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The Never-Ending Track Dream

Guest jupiterooos

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Guest jupiterooos

Track dreams are normal for greys. Obvy. But of late Angler has been having really long, intense ones. He wakes us up at least once a night with the noise. And not that I timed them or anything, but it seems to me that they have become longer. Last night's dream went on for almost ten minutes! Can this be a symptom of some sort? He's got his yearly checkup and vaxes soon, but I thought I'd ask here anyway.

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Guest verthib

Track dreams are normal for greys. Obvy. But of late Angler has been having really long, intense ones. He wakes us up at least once a night with the noise. And not that I timed them or anything, but it seems to me that they have become longer. Last night's dream went on for almost ten minutes! Can this be a symptom of some sort? He's got his yearly checkup and vaxes soon, but I thought I'd ask here anyway.


I don't let my two dream that long. I gently say their name and wake them up.

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I don't think so. I think the older they get the deeper they sleep and dream. Valentino runs marathons lately in his sleep.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Audeamus

I let Gir dream through them. I figure that if dog's sleep cycles are anything like a human's sleep cycle it sucks to wake them up during rem sleep/dream sleep.

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Guest KennelMom

Track dream? What's that? Our never-seen-a-track puppy dreams the same way our retired racers do. I don't wake them up. I don't think we can possibly know what they're dreaming...

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Guest verthib

I let Gir dream through them. I figure that if dog's sleep cycles are anything like a human's sleep cycle it sucks to wake them up during rem sleep/dream sleep.


If they're doing it at 2 am, sorry but I work for a living and need my sleep. They get woken up! :lol

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Guest Ashmore721

Enzo has them pretty often, some longer and more intense than others. I usually coax him awake with a soft voice and a gentle rub on the head. Does he sleep in the bed with y'all or on the floor? Enzo always has one of his paws literally on me when he sleeps during the day and I try to keep one of my hands over him if I can...it tends to help him. I can imagine how difficult that must be, I hope it gets better for you. Let us know how things progress.

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Track dream? What's that? Our never-seen-a-track puppy dreams the same way our retired racers do. I don't wake them up. I don't think we can possibly know what they're dreaming...


Exactly!! ::nod :nod


Our 'Tzu, Rocky, dreams all the time too. I'm pretty sure he has never even seen a race track. Especially since we got him when he was like 5 months old. B)



But, you know, I suppose, it is possible that perhaps, once, when he was a tiny puppy, he might have caught a glance of a race track during his few months of life before we got him. I'm sure it was such a terrifying experience for a tiny puppy that, 11 years later, he is still having nightmares about it. :rolleyes::rofl :rofl :rofl

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Guest Audeamus

I let Gir dream through them. I figure that if dog's sleep cycles are anything like a human's sleep cycle it sucks to wake them up during rem sleep/dream sleep.


If they're doing it at 2 am, sorry but I work for a living and need my sleep. They get woken up! :lol


I work and go to school as well.

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Guest greytkidsmom

Its a little off topic but we like to imagine that our goofy Lucas is galloping through a field of flowers singing "la la la" to himself aloud during his dreams. His dreams are short-lived, like his attention span so no need to interrupt them.

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Guest KennelMom

Our 'Tzu, Rocky, dreams all the time too. I'm pretty sure he has never even seen a race track. Especially since we got him when he was like 5 months old. B)


I dunno...didn't I see a picture of him in a "1/2" racing silk a few years ago? Are you sure you haven't been running him in some sort of seedy underground 'Tzu race circuit?

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Our 'Tzu, Rocky, dreams all the time too. I'm pretty sure he has never even seen a race track. Especially since we got him when he was like 5 months old. B)


I dunno...didn't I see a picture of him in a "1/2" racing silk a few years ago? Are you sure you haven't been running him in some sort of seedy underground 'Tzu race circuit?


That was James Dean. :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl





Yeah, He does seem a bit traumatized there doesn't he. :spoot

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Guest jupiterooos

I know the dreams aren't necessarily about track racing, but that's the common vernacular, so it's what I used :) Angler was an absolutely dismal racer, though, so I like to think of him as winning in his dreams.

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I know the dreams aren't necessarily about track racing, but that's the common vernacular, so it's what I used :) Angler was an absolutely dismal racer, though, so I like to think of him as winning in his dreams.



Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest verthib
<br />
<br />
<br />I let Gir dream through them. I figure that if dog's sleep cycles are anything like a human's sleep cycle it sucks to wake them up during rem sleep/dream sleep.<br />
<br /><br />If they're doing it at 2 am, sorry but I work for a living and need my sleep. They get woken up! <img

I work and go to school as well.


Maybe I cherish my sleep more?  Who knows... but my husband gets up at 5 am and we really need all the sleep we can get... So, if it lasts 30 seconds, I don't wake them up, but when it's going into the minutes and doesn't seem to be ending, yes of course we wake them up.  So the whole house can sleep.  They are in our room, so it's pretty loud.  And because of the "faux running", our walls are pretty marked up!  Oh well, it's only sheetrock. :lol 


Edited to try to figure out what all that funny "code" is in my replies.  Strange!

Edited by verthib
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Its a little off topic but we like to imagine that our goofy Lucas is galloping through a field of flowers singing "la la la" to himself aloud during his dreams. His dreams are short-lived, like his attention span so no need to interrupt them.




Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest KennelMom

Our 'Tzu, Rocky, dreams all the time too. I'm pretty sure he has never even seen a race track. Especially since we got him when he was like 5 months old. B)


I dunno...didn't I see a picture of him in a "1/2" racing silk a few years ago? Are you sure you haven't been running him in some sort of seedy underground 'Tzu race circuit?


That was James Dean. :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl





Yeah, He does seem a bit traumatized there doesn't he. :spoot


that's a great pic :rofl

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Guest Catherine

OFF topic--but my 10 year old boy dog had (only time I have EVER seen this in all my years with dogs) a very clear sex dream the other night. He was clearly humping and humping and he was also clearly excited. It really grossed me out but I figured that well, poor guy has been neutered for 6 years so this might get be the closest he gets so I just left the room. It was one time I knew EXACTLY what he was dreaming of! :gmark

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