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Guest argolola

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Guest argolola

Rudy lost his sister on Saturday 4/14/12 and is naturally very depressed. He has just started having an interest in eating, however, he has large white chunks that I keep combing out of his fur. It's almost like large dandruff flakes. I wonder if this has something to do with him being nervous and upset. Any info is appreciated. Thanks.

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I am sorry Rudy is having a hard time. My guess would be that this is indeed related to the stress he has had recently. Do you give Rudy Omega 3 fish oil? You might want to either start it or increase it for a while. It can help improve coat quality but also help his system overall deal better with the stress.


All the best to all of you as you deal with your loss.

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I've noticed if my girls blow their coat really fast they get that dry skin. The vet says stress can also cause that. It should go away, but Omega 3 couldn't hurt.

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Guest argolola

Thank you for the input. Does Omega 3 mean a regular human fish oil capsule? Rudy had pancreatitis a few years ago, so I am hoping oil is ok for him. If so, I will start immediately. We just started him on Comfortis tonight.

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Ignatia for a few days to help with the depression. Available at any decent health food store and should be less than $10.00.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
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I am so very sorry about the loss of your sweet Lola. :cry1


Two thoughts: (1) my (angel) Lure had a vaccine reaction last summer. His fur fell out and appeared as you described - with white follicle/sebum goo on each strand. Vet prescribed Sebolux medicated shampoo which helped to wash out the lost fur and follicle gunk. Problem resolved on its own. I don't know that medicated shampoo is necessary; brushing may work as well. In Rudy's case, I would concur that it is most likely a stress reaction.


(2) I had three senior hounds but, sadly, lost two between December and March. To my surprise the oldest Chauncy, now almost 13-1/2 yrs old, outlived the two younger ones. However, after Lure died in March, Chauncy had a canine meltdown. Peeing, pooping in the house. Extreme panting. Visibly distraught and very anxious. I adopted him at age 11-1/2 so I don't know if he ever was alone??


Chauncy was so distressed that he rubbed his nose on the carpet to the point where a dime-size area on the black tip was raw and there were blood streaks (like paintbrush strokes) on the carpet. He was a wreck. I also realized he doesn't hear very well - I think Lure was his "ears." So not only was the poor old soul alone but he also couldn't hear very well.


Anyway, I concluded due to Chauncy's fragile mental state and age that I either had to euthanize him or find him a roommate. So two weeks ago I adopted a 12-1/2 yr old female.


I will say in Chauncy's case, I don't know that he truly misses his old housemates as he never appeared to bond with them - but he is simply one of those dogs who cannot be alone.


Chauncy was immediately comforted by the presence of another dog. He has since pottied in the house a few times but overall the change in his demeanor has been remarkable.


As for Rudy, gosh, it's so hard to say. All dogs mourn differently and it may take you a few weeks to determine if it's a matter of Rudy grieving and/or that he is totally lost now that he is alone. So sad.


Hugs to you during this difficult time. :grouphug

Edited by IndyandHollyluv
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If Rudy has had pancreatitis I would NOT do fish oil or only under the close supervision of a vet! Beth had pancreatic inflammation just under the level of acute pancreatitis and I'm pretty sure trying to give her fish oil was what triggered it. That would be a much much worse problem than whatever is going on with his skin. Besides if his skin was fine before and the change has been brought on by stress or shedding, his Omega 3 levels probably have nothing to do with it.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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I didn't realize Rudy had had pancreatitis when I mentioned fish oil. I have no idea what effect it may or may not have on Rudy's pancreatic function. May want to check with your vet first or just skip it altogether. Sorry you are going through this.

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Thanks everyone. I may slowly start him on fish oil. He has now started wetting on the carpet.



Oh....while I certainly agree with all who have said to check with a vet....the wetting does make me wonder about stress.....


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
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