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Putrescent Big D

Guest BikeBookBread

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Guest BikeBookBread

Chase has been super duper healthy since we switched to Costco salmon and sweet potato grain free. Perfect stools for months now. This morning he woke us up whimpering at 4 am. He was pacing and obviously unsettled and then he did the Big D in our bedroom. It smelled worse than ANYTHING I have EVER smelled in my life. There was a bit of blood in the last "blob" (sorry gross I know) . I let him out and he went again, and then twice after that. It was too dark outside to see it. I will go out and hunt through the back yard to try and see it.

He has been resting ever since. I have not attempted to feed him this morning, nor has he made in indications that he wants to eat or drink. He has not asked to go out, either.

Does blood in stool always warrant a vet trip? Does the stink factor matter?

I am not against going to the vet, but we have sickness in our home right now and dragging puking kids to the vet (and soon to be puking me) is not my idea of a fun day.

Ugh. Why does trouble always come in bundles?

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Call the vet and explain what's going on. They probably don't want sick kids coming to their office and spreading the love.


They may just have you bring a stool sample first if he is otherwise ok. Have you checked the color of his gums?




Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Guest BikeBookBread
1332942281[/url]' post='5203316']

Yes, are his gums a healthy pink, or are they pale? If you push on the gums with your finger then release, does the white spot left from your finger immediately change to pink?

1332941965[/url]' post='5203313']

Have you checked the color of his gums?





Gums are lovely pink, and his mouth is moist. Of course as soon as I posted this, he woke up and stretched. I decided to feed him. He got up right away and is happily eating. I added a spoonful of yogurt to his food. If he has another bout of D I will give him an Imodium.

Edited by BikeBookBread
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If this were my dog, is assume he ate something he shouldn't and takes a wait and see approach. If it were only 1 drop of blood, I wouldn't really worry . It's probably just from straining. Again, keep an eye on it. Definitely try to see what he did in the yard. If it's bloody, he needs to go to the vet. If the diarrhea continues for awhile or gets worse, then he meds the vet.

do try to fed him small handful of kibble or something so he doesn't vomit from an empty stomach.

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My vet is all about fasting for at least 24 hours after D (and giving metronidazole). You need to give their system a chance to quiet down. There is absolutely no need for a dog to eat every meal - they're not going to vomit that fast. I would totally have waited at least until the evening. And I would definitely talk to the vet.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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The smell, when it's really really bad, can indicate infection. Try to monitor that when he does his business outside and see if it persists. If it does persist, you wil want the poop to be cultured for germs, not just examined for worms. (And as was said before, you can just take the poop into the vet without Chase.) It's interesting that your kids are sick too. Makes me wonder if there's a bug affecting everybody.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest mariah

This sounds like a virus that Gussie got a month or so ago. Had to go out in the night and didn't make it out the door fast enough. It was also very evil smelling. We thought it was worms, but then she gave the virus to my parents' dog. I'm pretty sure she picked it up at the vet's office. Flagyl for a few days to coat her stomach and then she was all better. Dunno if that's what it is, but it was definitely something that was going around for a while up here in NE.

Edited by mariah
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Guest BikeBookBread

This sounds like a virus that Gussie got a month or so ago. Had to go out in the night and didn't make it out the door fast enough. It was also very evil smelling. We thought it was worms, but then she gave the virus to my parents' dog. I'm pretty sure she picked it up at the vet's office. Flagyl for a few days to coat her stomach and then she was all better. Dunno if that's what it is, but it was definitely something that was going around for a while up here in NE.


How long did it take to run its course? Looking back I think he hasn't been feeling well for a few days. He had to go out at 4:45 Tuesday morning as well, which now I can see wasn't a fluke.

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Guest BikeBookBread

Chase has taken a nosedive. He was drinking and playing yesterday afternoon, but we held off on feeding him, per the suggestions above after probably feeding him too soon yesterday morning.

Last night he started pacing again, so I let him out. He asked to go out every half an hour to an hour all night long, and then around 3:00 he had a violent bloody diarrhea episode. He had a second at 6:00. We are taking him to the vet as soon as the docs arrive at 9:00.

