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Sporadic Weird Urination Issues

Guest mbfilby

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Guest mbfilby

Loki has some weird urination issues. Once in a while he will urinate for a lengthy period. During the lengthy periods the urine comes out in pulses.


Also, once in awhile he will just suddenly pee in the house.


Last night he was laying on a dog bed beside DW and just started peeing, laying down. No effort to move, no signs that he had to go. He had just been out and peed about 1/2 hour previous, and was awake and alert.


The other pee incidents are not too alarming, but peeing in his bed while awake I find troubling.


He was at the vet two weeks ago due to the long unsteady pees and checked out fine. No signs of infection, no crystals, etc.


He does hoard water and will drink an entire bowl at once. I suppose this could have an effect on the frequency of urination, but would he not make an effort to at least get off the bed?


Weak bladder?

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Guest verthib

Loki has some weird urination issues. Once in a while he will urinate for a lengthy period. During the lengthy periods the urine comes out in pulses.


Also, once in awhile he will just suddenly pee in the house.


Last night he was laying on a dog bed beside DW and just started peeing, laying down. No effort to move, no signs that he had to go. He had just been out and peed about 1/2 hour previous, and was awake and alert.


The other pee incidents are not too alarming, but peeing in his bed while awake I find troubling.


He was at the vet two weeks ago due to the long unsteady pees and checked out fine. No signs of infection, no crystals, etc.


He does hoard water and will drink an entire bowl at once. I suppose this could have an effect on the frequency of urination, but would he not make an effort to at least get off the bed?


Weak bladder?


It's so funny you post this because I was going to post something similar. Angus drinks A LOT... when we notice him drinking now, we say ok that's enough and re-direct him... otherwise he'd just keep drinking. I had bloodwork done and he checked out fine... it also depends on the day how much he drinks... He has had those same loooooong periods of peeing outside where it pulses, and I mean it's LONG... he just stands there like a statue and pees and pees. Now that we are watching his water intake, it's not nearly as bad. He also had one episode in the kitchen where he had just gone out not too long before and we were getting dinner ready and he just stood there and peed.... again, now that we are limiting his water it hasn't happened again. We don't withhold water, we just don't let him stand at the bowl and drink continuously for 5 minutes. I also fill his bowl half way in the crate instead of full. I'm interested to see if anyone else has experienced this.


Edited to add: How old is your hound? Mine is 3.

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Guest mbfilby

Loki just turned 2.


The vet so far has come up empty. No bacteria, no crystals, bloodwork OK. Nothing to indicate infection.


The only thing that I can think of regarding the bed pee incident is that it is -40 here and he may not be evacuating completely in his rush to get back in the house.

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Guest Geostar

Hmmm..don't know on that one. Except that he just couldn't hold it. It is strange that he didn't warn you, though.

Best wishes for you and everyone else who is experiencing some drinking problems. My heart goes out to each of you.

Just wish these dogs could speak...


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I'm wondering if there is a sub-detectable UTI, or ... diabetes? Isn't one of the symptoms excessive thirst and urination?


They're both so young. I hope it's nothing too awful! unsure.gif


Maybe take him to a homeopathic doc?


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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jezz, sounds way to familiar- that's why i tried to start a post on waterholics. watch, talk to your vet and wait. 3 urine checks, one blood work up and now more urine testing and maybe next week i'll have an answer. i did mention diabetes incupidus and lyme or other tbd to my vet(all mentioned here on gt). looking into pitutary gland's function and treating w/ doxy meanwhile,i live in a high lyme area.


i started recording info and watching back in sept/oct. my dog's problems waxed and waned until he started loading up on water after urination. i spent the last 2 days recoding his water intake and output(dh's job).

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Something you might consider causing the problem is a food allergy. I had severe incontinence issues with Nadir several years ago, which included him wetting himself while laying in his bed, that turned out to be an allergy to rice. He had been eating a lamb and rice diet for the 2 years I had him and had had sporadic episodes. Since that time I've found he can't tolerate garbanzo bean flour or fish oil capsules either.

I've had him back to the vet's again recently for problems again. From his medical history and the recent ultrasound results I believe he suffers from Interstitial Cystitis, which involves food allergies, a weakened immune system and an increased risk for IBD. He has been treated for all these issues.

Here's a good website about food allergies and kidney/bladder issues that I've found helpful.




Edited to add that I would definitely begin with bloodwork, urinalysis and also a culture. The results from Nadir's tests and subsequent change in diet helped support my belief that a food allergy was at issue.

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Something you might consider causing the problem is a food allergy. I had severe incontinence issues with Nadir several years ago, which included him wetting himself while laying in his bed, that turned out to be an allergy to rice. He had been eating a lamb and rice diet for the 2 years I had him and had had sporadic episodes. Since that time I've found he can't tolerate garbanzo bean flour or fish oil capsules either.

I've had him back to the vet's again recently for problems again. From his medical history and the recent ultrasound results I believe he suffers from Interstitial Cystitis, which involves food allergies, a weakened immune system and an increased risk for IBD. He has been treated for all these issues.

Here's a good website about food allergies and kidney/bladder issues that I've found helpful.




Edited to add that I would definitely begin with bloodwork, urinalysis and also a culture. The results from Nadir's tests and subsequent change in diet helped support my belief that a food allergy was at issue.


What foods did you find that helped? We have been having very similar issues and still no specific answers. If allergies might be a possibility, I'd like to try a switch. My pup is about 11, though.

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Guest BrianRke

Im going through almost the same thing with Frank. We still dont know exactly whats causing it but the vet and I are working on finding the problem through process of elimination.

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