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Guest Duke

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Over a month ago Duke began to limp, I took him to the vet and he was treated for a small wound to his front paw pad. A few weeks later the limp returned and since has lessened and worsened.



I did my Internet research and read the thread on corns, here is my question: did your greys have a corn that had not protruded and what signs did you see?


I am trying to treat it as a corn after my third visit to the vet to address the limp. The vet suggested cutting his paw pad open to explore for any foreign bodies that may be in there, I of course do not want that.


He has the symptoms: limp, better on soft surfaces, pulls back paw when I squeeze it from sides but I do not see a “corn” just some slight discoloration. What am I looking for???



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Off to take a picture for you.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Grandy's back foot




Front foot




The pretty girl who owns the feet.



Edited by foxysmom

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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That's what Grandy's looked like a few months ago. I'd be surprised if it isn't a corn.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Guest EZsElowyn

I have been having similar issues with my dog. I am wondering how to know if it is an early developing corn? I have pics but I can't figure out how to post them?

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Guest BlueCrab

Trixie has settled in with one very persistent corn on her left front. She's lame on hard surfaces including the hardwood floors in our house and especially our bumpy driveway. We tried the following:

* soaking in epson salts with application of kerasolv and socks each night before bed;

* vet visit with hulling - made no impact;

* Thera-paws boots. We still use these for long walks on hard surfaces but they periodically fly off so I'm afraid to lose one. They do seem to help, though, and once she gets over waving her foot in the air, she settles right down and walks without the limp.

* dremmeling at home - DH is quite good with the dremmel and does all the dogs claws. Made no impact on the corn;

* xrays to make sure nothing else was going on;

* regular application of duct tape. The duct tape was the thing that finally seemed to have an impact, as it causes the corn to actually come out of the foot, root and all. But it's not any sort of final solution, as the corn keeps recurring. So we're resigned ourselves to keeping up with the tape on a regular basis and pulling out the corn as we can.


Others have had luck with the solutions listed above that we tried that did not work for us. Others have also had luck with creams, surgery, etc. I did not want to try surgery as I saw the recovery to be almost impossible for us to go through with our schedules and I envisioned it being really painful.

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Thanks for the pictures.


Crap. I'm about 98% sure Calvin has one too. We'll try the duct tape. Right now, he's wearing a Therapaw boot on that foot (which we had for our angel Nick), and that does help on walks. Yes, when he gets done waving his foot in the air, he's doing good on walks too.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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I have been having similar issues with my dog. I am wondering how to know if it is an early developing corn? I have pics but I can't figure out how to post them?



best bet is to upload to photobucket and then click img code to cut and paste, there are also threads on here explaining how to post pics.


Duke's symptoms match what I have read but it doesn't quite look look a corn yet, only that odd discoloration that I posted, I currently have duct tape on to see if it draws out the corn as I have read it can. I am curious to see your pictures.

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looks like a corn to me. do you leash walk him??? if so, what's probably happening is he's wearing off the top layer and the edges that define the corn. i always leash walk my dogs and emily who had a corn or 2 used to wear down the edges and i couldn't hull it w/o the defination. if he wears a therapaw bootie his corn will have the opportunity to grow edge wise at least then you can deal with the exact area if you choose to hull. they do come back. if you duct tape it have fun getting your dog NOT to eat the duct tape. basically the duct tape smothers the corn. but they are to me, very similar to my planter's warts. they take 6+weeks of salisylic acid to get to the root of things. i think the active ingredient in murry st. pharm corn compound is salisylic(sp??) acid.

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Guest LindsaySF
Try wetting the pads - you can usually see the corn better.


If the corn is not too bad, it might just appear as a slight discoloration from the rest of the pad.





Here is a good website (with photos) about corns:






I hull Andy's corns once a month.



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Sure looks like a corn to me too. I would be careful about cutting into it to explore. My vet said that could damage the nerves in their paws. Lexie had to go back twice already cause her corn grew back. The first time it felt and looked like a hard pebble. The second time it wasn't that noticable.

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Guest Adrianne

We got rid of Chevy's corn last year;. it was a long and tedious process. I thought at one point it had come back, so I got the dremel to the spot a couple times. It's been months though, and he seems to be corn free.

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Guest twoskinnydogs

I always hulled Emma's corns. They need to be moist, to do this I had two thera-paw boots and I would soak the bottom of them in corn huskers lotion. This lotion over hydrates the pad making the corn really soft and easily hulled.

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Guest EZsElowyn

Over a month after x-rays, NSAIDS, glucosamine and tramadol, Elowyns mysterious limp continued. I decided to treat for corns because what else was there left to treat. Her pads were very soft and I saw nothing that resembled a corn. There was a suspicious dark speck that may have gotten slightly larger in the center of her pad. I started treating this and magically she is improving. Stopped pain meds 3 days ago and she's doing good! She wants to play. I'm assuming these were baby corns trying to grow. She is less sensitive when I touch her feet. If I have time I have to set up an online account for these pics so I can post them. I haven't seen any pics that resemble what hers looked like.

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