Very worried now.

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So sorry Chase is going through this. My girls have had this type of bloody and very stinky D many times over the years. But it always went away after a couple of days. I think they may have gotten it from something off the ground, another dog, or something. They have asked to go out on the hour all night long a few times in the past years as well. At the vet, they were ok, but the suspicion was a temporary disruption in their systems. Sorry that sounds so vague. I never had major concern. That is only my story. But the description you gave is the same experience I have had. Now my girls, (just Bella now) have not had that in like three years now.




Prayers up for you and Chase

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Guest BikeBookBread
1333023653[/url]' post='5204230']

So sorry Chase is going through this. My girls have had this type of bloody and very stinky D many times over the years. But it always went away after a couple of days. I think they may have gotten it from something off the ground, another dog, or something. They have asked to go out on the hour all night long a few times in the past years as well. At the vet, they were ok, but the suspicion was a temporary disruption in their systems. Sorry that sounds so vague. I never had major concern. That is only my story. But the description you gave is the same experience I have had. Now my girls, (just Bella now) have not had that in like three years now.




Prayers up for you and Chase


Thank you so much. Your story is very encouraging. And thank you for your prayers, as well.

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Guest BikeBookBread

Heard from vet. They did x-rays and there is no obstruction. (Phew.) She believes it is most likely a parasite. He passed more bloody diarrhea, but he has been placed on an IV and is being given medication. Poor guy... I just miss him so much. He will be spending the night at the vet's. Maybe I'll get some sleep, too... I have not had a decent sleep since Monday night and I'm EXHAUSTED.

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Guest BikeBookBread

We brought him home last night. He is on a very bland vetinarian-prescribed diet, two meds and a probiotic. We are awaiting the stool culture results. He slept all night. He appears rested, but is quite subdued, of course. Poor guy hadn't slept well for days I am sure. The tenderness in his belly seems to have subsided. He is happy to be home.

The only thing I am NOT happy about is the vet bill. Yikes. Sticker shock... blink.gif

Thanks so much for asking!!

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Sounds promising! Gentle strokes to him. Keep us posted!


Don't let anyone get you wigged out about feeding the prescription diet for as long as the vet recommends it. Beth has been on Hill's I/D (what I'm guessing you got) for over a year now full time and has done awesomely by every measure.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest BikeBookBread
1333199463[/url]' post='5205958']

Sounds promising! Gentle strokes to him. Keep us posted!


Don't let anyone get you wigged out about feeding the prescription diet for as long as the vet recommends it. Beth has been on Hill's I/D (what I'm guessing you got) for over a year now full time and has done awesomely by every measure.


The vet gave him Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal High Energy canned. Only has to be on it for five days. It comes back, she said to feed him boiled chicken and rice. I am certainly hoping it DOESN'T come back!!!

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Guest MnMDogs

Poor guy, glad he's back home with you. One thing I want to mention is not to give Imodium if you don't know what's causing the diarrhea. I know you didn't, and he ended up at the vet... But if there's a bug in there causing the problems, you want that out...


I hope he continues to feel better

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Glad you took him to the vet for help, though I understand your sticker shock, and glad he's back home. Hope all goes as planned.


Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest BikeBookBread

Got stool culture back today: HOOKWORM. Ugh.

I need to educate myself on this. He has been given a prescription for Drontal.

AND THEN... his tail got caught in the swinging screen door today! sad.gif Back to the vet. His tail is wrapped at the very end. I have to bring him back in tomorrow to have the wrap removed. If he isn't improving tomorrow, they will have to amputate the end of his tail off. :( It was a very bad gash. We feel SO AWFUL!!! It was just a bad accident.

When it rains, it pours....

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Oh no! How awful. I've never had a tail-catching accident but I just dread it. Isn't one day a rather short time to expect improvement? Greyhound tails take a looong time to heal and need to stay wrapped a loooong time.


Don't know anything about hookworms, but it sounds good that it's a concrete, treatable thing -- much better that than the onset of IBD, I'd say!

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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