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Weird Eating Behavior

Guest FrostyBottoms

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Guest FrostyBottoms

Mugsy started a new behavior the other day...he has a raised feeder with water & food bowl...he started pushing his feeder across the floor....we put it in a new spot (because it seems like he didn't want it where it was). Last night he wouldn't eat, he then took my daughters rain pants (he eats in the laundry room) that she wore in a golf tournament that day and put them ontop of his food bowl. When DH walked into the laundry room, Mugsy just looked up at him with a guilty face. Any clue why he would do this??? Was he really trying to hide his food like a toddler??

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Ummmm..... that's quirky. But - greys ARE quirky sometimes.


I'd just put his food down - wait 15 minutes, and pick it up. If he eats, he eats. If he doesn't, he doesn't. He'll be hungry next scheduled feeding. Leave the water of course.


I wouldn't read too much into it - sometimes dogs, like people, just do goofy things for no good reason. I just wouldn't pander to it and let it turn into some weird eating habit. Maintain your regular routine and I'm sure Mugsy will get back to normal soon.


As to the "why" of it - seriously - greys are quirky. Don't hurt your brain trying to figure it out ! LOL!

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felix has always done that when he didn't feel like eating- either upset tummy or what ever. but i would see those antics in his crate. i go w/ the 10 min wait and remove the food. i hate to push drugs but maybe a pecid ac 15-30 min before meal time will settle his tummy.


does he graze on grass? squeaky tummy?? loose poops??? if he has any of those a quick call to your vet might give you some insight. when felix does that i reduce his food and change to boiled white rice and ground chop meat(boiled) for a couple of days and reintroduce kibble.

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Guest FrostyBottoms

He has had a gurglie (sp?) tummy. I think he has been eating grass too. Frosty wouldn't eat breakfast yesterday, I gave her a pepcid and she was fine for dinner. I do pick their food up after about 15 min if they haven't eaten. Maybe he just did it because the sight of food made him feel sick. Poor guy. Thanks for the insight.

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Guest FrostyBottoms

Bill used to do stuff like that all the time. I just learned to live with it.


Oh no, I'm so sorry about Bill. I haven't been on GT in a while, I didn't know.


This is the first weird thing Mugsy has done, and we have had him for over a year now.

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Have had multiple dogs who attempted to move or bury food when they were saving it for later. It was usually when they were having GI issues. Actually for some it was the first sign of GI issues. If it continues I'd suggest vet visit.

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