is dead and Dad is in a nursing home) senile and deaf, so it didn't bother him much--but he really created the problem. Davy would lay by his chair and Dad would stroke his head. If Dad stopped, Davy whined. Dad would start up again. And so on.


So if you're reacting when your dog whines by giving him attention, it's most likely increasing the problem because he's not stupid! "Hey, look at that! I was bored (or whatever) and I whined, and that human got up and got me a snack!"


Sooooo, my suggestion is just ignore him. And I mean completely ignore him. If you can't stand the noise, walk away.


Clearly your dog is well cared for, and I doubt very much he has any problem at all. He's just a whiner who has discovered that his "talking" to you results in increased attention!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest amethyst

My girl whines / crys when a family member or friend she loves leaves the house. She'll stand at the door or window and "cry" for several minutes.

The only other time she whines is when she wakes up before I do and wants to go out.

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Guest mirinaaronsmom

Mojo whines to announce the fact that he is going to lie down. It makes no difference if I ignore him or not.


I heard somone give advice once about squirting the dog with a spray bottle of water when they whine to get them to stop. Not a very positive method.

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Passion has whined from day one. I just ignore her.

Now her whining can mean several things, one being- i just peed on your bed and i'm laying in it so make me move or i'm hungry so get me something before i poop in the living room and eat it.

i don't get to ignore her whines as much as I used to- gotta love senior hounds


Kari and the pups.
Run free sweet Hana 9/21/08-9/12/10. Missing Sparks with every breath.
Passion 10/16/02-5/25/17

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Guest kkaiser104

Teddi is a talker--something I really noticed yesterday in the vet's office lol! I just ignore it unless it becomes too much, and then I tell him to stop and he will. Dogs are dogs--they're going to make noise. Check and make sure his needs are all met, and then just ignore it! I'm sure he's fine :)

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Passion has whined from day one. I just ignore her.

Now her whining can mean several things, one being- i just peed on your bed and i'm laying in it so make me move or i'm hungry so get me something before i poop in the living room and eat it.

i don't get to ignore her whines as much as I used to- gotta love senior hounds


That is SO FUNNY!

Taylor doesn't whine too much, but a couple of months ago he started groaning when he farts and is asleep.

At least it gives me warning and a moment to run to the other side of the room :o :o

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