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Barely Eating

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About 2 weeks ago we tried to switch Ruby's food because of her horrendous gas issue. She had always loved her food, which is the salmon variety from Costco, and we had no issues with her eating it. We tried the new food, the turkey/sweet potato one from Costco, and she wouldn't have anything to do with it, so we went back to the original food, which she has been on at least a year. Since the trial of switching the food, she will barely eat. The first time we fed her the old food she scarfed it up. Now she eats about 4-5 bites and walks away. She is pooping (although less often) and peeing normally, sleeping the same, acting the same, exercising the same, etc.....just not getting much to eat. Nothing else is different. I have always fed it to her dry with a rare, occasional treat. I am worried that she is not getting enough in each day. I have always fed her 2 cups twice a day and she has held her weight perfectly. I doubt she is getting a full cup now. I don't want to start the food search again. Her gas has been almost non-existent since switching back. Any ideas as to why this is happening ?

Edited to add that after her first couple of meals of the old food again, she had a lot of farting like she was doing in the first place. That has since stopped along with the slow eating.

Edited by Busderpuddle


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Stomach acid? Sore gums? How old is she? Salmon can get to be too rich for some as they age. Wishing you luck!

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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She will be 4 this July. Her teeth look great and the vet says they are in good condition. She wasn't having any issues until I switched her food and then switched back. How could I tell if it was a stomach acid problem ? She seems very normal and has been roaching for the last 2 hours, lots of energy during play today.


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How long has this been going on and how much food on average is she getting each day?


If she is eating less than 1/2 her normal amount and this has been going on for more than 1 week then I would add something into the food like cooked hamburger just to see if she'll eat it. If she'll eat "special" food but not kibble then try soaking her kibble or try a different kibble for a few days. If she won't eat "special food" like hamburger then she might have a medical issue and probably needs to get in to see the vet (sooner rather than later).


Good Luck

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Guest Roadtripper

My grey mix will do this sometimes, like maybe once a year or two (he's currently on the Costco Salmon, too). He'll just stop eating kibble that he normally has liked--seems to be when he's had exposure to other food for some reason, and then decides he's tired of his food. If he's still eager for treats, then I figure he's okay and I usually just wait him out so I don't waste the food I have left. If he's still not enthused about his kibble by the time we finish the bag, I start looking at switching his kibble. I think the longest he's gone without eating much is about 3-4 days.


Maybe since the Turkey flavor didn't agree with her, there's something that's similar enough in the Salmon that reminds her of the Turkey, and it's "put her off her feed"??? If you're worried about her not eating enough, I would also try mixing in some yummy stuff with the Salmon kibble, see if she takes to that, then wean her off the add-ins. Maybe then she'll regain her taste for the Salmon kibble.


Good luck!


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Try putting some warm water in it and letting the kibble soak up the water, it will increase the odor of the food and may entice her to eat.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I tried the warm water on the kibble this morning and she ate it but still not enthusiastically like she used to. I also took her for a short bike ride (she usually LOVES this) and basically had to drag her the entire way. She is now roaching and sleeping. I looked at her teeth just to make sure all looked well and they look fine, and she let me brush them like I normally do without any reaction.

I went down to the feed store in town and bought the Diamond brand Chicken and Rice food as I have seen several of you say you use it and am going to try it tonight. I honestly don't want to start having to do add ins to her food. I occasionally do this but not on a regular basis. I have been with holding any treats too.

I am getting frustrated and an hoping the new food perks her up. It is cheaper too so that would be nice. Thanks for your replies.

oh...........forgot to add that she is allergic to beef and gets the big D if given any, so don't want to try the hamburger. She does OK with chicken and turkey though.

Edited by Busderpuddle


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Guest sirsmom

If she must have Salmon, Pro Plan Selects Salmon is very palatable; you might try a small bag and start mixing in a small amount to begin. It's a good food.

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I think you need to take her to the vet. If they don't want to eat it's often a sign that they don't feel right and may know what's best for them, or are experiencing some kind of digestive discomfort from eating. Especially if her energy is off too.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
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I think you need to take her to the vet. If they don't want to eat it's often a sign that they don't feel right and may know what's best for them, or are experiencing some kind of digestive discomfort from eating. Especially if her energy is off too.


I think this is excellent advice. The extra gas she's been experiencing could very well be a sign of digestion problems that have developed with the food and that is why she doesn't want to eat it anymore.

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I will take her to the vet if things don't turn around soon, but until her walk today, she had been acting normal. It was also 83 degrees here today so that might have played a part in her lack of energy during the walk. It has been in the 50's so this is a big change. I didn't take her very far.

I tried the new food tonight (probably should have mixed it but decided to just do it) and she WOLFED it down ! She was eating so fast she was hacking it back up and then re-eating it. She was wagging her tail the whole time. She is now snoozing, feet in the air. I am waiting for the gas or Big D to hit but praying it won't. We'll see how it goes and if things go back the way they were, off to the vet. Thanks everyone for the advice.


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Guest aowam

THat's what my boy kept doing and although I know we're not supposed to, we kept switching out the foods because he'd do the exact same thing. There's a fine line between plain vying for better tasting treats, self-regulating and knowing that the food is giving him digestion issues. Tried the tough love method, mixing stuff, but still with the gas and pudding poos. Currently found one that he'll (mostly) eat (always leaves some behind...) and is firming up the poo. It has been a week and a day. I'm glad you found a good food and I hope you have luck with it! :)

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Guest SusanP

It's great that she seems happy with the new food. I've fed Diamond Senior kibble (It's chicken, egg, and rice) to my dogs (5 hounds and a Labrador) for about 10 years now. It was about the only food I could find that agreed with our first hound's touchy tummy, and it still does. The price has gone up a lot over 10 years, but it's still more affordable than many, and the ingredients are pretty good. I can't imagine why your pup no longer liked her old food after the test, but if this does the trick and everything is back to normal, I'd stop worrying I guess!

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It has been about a week now on the new Diamond Naturals Chicken food and she is back to not eating as much as I think she should. The bag says to feed her anywhere from 3-4 cups a day and I would say she is now getting about 2 cups per day. She gobbled it up the first 4 days but now has gone back to just eating a few handfuls at both meals. I have decided to wait it out but I did call the vet to discuss it with him on Friday. He said not to worry, she may just be adjusting to the warmer weather and that when he saw her this last time, all her lab work looked great. He did say if I thought she was starting to lose weight to bring her in but I don't think she has. Her poops are much firmer than they were on the salmon food, even though those were solid too. They seem much drier. Will just watch and see what happens in the next week or so and keep a close eye on her weight.


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Karen, did you see the thread about Diamond Naturals Chicken Soup kibble being recalled? Just to be sure that what your girl is eating is not on the recall list linky (if that doesn't work, the thread is in the Food forum here).


Hope she is feeling better.

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